
I Have A Boyfriend But I'm Married!? -hiatus-

Chapter 20.




"See you during break time, yeobeo." Kris whispered before heading to his homeroom with Luhan, Chen & Xiumin. Leaving Lay, Tao, Crystal & I to go to our's.

"Ugh, school again!" Lay whined as he grabbed his hair, messing it up.

"Well, the teacher is hot though," Tao said, casually.

Crystal & I snapped our head towards Tao, "What?!" 

Lay put his arms around Crystal & I," Well, our Tao-ah is going through some puberty~"

"Yah! Hyung!" Tao pouted.


All of us seated down at our seats, with Tao beside, Lay & Crystal infront of me. 

The door swing opened and in came the hot teacher Tao said so,  Ms Kim.

"Okay class, please settle down," Ms Kim smiled & gather her hair to the side, "today, we have a new student in our class, please be kind and considerate to her."

A her, hm.

"That was so hot," Tao whispered as he kept his eyes on look dreamly at Ms Kim.

I rolled my eyes, "That was hot? Tao, seriously, you shouldn't be liking someone with such a with your age, yo--"

"Oh my god." Tao broke my sentence.

"Hey, Tao, don't brea--" 

"Look! Ji Eun!" Tao pointed his finger at the door and my gaze fell onto the yet familiar and petite figure, walking into the class.

"Yah! That's Julie right!? My eyes are not playing tricks with me right!?" Lay started slapping Crystal's arms before staring at Julie in disblief. 

"Yah! That's hurt you know! But you mean the annoying Lee Julie?!" Crystal exclaimed in disblief too.

Why is she here? 

"Oh my god, this is not going to be good! So not good!" Tao exclaimed, slumping down on the table.

Everyone started to whisper as Julie stood infront of everyone with a smug smile on her face.

"Why is she here?"

"She's so beautiful!"

"Of course! She's a heiress!"

"Isn't she home schooled?"

"Who cares, she's pretty!"

"Please introduce yourself," Ms Kim gave Julie a smile as she gestured towards the class, with all attention on her.

"Hello everyone, my name is Lee Julie, it's a pleasure to join your class. Please take care of me well, hope we can be good friends soon!" Julie said, cheerfully with a wide smile and bowed. 

Tao rolled his eyes & mimicked Julie in high pitch voice, "Please take care of me well!

Crystal & I snickered at Tao's imitation of Julie while Lay gave Tao a thumbs up.

"Thank you Julie for the introduction, please take a seat beside Mr Hyunbin, Hyunbin-sshi please raise your hands." 

Hyunbin immediately raise his hands up straight, with a blushed face.

As Julie passed by us, she gave us a smirk before sitting down beside Hyunbin, giving him her sweet smile, resulting in Hyunbin's red blushed face.

"Yah! Hyunbin, don't you have a girlfriend? She would be so hurt right now!" Tao exclaimed, loud enough for everyone in the class to hear.

"Hyunbin-ah! How would you do that to me?" Lay cried with his best girl voice.

Hyunbin started to look down, causing the whole class to 'woo-ed'.

"Mr Huang & Zhang-sshi, please refrain from saying this kind of mean comments in the class." Ms Kim gave a stern look to Tao & Lay.

"Neh, Ms Kim!" Tao exclaimed, a little too excited.

"Thank you Tao-sshi for agreeing with me," Ms Kim gave Tao her gentle usual smile and turned to Lay.

"What about you, Lay-sshi?"

"Arraso, me too." Lay said with a sigh.

"Thank you Lay-sshi," Ms Kim said and pushed her hair out of her way, "Okay, so class today I will have to hand you out a letter of information that the whole level classes would be going for a vaction on Jeju Island tomorrow!" 

Jeju Island?! Omo, I heard that it's awesome there!

The whole class cheered in enjoyment.

"Please take this form back and fill it up with your guardian's signature along with yours & hand it back tomorrow, arraso?" Ms Kim said as you hand out the letter.

"Neh!" The class answered back.


"Crystal!" Xiumin called out as we just headed to the canteen with our plates of foods in our hands.

"Xiuminnie!" Crystal called back as she dashed to our table, hugging Xiumin.

As we all seated down, I sat beside Kris, obviously.

Kris grabbed my head and gently placed a kiss on my forehead with a smile.

"So! We're going to Jeju Island tomorrow!" Tao yelled, excitedly, breaking our moment.

