
Blind Beauty


I shifted uncomfortably underneath the wool blanket on Jiyong’s bed, my thoughts running rampant. I could have sworn that Jiyong said, “you already have,” when I told him that I would try and befriend the “monster” if I ever met it. I shook my head, slapping my cheeks with my hands. No he couldn’t have said that. It was probably my imagination. Yeah just my imagination... The mystery of Jiyong still vexed me, however. Why did he fear me seeing his appearance? He seems like he is a handsome man. Maybe he’s like me and believes that he is not handsome in the eyes of others. Yes that has to be correct. Question one self-answered. What about his “dog?” I thought. I’ve caught the scent of something inhuman within the room which I believed to be the scent of his dog, but strangely enough, his dog has never barked. Don’t dogs usually bark when unfamiliar people enter their master’s home? And that scuttling noise of claws across the wood floor... It only seemed to occur when Jiyong moved. Normally I would be able to detect the sound of feet or shoes padding against the wood floor but all I heard were the claws. Odd... Maybe he was “light on his feet” as one would say. Correct. That’s correct, I kept silently telling myself. The dog probably got his vocal cords cut or something. It could growl and whimper from what I heard but maybe it has an inability to bark. Some dogs have that problem right? Yeah that’s right. More questions self-answered.

I’m sure Jiyong has a perfectly good reason for being fearful of physical contact too. Maybe he has an extreme fear of germs. One of my college professors can’t go a second without sanitizing his hands and he wouldn’t even shake the president’s hand if it was offered to him. Jiyong must have the same problem. But why must he be so secretive, so distant? He genuinely wanted to be my friend and was overly excited that he finally had some company in his lonely little cottage, but why act so mysterious? He definitely does not have any evil intentions to hide. Ugh! He confused me so much! Jiyong has to be the first puzzle I will never be able to solve. I rubbed my temples. Stop thinking about him, Chaerin. I’m sure he’ll reveal his mystery to me in due time like in those detective novels my mother used to read to me. Screech! The old door to Jiyong’s bedroom opened the skittering noise reverberated throughout the room once more. Jiyong’s back. Mmm... The smell that came into the room with him was ever so enticing. Thoroughly cooked bacon and a ham and cheese omelet... It smelled divine!

“I brought you breakfast Chaerin,” Jiyong said enthusiastically. Creak! The springs inside of Jiyong’s mattress groaned under his weight as he sat down. He let the prepared tray of food on my lap and placed a cool glass in my hands. I brought the cup to my lips and took a sip.

“Mmm!” I exclaimed. “Freshly squeezed orange juice! So yummy!” I took another gulp of the orange juice, letting the fresh taste linger in my mouth before I swallowed.

“I’m so glad to know you like the orange juice, Chaerin. I squeezed the oranges myself just a few moments ago,” Jiyong informed me proudly. Even though I cannot see it, I sensed the presence of a large smile on Jiyong’s face. “Please try the food,” he urged.

I smiled at him. “Okay.” I placed the glass on the tray and grabbed a strip of warm, sizzling bacon. I stuck the strip into my mouth and tore off the piece with my teeth. As I chewed it, its greasy contents poured into my mouth. Its rich, rough texture pleased my taste buds. “This has got to be the best piece of bacon I’ve ever eaten in my life!” I mumbled with a mouth full of food. I swallowed. “Really, Jiyong, it’s delicious thank you.” Jiyong bounced up and down excitedly on the bed like a three year old.

“It pleases me to see that you like my cooking, Chaerin,” he expressed joyfully. I flashed him another smile as I popped a section of the ham and cheese omelet into my mouth. Wow! It’s like a gourmet chef prepared this or something!

After I swallowed my chunk of omelet I asked, “How did you learn how to cook this well on your own?”

“It’s a secret,” he taunted playfully. Yet another mystery of Jiyong. I finished the rest of my homemade breakfast quickly. I could almost feel Jiyong’s intense gaze on me as I ate my food. He wouldn’t leave me alone. Not even for a second. It was as though he was afraid I’d bolt right out of the room and right out of his life. The weight of the tray was lifted off my lap and place on what might be a nightstand next to the bed.

“Breakfast was absolutely wonderful, Jiyong. Thank you for going through the trouble of making that meal for me I’m really grateful,” I thanked him.

“It was no trouble at all, Chaerin, since it was all for you.”

My face must have turned from pale white to scarlet red right then. “You’re too kind Jiyong,” I gushed.

“Ha now you’re making me blush, Chaerin,” Jiyong laughed. I wonder what Jiyong looks like when he blushes... I bounced a little in the bed when Jiyong got up.

