
Blind Beauty


The first thing most people do when they wake up is open their eyes. I unfortunately am not most people. I cannot open my eyes in the morning and see the sunlight pouring through my window or the dew sparkling on the grass. All I see is nothing but the dark. Every morning is like night to me. This morning I awoke to the smell of freshly made waffles. I sat up groggily, swinging my feet over to the side of the bed to get a feel of where the floor was. I stood up, staggering a bit as I followed the sweet scent that wafted over my nose. Luckily for me there are no stairs in my house or I’d be tripping down them all the time. I felt my way down the hallway. My stomach was cheering me on all the way. Grumble, grumble! My hand finally met the familiar texture of the kitchen table chair. I pulled out the chair and sat down. The waffles are right in front of me. I could smell the warm crisp, checkered waffles and the sweet, sugary maple syrup that was drizzled on top. The fork should be on my left… My fingers touched the cool cutlery. Yeah there it is. As I slid my hand off the table, I felt a crumpled material covered in braille. A note? I traced my fingers over the braille written note which read:

My dearest Chaerin,

Your father and I are going out of town for a week on business. If you are reading this note, we left this morning so do not worry. I did not bother hiring a “babysitter” for you because I feel like that you will be fine on your own for a week as long as you stay inside the house at all times. There’s plenty of food in the house for you and all other necessities that you may need have been stocked up as well. Be careful Chaerin and don’t open the door to any strangers! We love you sweetheart!

With love always,

Mom and Dad

P.S. I made your favorite homemade waffles sweetie enjoy!

I sighed. Even though it made my heart heavy that my mom was probably worrying herself to death by not hiring a “babysitter” for me, I’m glad she didn’t. I’m glad that she finally sees that I’m capable to fend for myself without anyone by my side guiding me like a helpless animal. Mom had suggested that I get a Seeing Eye dog or a white cane to walk with, but I refused. I had my other unworldly strong senses to take me where I needed to go. I even memorized the entire layout of the town I live in. I knew where every crack in the sidewalk zigzagged. I knew everywhere, every turn lead. I knew where each store, restaurant and other buildings where located. My blindness has also given me an eidetic memory and superior intelligence. Not that I think my intelligence is superior to others, I’ve just been told that I have some sort of superior intelligence. I quickly shoved forkfuls of waffle down my throat, finishing my prepared breakfast in record time. Now I can focus on disproving this “monster” theory from the legend that, evidently, is still around today. What people believe today is ridiculous. Like that movie my classmates would talk about often, Paranormal Activity. They argued that the movie was indeed real and that the people in the movie were truly possessed by some sort of evil specter. Right. Things like ghosts just did not exist on ear The same goes for “monsters.” Monsters such as werewolves and vampires were nothing but fictitious horror fantasies that people made up to scare their children and generations to come. This “monster” that supposedly lived in the forest that my house backed up to and ate women’s souls was nothing but a stupid myth. I will prove it once and for all. Tonight I will head out into the forest, an innocent blind girl ready for the soul stealing, and come out unscathed, my soul still intact, in the morning for all of the people in Busan to see. Ha. It’s funny how these people still believed in this folklore after all these years. Though, I’ve never been in the forest before since my parents forbade it so I’ve never gotten a chance to memorize its layout. I could actually get lost in that vast sea of vegetation. I will have to rely on my other senses to get me back out of the forest, I thought to myself as I scrubbed the syrup covered plate with a sponge over the kitchen sink. I’m sure that as I try to find my way back out of the forest, my nose will pick up the grimy, greasy smell of the town. I smiled to myself as I put the plate in the dishwasher. Yeah my little journey will turn out fine I’m sure of it.

I felt my way back down the hallway to my bedroom. Not even bothering to close the door, I stripped out of my pajamas, throwing them to the floor leaving myself clad in a bra and . My vanity should be right beside the window. I shuffled over to the vanity, the shag rug tickling the bottoms of my feet. I felt for a hairbrush on the vanity, picked it up and ran it quickly through my hair. I didn’t have to straighten my hair since my mom said that my hair is what people call “naturally straight.” I reached out and felt the glassy smooth surface of a mirror that was attached to the vanity. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. I hated this mirror. It was insult to me. I knew I could never see reflection in it, so why did it linger here? My parents had told me that they kept the mirror attached to the vanity in hopes that I would be able to see one day. But over the years I convinced myself that it would never happen. I would never be able to see…