"We're going to have so much fun there!" Xiumin exclaimed as he steal a spoonful of mash potatoes from Crystal's plate.

"Yah!" Crystal pouted and was about to scold Xiumin but was sealed by Xiumin's kiss.

"Aww!" Luhan said dreamly but rolled his eyes and drank his orange juice.

Suddenly the canteen started to get noiser and we all darted our heads to look at the crowd separating to allow Lee Julie walk through.

"Guess who?~" Lay teased.

"Lee Julie!" Chen yelled, creating laughter at our table.

Just as Julie was about to walk to towards a table with the basketballers, she accidentally bumped into a innocent girl and her plate of mashed potatoes was spilt onto the girl's white blouse.

The whole population of the canteen gasped, except us of course.

"Omo!" Julie gasped as she took out her pink napkin(?) and starting to wipe away the stain on the girl's blouse.

"I'm so sorry!" Julie kept apologising as the crowd gave the girl a disgusted look.

"Yah! Why did you bump into Julie-sshi!?"

"You should watch your way!"

"How could you let a beauty like Julie-sshi wipe your shirt!?"

"Wipe it yourself!"

However Julie didn't even protest to their threats to the poor girl and just kept wiping away the stain.

She was totally loving the attention she've!

Suddenly, Luhan stood up and headed to push Julie away from wiping the girl's blouse and stood infront of him.

"Luhan! What're you doing!?" Lay yelled.




I just can't look at a pure innocent girl get bullied like that.

I just can't.

I stood up from my seat and walked towards the girl, pushing Julie away and stood infront of the poor girl.

"It's none of her faults to bump into Lee Julie-sshi! This was a total accident, so please stop blaming a poor innocent girl who did nothing but by justing bumping into Lee Julie-sshi but in result gotten her white blouse dirty. So everyone please don't blame a innocent person," I said, loud enough for everyone to hear what I had said.

I turned my gaze to the girl, "Come'on lets get you a new blouse at the office." 

"A-Ah? There's no need-d! I can just wash away these stains!" The girl stuttured.

I chuckled, "What's your name, miss?" 


"Name, your name." 

"O-Oh! Hae J-Jung Ah," The girl stuttured once more.

"Arraso, come'on," I pushed her gently from behind from the crowd to the office.


"Gomawo, Luhan-sshi." Jung Ah bowed and was about to head her way but I held her back.

"Wait, Jung Ah-sshi, please be more careful of Lee Julie, arraso?" I spoke gently as my gaze fell upon her doe like eyes.

Jung Ah nodded, "N-Neh, I will, gomawo!"

And just like that Jung Ah rushed off on her way.

How cute.







"Ppali! Kris! We've to pack our bags to Jeju tomorrow!" I rushed Kris as he refused to let me go from the couch.

"Andwae, we're in different class. I'm sad." Kris said, honestly with his eyes just blinking at me.

"Aish! We'll still be able to see each other! Come'on!" I exclaimed and finally Kris let go of my wrists and I pulled him up with all my strength to our room and began packing our bags.


I can't wait for tomorrow!

Jeju Island, here I come!


To Be Continued...


Annyeong peeps! 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I added Luhan & Jung Ah because I felt that Luhan isn't gettiing much attention in the story so yeap!

Please comment and upvote my story if you like my story! 





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Chapter 30: hbrvlkjev;hvu!! KRIS!!
Hey, new subscriber and reader here OwO
The story was awesome^^ Keep it up u.u
Chapter 30: Joonie.... Don't be like this! Come one! I might fall for you :3

I can relate with this chapter ... :)
RangerDita #4
Chapter 29: absolutely, julie was so evil!!!! she's so . . . (aarrrrrgghh..even i cant describe her)

Please update soon authornim :)
Chapter 29: damn! Why Julie's even there?!
I thought she has gone somewhere -_-
Jieun, don't believe her!
Chapter 29: No Shiiiiit. Oh nooo why why why?!!! Urgh just how is Julie there with Kris?!!!!!
Ansndnoefd cd k
U_U its not good to faint while ur pregnant >.<
Chapter 29: Finally!!!

Argh... Suho don't be like this, I might fall for you >.< ( I'm also Suho biased )

That Julie!! Seriously, I'm going to kill her. Just let me enter in the story.
Chapter 28: what about her school then? Why pregnant so early? ;_;
but it's okay. I hope it's going to be fine
chominjae #9
Chapter 26: Haaahhh.. finally~ then what about the school? -,-