
I Have A Boyfriend But I'm Married!? -hiatus-


CHAPTER twenty-four; "I will love the both of you."


[A/N: First of all, I would like to say something to my beloved readers. I have been going through writer's block & its . That explains the lack of update, so finally a idea came up. But from this chapter onwards, they will not be in Jeju Island anymore, the plot will take place two weeks after their vacation in Jeju Island. Please do understand me my lovely readers, jebal? T^T okay, thats all, lets get the story started! ^_^]




"Ji Eun, you look really pale today, are okay?" Jung Ah asked, gently touching my cold forehead. 

I shook my head and managed a smile, although feeling so exhausted. 

"You are sick aren't you, even your neck feels cold," Jung Ah exclaimed, with the word 'worried' painted on her face, literally. 

"I am fine, Jung Ah-ah," I took off Jung Ah's hands from my neck.

"You looked really sick, stop lying Ji Eun ah," Crystal joined in.

"I am not! How many time do I have to repeat!?" I exploded and I felt even more tired. 

"Woah, woah, relax!" Crystal put her hands up, as though she is surrending.

"But if you feel really sick, go to the nurse okay?" Jung Ah smiled and I nodded.

These days, I have been having food posioning with everything I eat, especially when I want to eat something so badly and the next thing I know, I puke all of them out. What makes thing even worse was that Kris is currently in the Los Angeles learning  the needs to be the heir of his Dad's company, skipping school for a good 5 days

"Class, please take out your materials and get ready for lesson!"

Here go class again~



[End of the school]


"Ji Eun, don't mind if I walk you home right?" Suho ran up to me, flashing one of his smiles.

I smiled, "Not at all~" 

"Its been such a long time since I have walked you home, hasn't it?" Suho adjusted his backpack as he talked. 

I nodded, "Yeah, its been long."

"You have always took the car with Kris back and forth to school and back to school, I haven't had a chance until now," Suho smirked and laughed one evil laughter.

I laughed for the first time the whole day, and gave Suho a smile.

As we crossed the road, I was so exhausted that I didn't even look right and left and walked across the road.


I turned and saw Suho running in full speed towards me pushing me far from the oncoming motorcyle and laid beside me, covering me. 

I shut my eyes and blinked them open to see that I was pushed onto the road and Suho was just right beside me.

"Ji Eun! You scared the hell out of me!" Suho yelled. 

Just then, a sting of pain hit my lower abdominal area and it started to get stronger.

"Suho, my stomach..." My eyebrows frowned in pain and Suho started to panic.

"Why? Ji Eun! Why? Your stomach? Are you in pain!?" Suho exclaimed.

I nodded and cringed.

"Damn," Suho immediately carried me up bridal style and hail a cab.

"Ajusshi! The nearest hospital! As fast as possible, please!" Suho exclaimed and had his hands on my shoulders.

"Hang on there, Ji Eun! We will be there as fast as possible!" Suho comforted me and I nodded, holding on to the pain.


"You will be okay! Ji Eun, you will be okay!" Suho exclaimed as I was pushed into the emergency room.




"Thank you, Mr Johnson, we really appreciate your donation to the company," I shook hands with this, Mr Johnson, whom apparently is the owner of a big company, "we hope to work with you soon, again." 

"Sure, I would love to," Mr Johnson gave smile and existed the office with his secretary.

I heaved a big sigh, "Finally! I can ha--"

*bbringg! bbringg! bbringg!* 

I raised a brow and answer my phone, "Hello?"

Why is this dude calling me?



"Ji Eun's in the hospital!"

I jumped up from my chair, "What!? Don't be playing jokes with me now, Suho."

"I am serious! She's in the Seoul Hospital now! Oh shoot, the doctor is out now! I need to go, come here as fast as you can!" 

And just like that Suho hang up and left me in a panicked state.

"Sh*t! I need a airplane ticket now!" I exclaimed and grabbed my belonging and suit, rushing off to the airport.


"Appa? I am sorry but Ji Eun's in the hospital now, I need to go," I called Dad as I waited for my turn to buy the ticket.