“I’ll run you a bath, Chaerin, and get you some clean clothes. You still have mud caked all over you from last night. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! You still look lovely! It’s just that I thought you might want to freshen up. You know how girls do...” Jiyong struggled nervously for words.

“Oh um okay thanks, Jiyong. I’d love to freshen up.” Why is he so nervous around me all the time? He was standing directly next to the bed, only inches away from where I sat. I felt the warmth from his skin, his ragged hot breath. I breathed in his unusual scent. Somehow I felt comfortable around Jiyong, safe is more like it. His presence gave me a sense of security. Should I? Maybe if I... I reached a hand out to my side. Ah ha! My hand found Jiyong’s warm, bare chest. Wait, why wasn’t he wearing a shirt? Maybe that’s what he meant by “clean clothes;” he’s giving me his oversized shirt. Jiyong’s chest was large, muscular. I traced his abs with my fingers. Jiyong shuddered in response to my touch, a sound escaping his throat. I quickly brought my hand back to the bed. What was I doing? Did I...did I just arouse Jiyong? I buried my face in my hands to hide its redness. I’m so embarrassed! Jiyong cleared his throat.

“Um well...I...” His embarrassment showed itself in his choppy words. Oh God what have I done? I didn’t mean to... I mean I shouldn’t have... Ugh. I couldn’t think of the right words to say. I barely knew the man and yet my hands were acting on their own will. What is wrong with me? Suddenly, my head rested against something warm and muscular and my body was being suspended in midair. I shrieked slightly. Jiyong had swept me up bridal style and now cradled me in his strong arms. The wool blanket was still wrapped around my body like a cocoon.

“W-what are you doing,” I sputtered.

“Carrying you to your bath,” Jiyong said flatly.

“Oh um okay.” I nestled against Jiyong’s chest as the skittering noise resounded in my ears. He was so warm... So inviting... His heart beat rapidly within his chest. His heartbeat became like a lullaby to me. My eyes struggled to stay open though I suppose it wouldn’t matter if they were closed or not. My vision would still be the same... Jiyong juggled me in his arms as he fiddled clumsily with a doorknob. The door opened and  steam filled my nostrils. A trickle of sweat started to fall down from my forehead. It was certainly hot in here. Drip. Drip. Drip. My ears picked up the familiar sound of tiny droplets of water drip dropping into a larger body of water. We’re in Jiyong’s bathroom. Jiyong set me down on a slippery tile floor.

“Since you can’t see I though I’d help you wash up if that’s okay,” he murmured. “Uh...” He chuckled slightly. “Don’t worry, Chaerin, I’ll keep you covered up. I’m no ert.”

An amused smile danced on my lips. “I know.” A ragged blanket was placed over one of my shoulders.

“You can use this towel to cover up once you strip down. Here I’ll turn around so that you won’t feel uncomfortable.”

The skittering noise pivoted as Jiyong turned around. Did his dog follow him everywhere or something? Jeez.. When Jiyong turned around, something also brushed against my leg. Something that felt long and slimy like a salamander’s tail. I thought back to Teddy and shuddered. No it’s not that. It wasn’t that at all... I stripped off my periwinkle dress and my underwear, tossing them to the floor and swiftly covering my body with the towel.

“Okay I’m ready.” More skittering. The warmth that emanated from Jiyong’s chest came back. What sounded like a purr from a satisfied cat rumbled in front of me.

“Wow, Chaerin, you look so cute!” Jiyong gushed. I blushed as I felt his gaze scrutinizing me in the short towel which, evidently, had quite a few holes in the aging material. Lucky for me the holes weren’t in certain places. I was grateful for that much. “Do you need help getting into the bathtub?” Jiyong’s question brought me out of my silent moment of embarrassment.

I shook my head. “I think I can get in by myself,” I dictated.

I turned around and felt my way through empty air to find the edge of the bathtub. At last my hand grasped what felt like the edge of the tub and I pulled the rest of my body over to it. I reached down, my fingers skating across the surface of lukewarm water. Yep I found the bathtub. I hoisted myself into the tub with a splash, clinging the towel to my body for dear life. The tub was small, there was just enough room to stretch my legs out. I sank into the water, my hair floating on the surface.

“Ah!” I breathed, “The water is so warm, so relaxing!”

I heard Jiyong kneel down behind me, his hot, ragged breath on my neck.

“I’m glad it’s to your liking, Chaerin,” Jiyong whispered sweetly in my ear. A moan tried to bubble up in my throat but I swallowed it back down. My heart pounded harshly, eagerly against the inside of my chest. What is this feeling? The sweet scent of lavender floated delicately into my nose. A cool, slimy texture began to graze up and down my back gently.

“I made this soap myself, Chaerin. Do you like it?” Jiyong said.

