You Continue To Amaze Me

My Perfect Partner And Our Not-So-Perfect Love Life

 | B.A.P's  “Stop It”NU’EST's “Sandy” | 

“Yah Byunghun!” Eunmi shouted as she attempted to reach for the laptop yet again, only to be pushed back down onto the couch by Byunghun’s large hands. He didn’t shove her roughly, only enough to gently push her back onto the couch long enough for him to run to the other side of the room. He made sure to log out of his account and turned off his laptop, placing it behind his back.

Eunmi pushed herself up from the couch and sat there with her arms crossed over her chest. She was mad that he kept such a thing from her. Not to a point where she would yell at him or start an argument, but she wanted to find out why he didn’t tell her he wrote and covered songs. Especially covers she thought were so good.

Byunghun on the other hand tried to cover up his beet red face away from Eunmi’s view.

Crap. She wasn’t supposed to find out about this! Aish, what am I going to tell her?!

Byunghun’s mind raced with thoughts and ways of how to smooth over this situation. But he came up short when the question finally came out of Eunmi’s mouth,

“Why didn’t you tell me you covered songs?” Byunghun bowed his head and scratched the back of it, a habit he developed when he was trying to avoid a question. He shot his head back up and sighed out loud and said,

“Cause I didn’t want you to know alright? Am I supposed to tell you everything I do? Maybe I should text you my entire bathroom schedule too, huh?” His words came out harsher than he wanted them too and he wanted to take them all back and confess the truth after seeing Eunmi’s face fall just a little. Eunmi didn’t think she was being nosey or anything of the sort, and Byunghun’s words came off as if he was telling her she was just that.

“I’m sorry Byunghun, I didn’t mean it like that…” Eunmi’s words drifted off, her face blushing from her childlike behavior a few minutes ago. Byunghun couldn’t stand to see her like this and groaned inwardly, wondering why his pride got the best of him before.

He opened his laptop yet again and turned it on, the screen lighting up faster than before. He gently scooted Eunmi over on the couch and positioned it so that she would sit in between his legs as the computer rested on her lap. Byunghun’s hands wound around Eunmi’s small frame so that he could reach the darn device that caused all of this. He opened the folder yet again to the multiple media files.

“Look, do you see the date on this one?” Byunghun pointed to the song Eunmi just listened to a while ago. It was dated back to nearly 2 years ago. Eunmi nodded and Byunghun sighed before he rested his head on her shoulder and confessed,

“I wrote that song when you and I just started dating. Or heck, even before that.” Eunmi’s eyes became the size of saucers, craning her neck to look at Byunghun. He lifted his face a little and you could see the bright red tint, glowing on his cheeks.

“Y-Yah don’t look at me like that!” He exclaimed, turning his face to the side that did little to hide his red face now that his red ears were visible. To think that the cold and tough Byunghun had a side to him like this one, huh? Then again, this was the only side he ever showed to Eunmi alone.

She looked at the files laid out and she couldn’t help but click on the next file that was last edited a few weeks ago.

Aye girl got somethin’ to tell you

I only want you want you, I want you baby

Hey shawty, my baby - Are you perhaps thinking of me

When I think of meeting you I can’t even sleep I smile to myself

I know you feel the same

What more can I say to be honest you’re the first for me.” (A/N: taken from Teen Top’s “Girlfriend”)

The powerful yet sweet words echoed throughout the apartment. Each and every sentence tugged at Eunmi’s heartstrings. She was so touched by Byunghun’s lyrics and compositions she was left speechless even after the song replayed a second time on loop.

Byunhun’s mind was going at one hundred miles per hour, thousands of thoughts floating through his mind.

Does she like it? Why isn’t she saying anything? Damn it L.Joe, why’d you show em to her?!

Finally the silence was broken and Eunmi asked him,

“Did you write all of these for me?” Byunghun chuckled. He pushed her hair to the side and over her shoulder and kissed the back of her neck sweetly. The touch sent shivers down Eunmi’s spine as it did every time he touched her. He took a breath before replying,

“Of course baby, who else would these be for?” Eunmi bit her bottom lip from suppressing a ginormous smile. She gently set the laptop onto the coffee table and turned around so she would face him and asked,

“And you wrote these yourself?” Byunghun’s blush came back to creep on him and he said,

“Y-yeah. They were some projects I was working on and I wanted to surprise you for something later. Like your birthday, or our anniversary. But hey, looks like the cat came out of the box a bit earlier than I planned.” Eunmi inhaled a small and inaudible gasp before letting her lips curve upwards into a bright smile. She gently pecked Byunghun and caught him off guard, his smile coming back as he asked,

“What was that for?”

Eunmi couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his silly question and replied back with an even sillier answer.

“Pabo, every time you surprise me with more and more things about yourself. And every time you do, I end up falling more and more for you.”

The two were merely smiling at one another, amazed at the person sitting before them. Byunghun wrapped his arms around Eunmi’s delicate waist and pulled her in for yet another candy-sweet kiss.


Byunghun the hall lights and tossed his keys onto the coffee table. He just got back home from dropping off Eunmi and was dead tired from today. After all, it was the first day he woke up before noon and seeing as he would have to do the same thing for tomorrow’s school day, he was just about ready to pass out onto his bed.

He quickly showered and brushed his teeth, getting a quick glass of water when he noticed some light coming in from his living room. He came closer only to realize his laptop was still on. He chuckled at the turn of events today and looked at the file, clicking on a file he last edited yesterday.

A different melody filled the room, the lyrics being sweeter than the other two. He smiled at the unfinished product and made a promise to himself to finish and show it to Eunmi as soon as he can.

Thank god she didn’t click on this one.


Ooo la la ;] what song do you guys think Byunghun is working on for Eunmi? x]

So sorry for such a long haitus guys >_< school has just continued to pile up on me and this was the only free time I had in a while ;_:

Please comment, read, subscribe, and share <3

So glad to have my faithful subbies that are still here >< and any newcomers: “Welcome” :D


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alejandra12 #1
Chapter 15: Love this story cute couple
Chapter 15: I love your story.. :)))) please update authornim so much feels....
Chapter 15: omo, i love this story but why : T.T but still, i'll wait for your update even it takes forever.. Seriously speaking ...
Chapter 15: Ahhh I love this fic soooo much ! Can't wait plzzzz update *^*
Chapter 15: Omg. I haven't read fanfics in months x.x
I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING. I guess it'll just come as a bigger surprise to me
Oh. Yeah. That dongsaeng. WHOOPS.
Is this is sequel or something? Just asking beforehand..
Chapter 13: Hehe aweshum. :3
honeybunsugarplum #10
Chapter 13: i really miss this fanfic.