Not even surgery on my eyes would be able to help any, so said my doctor. I now relied on other people’s comments about me to know what I looked like. The guys in some of my classes would call me a cute, tiny thing that would be fun to toy with for a night. Sickening. The girls in some of my classes called me an ugly little who just needed to drop dead. Cruel. Of course my parents would tell me that I’m beautiful and special and perfect in every way. But they’re supposed to tell me that, aren’t they? Yeah they are because they’re my parents, my own flesh and blood. My mom told me that I had straight blond hair that hung down to my upper chest. She told me that I was five foot five, and that I had a well-developed chest that girls would kill for and a petite body that even a supermodel would envy. Apparently I also had fair, white skin, a small, cute nose and a well defined face. Sure… I asked her what my eyes looked like when I opened them and she said with a sad voice that they were a faint shade of pale blue, almost a silvery-white color, and completely lifeless. That threw me through a loop. I do not believe that I am beautiful like my parents tell me. I can only believe the worst now…

My clothes were organized in different little drawers and sections in my closet my color, texture and season. Each section and drawer was marked in brail and each article of clothing had a little Sticky Note with braille writing on it telling me which color the shirt or dress, whatever, was. I sifted through the “summer” section in my closet. My fingers ran over the braille words that read: periwinkle spaghetti strap summer dress. A mouthful I know but it helped me better understand what the dress looked like. I took the dress down off the hanger and slipped into it. I smoothed out the bottom which flowed delicately and freely down to my knees. The silk-like material of the dress felt cool against my skin. I breathed in its scent. Mmm it smelled like lilacs… Lovely. Now what shall I do until nightfall? I figured nighttime would be the best time for a "monster" to pray on a girl, like in the movies, so that's when I'll make way into the forest. Hmm... I could listen to a book. Perhaps even go to the general store even though the note my parents wrote clearly stated that they wanted me locked up in the house. A prisoner in my own home…

I shrugged. I’m going deep into a dark mysterious forest in the black of night anyway. I’m sure a quick trip to the general store wouldn’t kill me. I felt my way down the hallway once more and to the front door of my house. I opened the door and stepped out, closing it behind me. The muggy air of the town instantly filled my lungs. The hot summer sun warmed my chilled skin.

“It feels so nice outside today!” I breathed in awe.

I grabbed the railing and carefully walked down the front steps. My parents rarely let me out of the house so this was quite the treat for me. Now let’s see… My house is approximately one mile away from the general store. Convenient enough. I could walk a mile on my own just fine. I began strolling down the warm sidewalk, my bare feet memorizing the textures of cracks and crevices that had appeared there over time. I don’t like wearing shoes at all. Shoes are actually my biggest pet peeve. I feel that shoes block me off from being able to feel what the earth is like while I can’t see what it looks like. Bare feet provide me with the freedom to memorize the cracks, to feel mud in between my toes. It’s a nice feeling, freedom…

Beads of sweat were already running down my arms and face when I reached the general store. It’s so hot outside! Ding! A little bell chimed when I walked in the general store. Air conditioning wrapped me in its cooling comfort. Thank God for whoever invented air conditioning! My bare feet slid slightly on the tile floor. Okay now on which side of the store is the aisle with the ice cream? My parents never let me have any sweets and since ice cream was a favorable summertime delight, I though I would try it just this once. I remembered back to when Mother would push me around in the cart around the store. I would count the aisles as Mother weaved up and down them. The aisle that I felt the chill of the freezers that held the frozen foods such as ice cream was aisle nine on the left side of the store. I pivoted around on my feet until I faced the left side of the store. As I began to walk towards where I believed aisle nine to be, someone called out,

“Excuse me Miss!” I stopped.


“Yes you. Lady in the dress.” A male voice and from the tone of his voice, he must be my age. I could feel his hot breath on my face. He was right in front of me, looming over me in height, clearly. I kept my blank stare staring straight ahead. “Why aren’t you wearing any shoes?” he asked me. Hmm…he sounds a bit annoyed.

“Am I not supposed to?”

The man sighed. “Didn’t you see the sign in the front window? No shoes, no shirt, no service.”

“I can’t see,” I answered.


I waved a hand in front of my face. “I’m blind, Mister.” I crossed my arms over my chest in defiance. “Besides I hate wearing shoes.” I heard the man slap his forehead with a groan. Good. He was realizing his insensitivity towards me.

“Aw man. I’m sorry Miss I didn’t realize you were… you know forget it. Feel free to wonder around here without any shoes on as my apology to you,” the man apologized. “I only work here in the summer for my dad so I don’t really know all of the customers though he never mentioned a blind girl. Shouldn’t you come here with like someone assisting you or something? Like not to be rude or anything just wondering…” Typical someone would think that.