“Wow you can make soap too? You’re like a real life Superman or something ha,” I giggled jokingly. Jiyong sighed, his breath sending sensational shivers down my spine.

“You are a funny girl.”

I smiled to myself. “But yes I do like your homemade soap, Jiyong.” I closed my eyes and allowed myself to relax to the heat of the steam and the soap my back. My eyes flew open when something furry rubbed against my bare skin. I sat up stick straight in the bath water. Jiyong dropped the soap in the water in panic and retreated backward.

“What’s wrong, Chaerin?” Worry caked each word that came out of his mouth.

“Something furry just touched me like an animal or something,” I shrieked.

“Oh, is that so?” Jiyong muttered almost inaudibly.

“Yes! Is your dog in the bathroom Jiyong?”

“Uh no. Actually I’m wearing those bathing mitts you can buy in the stores.” My mouth widened in an “o” shape.

“Oops! I’m sorry for freaking out on you for a second there Jiyong. Those bathing mitts of yours just spooked me a little.” I let out a deep breath in relief.

Jiyong chuckled lightly. “No worries Chaerin.”

I sank back down into the lukewarm water, my hand feeling around the bottom of the tub for the soap. Ah ha! I handed the slippery material to Jiyong over my shoulder.

“Here’s the soap Jiyong.”

“Oh, thanks.”

The soap began gliding across my back once more. It moved to my shoulders then to the bottom of the neck, my chest and I soon realized that it was making its way down to where my s were hidden beneath the towel. I gasped and crossed my arms over my chest, inching away from Jiyong’s reach. Jiyong retracted the soap.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Chaerin. I forgot it is uncomfortable for girls to be touched there,” he mumbled in embarrassment. Poor thing. I completely forgot that Jiyong hasn’t been in the modern outside world for ten years now. I felt utter pity towards him.

“It’s okay Jiyong. You can, um, not look while I wash the areas of my body that are not meant to be seen so casually,” I suggested, holding my hand out for the lavender soap. Jiyong cautiously placed the soap in my hand.

“Okay I won’t look I promise,” he swore sincerely. I nodded. I trust him enough not to look. He hasn’t made any advances on me so I should be safe from Jiyong getting a wandering eye. I trust him... I gently scrubbed the soap over the rest of my body, feeling the caked on mud flake off of my skin and dissolve in the limpid water. I stood up in the tub, the wet towel clingy to my body. Carefully placing a foot out of the tub and onto the tile floor, I hoisted myself up and out. My other foot landed in a small puddle of water that collected on the floor. I misstepped and slipped, falling towards the tile face first.

“Oomph!” My head banged against something hard and muscular. Warm and inviting... Jiyong’s chest. Jiyong had caught me mid fall and now balanced me carefully in between his arms.

“Chaerin, you have to be more careful!” he scolded me. “If anything happened to you I don’t know what I would do...” Jiyong’s body began shaking. A warm, salty liquid landed on my lips. Is Jiyong crying? Oh my... I patted his chest tenderly with my hand.

“It’s okay, Jiyong. I’m okay. Nothing bad will ever happen to me I promise,” I assured him in a calm whisper, nuzzling my head against his chest. “It will be okay...” I began to feel oddly sleepy. Jiyong kissed the top of my head gingerly. My heart skipped a beat. My body heat increased but not from the steam.

“You’re right, Chaerin it will be okay because I will protect you,” Jiyong declared suddenly.

“Hn?” I murmured. Sleepy... The pounding lullaby of Jiyong’s heart poured into my ears.

“I lo-”

My subconscious consumed my mind...

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I have another TopBom fic coming up! /story/view/770880/ This will be the LAST TopBom fic I'll be making~


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Chapter 11: I love it!
Chapter 11: Omggg XD and last i feel it's cute haha..even it's weird to know they Chaerin is pregnant right after... XD
TheBaddestCorn #3
Chapter 11: I am in love with this. It's so weird to see an innocent, clueless about everything Jiyong. He's so cute. I love this story. Thank you so much!
Chapter 11: Loved this!
Chapter 11: Aww this is cute. (:
chaedony #6
Chapter 11: Nawwww this was a beautiful story :) Like beauty & the beast only its like Blind and the beast and this fanfic is waaaay cute and fluffy :D
VIPNinja #7
Chapter 11: loved it ♥
Chapter 11: great story to cure my boredom during this weekend. love this. hahahahaha... i found it funny how she got pregnant the next day, it is hilarious, jiyong was surely had active . anyway, i love the whole plot and how well you written this, it is truly amazing. good job.
NaddyshipsSD #9
Chapter 11: I loved the fluff in this story! Thank you sooo much, i enjoyed reading it!^^ looking forward to ur future works~
cl_jiD #10
love it:) hope you make more skydragon stories:)))