"What? Son, you have no--"

"No! Appa, I need to go. Sorry!" I hang up the phone since it was my turn.

"A ticket to Seoul Korea now, as fast as possible," I said and my thoughts were messed up with Ji Eun's images.




"Ji Eun!" Suho rushed into the single ward.

"Suho..." Tears welled in my eyes as I saw him.

"Ji Eun, whats wrong?! What happened? The doctor said you didn't wanted to let me know what happened!" Suho exclaimed as he held my hands, holding it tightly.

Tears rolled down my eyes as I thought of what the future would be like when I am carrying a...child.

"Kris! Where's he?" I sniffted.

"I called him and he will definately come back as soon as possible," Suho sweeped my messy hair out of my face.

"But it takes half a day to get back to Seoul from L.A!" I exclaimed, crying, needing Kris so much right now.

"Its okay, Ji Eun-ah, its okay.." Suho patted my hands, calming me down bit by bit.

And just like that with so much thoughts & Kris on my mind, I fell asleep.



I was wide awake at this point of time & Suho have left , so I was just having the television on, staring mindlessly at the screen.

This..child..Kris and I.. Our child...

I touched my stomach, so much emotions hit me at the same time.

Just then the door opened and it startled me for a second because of the darkness in the room and the light from the opened door and there stood Kris in his suit, his hair sticking out of his head in every direction.

"Kris..." I mummured, tears welled up in my eyes once again.

"Ji Eun!" Kris rushed towards me and threw his suitcase on the floor and held me in a tight embrace.

"Are you okay?" Kris exclaimed, releasing the hug and touched my cheeks.

I nodded smiling, but tears rolled down my face.

Kris wiped away my tears, "Yeobeo, what happened? Why are you crying?"

"Kris...We..I.." I started, not knowing how to tell Kris.

"Its okay, Ji Eun-ah, what's it?" Kris asked as he touched my arm.

"I am pregnant," I blurted out and covered my tears filled face with my two hands. 

Kris let go of his hands from my arm and stared at me.

"I am sorry, if you don't this child, we can abort it..." I snifftened.

"What are you thinking Ji Eun!?" Kris pulled my hands from my face and planted his lips on mine.


"She's our child," Kris pulled his lips away and smiled.

I wiped my tears away, "How do you know its a girl?" 

"I just know it, " Kris smirked.

I smiled and hugged Kris.

"I will love the both of you," Kris gently caressed my cheeks and then rubbing my tummy, smiling.




Author's Notes;  AYO WASUUP.  okay, so hope you guys enjoyed this update!  yayayyyy!

thankyou for sticking with me although I didnt update for quite a while! <3 <3 love love you guys!

-gives free hugs & cookies-

Please give me feedbacks, comments & maybe a upvote? 

have a nice dayy, my beloved readers! byebye! ^_^

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Chapter 30: hbrvlkjev;hvu!! KRIS!!
Hey, new subscriber and reader here OwO
The story was awesome^^ Keep it up u.u
Chapter 30: Joonie.... Don't be like this! Come one! I might fall for you :3

I can relate with this chapter ... :)
RangerDita #4
Chapter 29: absolutely, julie was so evil!!!! she's so . . . (aarrrrrgghh..even i cant describe her)

Please update soon authornim :)
Chapter 29: damn! Why Julie's even there?!
I thought she has gone somewhere -_-
Jieun, don't believe her!
Chapter 29: No Shiiiiit. Oh nooo why why why?!!! Urgh just how is Julie there with Kris?!!!!!
Ansndnoefd cd k
U_U its not good to faint while ur pregnant >.<
Chapter 29: Finally!!!

Argh... Suho don't be like this, I might fall for you >.< ( I'm also Suho biased )

That Julie!! Seriously, I'm going to kill her. Just let me enter in the story.
Chapter 28: what about her school then? Why pregnant so early? ;_;
but it's okay. I hope it's going to be fine
chominjae #9
Chapter 26: Haaahhh.. finally~ then what about the school? -,-