Never give up!

The Same Again or Real Love??

Bang & Zelo - Never Give Up  :)


Your POV :

I wasn’t shocked when I saw , that school will start in 15 minutes when I woke up. I decided to ditch the first class again. Since I and JongHyun became a couple, everything seemed perfect for me. But since next week we have exams I should borrow the notes from Jia. Now when I think about it, it kinda feels weird to me that half a year is already over.

Later I arrived at school, shortly before the second period. Jia immediately saw me and came over, and talked about how handsome MinHo was. And how nice he was when she ‘accidently’ let her books fell on the floor and he helped her. And and and… I didn’t really listen to her because I was daydreaming about my lunch. On my way to my locker I met my friend Himchan “Hey JaeMi! I’m really sorry because of JongHyun, you deserve a better guy.” he said. “Wuuut?” I said,” I don’t understand”. “Oh! You didn’t know?” he said surprised. “He… he just… he slept with Suzy.” My eyes began to water. I’m usually really tough and strong if it’s about cheating. But my heart was broken thrice in less than a year. It was always because of the same reason: I wasn’t ready for IT. A tear rolled down my cheeks. I was shortly before a breakdown when (the handsome :P) Myungsoo came out of nowhere and pulled on my wrist.

“Not here…” He pulled me to a music room.

Fortunately nobody was there. L hugged me and comforted me. Me and L are best friends since childhood. He was always there for me, even when my uncle died  or when my parents divorced. And vice versa.  It feels good to have such a loyal friend. My sister was never there for me, I always stood in the shadow of my evil sister. I began to form my own family: L, Jia, YongGuk, Zico and Zelo. Even though Zelo’s still a little child he had just been through as much as we. To forget everything we would do music. Zelo, Zico, Bang and Jia really like rapping while I and L like to sing and write songs.

So back to reality, I was sitting on the floor when BAMM! the door opened. I was shocked but then I recognized it was just Jia. In such situations she would always stutter ”J-JaeMi… g-gwenchanayo? Joengmal mianhe, I didn’t know…” I didn’t answer because I was still crying. Jia came over to me and pushed L away and hugged me “YAAAAAH!” he screamed and tried to pry Jia away from me. Kekek, I was so grateful to have them because they always made me laugh in such times.

At lunch I decided to ignore JongHyun and Suzy. I just couldn’t  bear to look at them without to puke. After the last period the principal called me to his office. There I became the second shock of the day: I was kicked out of school. Reasons: I ditched class too much and my mark has gotten really bad.

When I came home,  my mother and stepfather already knew the news. Once again I was punished by my stepfather.

At midnight I sneaked out of my house and met my second and also better family in ‘our’ pub. We are always there, and the owner is always happy to see us. I told the others what’s going on and Bang said: “Come to our school. You will like it and we could even be on the same dorm, you know?” He smirked and added “But I’m really sure that you will come to our dorm, because you are a babo.” I hit him playfully and laughed. Zico, Zelo and Bang go to another school. “Yes, come to us” said Zico. “Then you are at least away from home.” I didn’t hesitate and agreed. Now I only had to convince my parents but this was easy, when they know, that I’ll be gone. Suddenly Zelo’s childish side came and he squeaked ”Jippieee! With my noona it will be much funnier because hyungs are boring!” Of course our maknae was punished by his hyungs but it was still fun. Until the next day I noticed that I didn’t thought about JongHyun. And I was happy ‘bout it.


After the holidays I began to pack my stuffs since I’m already enrolled in the school. With 2 fully packed case I stand in front of the dorm where I would live onwards.



first chappie is up !! Please subscribe, you :P

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Right when i wanted to update chapter 2, firefox began yo fisobey me and went crazy now i have to retype everything. I may be update later.


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shhh_its_me #1
WOW thank you for the first chapter , it decries everyone's personality well :)
update soon ^-^