“I usually come here with my mother but she’s away on business with my father so I came on my own today and look I’m still in one piece so I’m fine,” I replied in agitation. People who stereotype disabled people like the blind or the deaf really grind my gears. We’re not all helpless walking sacks of flesh you know. We have feelings. To my surprise, the man laughed. Is he laughing at me?! My blood began to boil.

“Wow you are the brave type huh?” he chortled, “What’s your name?”

“Lee Chaerin,” I told him, “You?”

“Teddy Park. Well I guess I would be since this is Park’s General Store.” Teddy added another small laugh at the end of his sentence.

I latched myself onto Teddy’s arm. “Well Teddy could you please lead me to where the ice cream is?”


As he walked me to the ice cream aisle, we asked each other a series of questions. Teddy went first. “How old are you Chaerin?”


“Hey me too!”

I smiled. “Cool.”

“How come I’ve never seen you around school? Is it ‘cause you’re in the special needs class or something?”

I frowned at his “special needs” comment. “No. I usually keep to myself. I have no friends, so it gets really lonely,” I admitted, “Frankly I have no friends at all.”

Teddy nudged me playfully in the side. “I’ll be your friend,” he said sweetly.

My blush increased.


“Sure. You’re cool enough and pretty damn cute to boot.”

“O-oh…” I murmured in embarrassment. He thinks I’m cute! I cheered in my head. He thinks I’m cute in sincere, no ulterior motive kind of way!

“Well here we are: the ice cream.” Teddy’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I smiled gratefully at him. “Thank you Teddy.” I felt around for the freezer door’s handle but Teddy already had it open for me.

“Which flavor of ice cream do you want Chaerin?”

I tapped my chin with my finger. “Uh chocolate I suppose. That’s a popular flavor.” Something cold and plastic was placed in my hands.

“One container of chocolate ice cream for the lovely lady,” Teddy fake-announced.

I giggled. “Thanks again Teddy.” Latching back on to his arm for support, Teddy led me to the front of the store. I could feel his well-defined muscles rippling under his t-shirt. I bet he’s handsome… Ding! Teddy held the door open for me.

“Wait,” I said, “Don’t I have to pay for this?” I shook the container of ice cream at him.

“Nah, it’s on the house,” Teddy said.

“Oh wow thank you so much for everything Teddy!” I exclaimed, “You’re the nicest friend I’ve ever had.” I giggled a bit on that last sentence.

“No problem Chaerin. So…are you just going home or are you going somewhere else after this?”

“Um it depends on what time of day it is.”

“The sun’s starting to set so it’s like twilight or something.” Wow that late already! How long have I been talking to Teddy?

“Oh, um, well then I’ll be heading out into the forest after putting the ice cream in my freezer.”

Teddy gasped in shock. “The forest? At night? Don’t you listen to the stories about the monster that lives in there?”

I snorted. “Yeah right. I’m going in there to disprove that ‘monster’ theory. I never believed in it.”

“And you’re going into the forest alone?”



I raised an eyebrow. “Uh well it was nice meeting you Teddy bye!” I rushed out of the door even before Teddy could offer to walk me home.

First chappie guys! lol sorry if it's a bit boring OTL

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I have another TopBom fic coming up! /story/view/770880/ This will be the LAST TopBom fic I'll be making~


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Chapter 11: I love it!
Chapter 11: Omggg XD and last i feel it's cute haha..even it's weird to know they Chaerin is pregnant right after... XD
TheBaddestCorn #3
Chapter 11: I am in love with this. It's so weird to see an innocent, clueless about everything Jiyong. He's so cute. I love this story. Thank you so much!
Chapter 11: Loved this!
Chapter 11: Aww this is cute. (:
chaedony #6
Chapter 11: Nawwww this was a beautiful story :) Like beauty & the beast only its like Blind and the beast and this fanfic is waaaay cute and fluffy :D
VIPNinja #7
Chapter 11: loved it ♥
Chapter 11: great story to cure my boredom during this weekend. love this. hahahahaha... i found it funny how she got pregnant the next day, it is hilarious, jiyong was surely had active . anyway, i love the whole plot and how well you written this, it is truly amazing. good job.
NaddyshipsSD #9
Chapter 11: I loved the fluff in this story! Thank you sooo much, i enjoyed reading it!^^ looking forward to ur future works~
cl_jiD #10
love it:) hope you make more skydragon stories:)))