chapter 7

Blind Beauty


“Monster...” My voice quivered.

“What did you say Chaerin?” Jiyong asked, his monstrous eyes widening.

I pointed a shaky finger at him. “I know what you are.”

Jiyong raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean Chaerin?”

“You say that you’ve been living for a thousand years now, which is when the legend of the monster in the forest came to be. You live all by yourself in a tiny cabin in the middle of said forest like that old lady in the legend described. And...well look at you! Jiyong you’re the soul devouring monster from the story we are all told as kids! It’s you! I can’t believe it!” I slapped my hands on my face. “I feel so stupid! Coming out here to prove that you don’t exist when you really do exist and were right under my nose the entire time lying to me about it! I feel like... I just feel...” Hot tears reappeared streaming down my face as I cried harder than when I found out that I was legally blind.

“Chaerin I-” Jiyong began, but I put a hand out in front of me, cutting him off.

“I was going to tell you that I love you! I was, but now I don’t know anymore,” I cried hysterically.

“Is it because of my appearance Chaerin? Is that why you won’t love me back?” Jiyong asked in a panicked tone.

“No, you idiot! Your appearance does not matter to me. To me, you are the handsomest man I ever saw. Remember when I told you that I wouldn’t care what you looked like when I would see you for the first time? I meant it. Every word. I don’t lie. Unlike you. What really upsets me is that you lied to me all along. I don’t like being lied to Jiyong especially by people I care about. Especially by people I love...” I hiccuped. “Are you going to devour my soul now like in the legend Jiyong? Is that what you were trying to get at?”

“What? No, Chaerin, I would never! I truly did fall in love with you and I still am in love with you even though you are crying before me, repulsed by my lies. Please, Chaerin you have to believe me when I tell you that I’m sorry for lying to you. I’m sorry about everything. I just love you so much. I couldn’t tell you the truth in fear that you’d run away from me. You’re the first woman that I’ve ever loved and I just couldn’t let you go. If you let me explain, I’ll tell you the falsehoods in the legend,” Jiyong pleaded in desperation.

“Fine,” I sniffled, “I’ll give you one chance to explain yourself.”

Jiyong sighed in relief. “Thank you so much Chaerin you won’t regret you decision.”

“I better not.”

Jiyong breathed in then out. “Well here goes nothing. A little more than a thousand years ago, I was a normal human being. I was a peasant from a village on the opposite side of this forest and being eighteen years of age, my parents kept pestering me about finding a woman to marry and have children with. So they kicked me out of the cabin and told me to go to the village on the other side of the forest to find myself a bride. I decided they were right and set off into the forest. When I was about halfway through the forest, where we are now, I saw an elderly woman lying on the ground unmoving. Thinking that she might be alright, I rushed over to help her. I shook her lightly and kept asking if she was okay. The old lady’s eyes finally fluttered open. Relieved, I stood up and extended my hand to her to help her up. The old woman did not get up. Instead she asked why I had saved her life. I told her it was because that I couldn’t just let her die there all alone that would not be the right thing to do. She told me that I had a kind heart, too kind to be precise. I shouldn’t help a mysterious stranger in the forest, bad things could happen, she said. She also said that I should be punished for being so gullible. Before I could ask her why she would say something like that, she took my hand and suddenly my body began to feel funny. I was down on the ground, writhing in pain as the changes started to take place. When the transformation was complete, the old lady pulled out a mirror from her bag and showed me my new terrifying reflection. Disgusted at my appearance, I took the mirror and threw it to the ground. The old woman cackled evilly and told me that she was a witch bent on filling the world full of monsters like me so that she would be the most beautiful woman on Earth. I grabbed her by her cloak, shoving her against a tree and demanded that she tell me how to become normal once again or I’d kill her. She cackledagain and said that the only way to for me to go back to normal would be to-”

Jiyong paused. “I’ll tell you that later Chaerin. Anyway, the old witch disappeared from my grasp with only a scratch on her shoulder. I retreated further into the forest when I found this tiny, abandoned cabin and made it my home. I’ve lived here for a thousand years now, also cursedwith eternal life as long as I’m in this monstrous form. As for the legend, the old woman who told the villagers about me was the very witch who made me this way. She made up that story so that the villagers would never discover what she had done to me. Oh yeah and I don't devour souls either. I eat normal people food. Do you believe me, Chaerin?”

My mouth hung wide open, eyes wide. Should I believe him? His version of the legend seemed to be correct. He wouldn’t lie about his own life, about his own misery. Would he? No he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t lie to me a second time after seeing how upset his lies made me earlier. I trust Jiyong. He saved my life, he cured my blindness, he gave me hope. He loves me dearly...

I raised my head, staring deeply into Jiyong’s demonic amber eyes. “I believe you Jiyong. I believe every word. I knew that legend wasn’t true. I knew it!” A tear ran down my face. “I just knew it...” Suddenly I was wrapped in Jiyong’s warm embrace.

“Oh, Chaerin, you believe me I’m so glad that you do! I love you,” he cooed as he my hair with his bear-like paws.

“I love you too Jiyong,” I murmured into his chest. “I love you too, so much.”

“Chaerin...” Jiyong purred hungrily. I tilted my head up and my lips met his. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his fury arm around mine. I giggled in the middle of our deep kiss. “What’s so funny Chaerin?” Jiyong whispered on my lips.

“Your fur is tickling the back of my neck he he,” I giggled. “But don’t worry, I like the feeling.”

“You’re such a strange girl.” Jiyong kissed me roughly on the lips once more before pulling away.

“Jiyong, I want to know what I look like. Do you have a mirror?” I asked him sweetly.

“Do you think I would have a mirror?”

“Oops, right sorry,” I laughed.

“I can go find a reflective surface for you, Chaerin, if you want me to,” Jiyong offered.

I shook my head. “No, no it’s okay. You say I’m beautiful and I believe you Jiyong.” I shot him a quick smile. “Besides, we have more important things to worry about.”

“Like what?”

I gave Jiyong a serious look. “We need to release you from this curse. If you would tell me how, of course. I will do anything to help you.” Jiyong smiled at me. His smile is so lovely...just like everything else about him.

“Thank you, Chaerin but you’re not going to like what has to be done to break the curse,” he said.

“Try me. I'll do anything for you...”


Hey guys! Thank you so much for the comments and support ^__^ The story is going to end soon, idk how many chapters yet.

So tell me how you think the curse will be broken~

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I have another TopBom fic coming up! /story/view/770880/ This will be the LAST TopBom fic I'll be making~


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Chapter 11: I love it!
Chapter 11: Omggg XD and last i feel it's cute haha..even it's weird to know they Chaerin is pregnant right after... XD
TheBaddestCorn #3
Chapter 11: I am in love with this. It's so weird to see an innocent, clueless about everything Jiyong. He's so cute. I love this story. Thank you so much!
Chapter 11: Loved this!
Chapter 11: Aww this is cute. (:
chaedony #6
Chapter 11: Nawwww this was a beautiful story :) Like beauty & the beast only its like Blind and the beast and this fanfic is waaaay cute and fluffy :D
VIPNinja #7
Chapter 11: loved it ♥
Chapter 11: great story to cure my boredom during this weekend. love this. hahahahaha... i found it funny how she got pregnant the next day, it is hilarious, jiyong was surely had active . anyway, i love the whole plot and how well you written this, it is truly amazing. good job.
NaddyshipsSD #9
Chapter 11: I loved the fluff in this story! Thank you sooo much, i enjoyed reading it!^^ looking forward to ur future works~
cl_jiD #10
love it:) hope you make more skydragon stories:)))