
I Have A Boyfriend But I'm Married!? -hiatus-


CHAPTER Four; The secret





As Ji Eun's so called boyfriend, Suho came, I've a sense he doesn't like me much. 

But to my surprise, Suho smiled brightly at me just after he glared at me like he was gonna give me a punch in the face. What is wrong with this dude, like seriously.


"Neh, Annyeong. Suho-sshi.." I greeted.

Then suddenly he just kiss Ji Eun's forehead before pulling him and his hyper friend away. This is Ji Eun's boyfriend. What's wrong with Ji Eun's taste with guys, pft.

After that weirdo boyfriend of Ji Eun is gone, Lay & Suho immediately slammed their fists on the table.

"Yah! Ji Eun, explain, you have a boyfriend but you are gonna get married to our oh-so-dear Duizhang Kris?" omg, this unicorn & baozi obbessed dudes.

"Oh-so-dear Duizhang Kris?" I glanced at Lay & Xiumin before letting out a "Pft. yeah right." 

"Kris, ssh! Now Ji Eun, your explaination!" Lay eyed.

"Aren't you gonna say? Our else I will take this bun & throw it in your face!" Xiumin pretended that he was gonna throw his precious buns at Ji Eun. 

"I'm gonna tell Suho, but not now, this is not the right time. I need the perfect time & place." Ji Eun calmly explained. 

"Waeyo? Isn't Suho gonna be more sad after a longer time? The sooner the better, Ji Eun-ah.." Tao gave Ji Eun a O_O look. 

"A-Ah..I-I..Hm..Aish! I'm gonna tell him arraso guys? But! Not now." 






"A-Ah.. I-I..Aish! I'm gonna tell him arraso guys? But! Not now." I stuttured. This few guys, even though they are indeed truely very supreb extremely good-looking, but they are really annoying. 

"Arraso, Ji Eun-sshi. We shall not force you, just go by the flow okay? When the time comes, you must tell him." Chen, the good guy saved me! Chen, I like you, you are a good guy. I like it.

I smiled brightly at Chen. "Neh, definately!" 

"Aish. Arraso, Arraso." Lay finally gave up while Xiumin let out a "Hmph." and continued eating his precious buns that he was about to throw in my face a few minutes ago.


"Crystal-ah! Want a bun?" Xiumin shoved a bun at Crystal's face and giving his very famous cheeky grin. 

I was excepting Crystal to stand up, shout at Xiumin and stomped off but surprisly, Crystal accepted the bun! This is a mircale! Kya ><

"G-Gomawo, Xiumin-sshi." Crystal shyly spoke and took a small bite out of the bun.

"Hehe! No problem!" Xiumin playfully punched Crystal and nom-ed on his bun and once in a while glanced at Crystal giving her his grin. 

"Eh-hey~ Crystal-ah~ Jung MiYoung~ Why so shy?" I teased as I eyed playfully at Crystal. 

"M-mwoh? I am not shy!" Crystal straightened her back and I could see tint of pink at her cheek. 

"Eh? Jung MiYoung is Crystal-sshi's korean name? That is a very cute name!" Xiumin spoke up boldly and look excited at Crystal, while and she blushed again.

I chuckled along with Lay, even though he threatened me a few minutes ago. He is too friendly. 

"Yah, why are you two laughing at?" Xiumin looked at us with O_O eyes.

"Molla." We said and continued laughing like gossiping ahjumaas

"I think Crystal like you." Kris stated the obvious and smirked at Lay & I. Lay high-fived Kris while Kris just smirk at me, excepting a high five but I just smiled at him awkwardly.

"Ani~ We've become good friends that's all! Besides, Crys- Ani, Miyoung-sshi ga is very cute!" Xiumin put his arms around Crystal while she seems like she gotten a heart attack. "Aren't we Miyoung-sshi? keke" Xiumin asked. "Ah Neh, good friends.." Crystal managed a smile. But as her best friend for years & years, I knew that was a fake smile. 



"Bye, Ji Eun." Kris said as he poke my waist making me yelp. "Text me." He mouthed and I glared but nodded. 

"Aw! Let's go back to the class. Ji Eun-ah, you are a cool person! I will text you!" Lay winked and walked off with Kris & the others to our seperate subjects classes. 

"Byebye!" Xiumin cheerfully said and look particulary at Crystal and I made a "Wooo~" Sound, earning a smack from Crystal. 


[After school, back home]






"So have you gotten the money?" I was greeted by three mans that I wished I could kill. 

"Yeah. Here." I handed them the money, the $500 Ji Eun gave me. 

"$500 only? WE WANTED $1000!" The leader, Lee Koo, shouted at me and flinched my forehead. hard.

"I will ask for the second time." I clenched my teeth and said.

"Good boy~" He said, like I was his pet. I really want to punch him

"But what a good girlfriend you have don't you? Lending you money. She has a nice body too. Why don't you...you know.. sleep with her? You're her boyfriend~" The most annoying one, Mark Ri put his arms around me like I was his brother. Hell no. Not in my bloody life, he would be my brother. 

I shook off his arms roughly. "No. She is very kind to even lend me her money. I will not take advantage of her body, no bloody way." I glared. 

"Aigoo~ You don't even love her, we call you to hit on her, get close, take money until we can statifised then you will break up with her. No big deal anyways." The third one, Jiyoung, said in a mocking tone. I'm afraid I might have fallen for Ji Eun.. 

I kept quiet.

"Wait, don't tell me, you like her already?" Lee Koo came closer and said in a very catious tone.

I still kept quiet.

"YAH! TALK TO ME, BASTARD! You aren't suppose to like her! WE MADE A AGREEMENT! You can't, and you wouldn't!" Lee Koo Shouted at me and I cringed a little.

"I knew it." Jiyoung glared at me. 

I took my courage and planted a smirk on my face and firmly said, "I don't like her, why would I? Nothing is worth taking away except money."

"You better don't lie to us, Kim Joong Myeon." Lee Koo threathened.

I smirked, "I'm not lying, Lee Koo-sshi."


"Right, thinking of it, she's skinny like a bamboo sticks." Mark Ri said, high-fiving the others.

I clenched my fists, resisting to punch him and throw him on the ground like a big snow ball. 


Little did Suho knows, someone was following him and have been listening to their convesation all this while...

To be continued...





Author's Notes;  Cliff-hanger much? Take a guess my lovelys~

Who have been listening? Mm, Kris? Lay?

Who? Wait for the next update arraso? 

Bye then, honey pies!  Till next time.

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Chapter 30: hbrvlkjev;hvu!! KRIS!!
Hey, new subscriber and reader here OwO
The story was awesome^^ Keep it up u.u
Chapter 30: Joonie.... Don't be like this! Come one! I might fall for you :3

I can relate with this chapter ... :)
RangerDita #4
Chapter 29: absolutely, julie was so evil!!!! she's so . . . (aarrrrrgghh..even i cant describe her)

Please update soon authornim :)
Chapter 29: damn! Why Julie's even there?!
I thought she has gone somewhere -_-
Jieun, don't believe her!
Chapter 29: No Shiiiiit. Oh nooo why why why?!!! Urgh just how is Julie there with Kris?!!!!!
Ansndnoefd cd k
U_U its not good to faint while ur pregnant >.<
Chapter 29: Finally!!!

Argh... Suho don't be like this, I might fall for you >.< ( I'm also Suho biased )

That Julie!! Seriously, I'm going to kill her. Just let me enter in the story.
Chapter 28: what about her school then? Why pregnant so early? ;_;
but it's okay. I hope it's going to be fine
chominjae #9
Chapter 26: Haaahhh.. finally~ then what about the school? -,-