
I Have A Boyfriend But I'm Married!? -hiatus-


chapter twenty-two; jeju island part 1







“Aigoo! Why do we have to,” Crystal let out a yawn before continue her nagging, “wake up so early! This is supposed to be a vacation!”

“An educational vacation to be more specific,” Jung Ah sighed and began packing her little sling bag while rushing back & forth grabbing her stuffs.

“Well, what can we do? A free vacation for us to enjoy is not likely to be provided by the school, don’t you agree?” I smirked and sling my arms around Jung Ah as she was rushing around too much.

Crystal gave me a thumbs up, “That’s very right, Ji Eun-sshi.”

“Y-yeah!” Jung Ah managed to say in the midst of packing.

“Gosh! Jung Ah! Stop rushing, there’s no rush!” I yelled as tighten my grip on her shoulders.

Jung Ah laughed awkwardly and nodded her head.

Just as the three of us were in a conversation, Julie came out from the bathroom wearing a long sleeved shirt and a mini skirts, but what’s wrong with her chosen clothes is that there was a slit just right above her shirt exposing her cleavage.

Crystal raised her head about to say something but face-palmed instead at the sight of Julie.

“There’s nothing to stare at girls, nothing to be envy of,” Julie snickered and walked towards her bed and began preparing her purse, which was even more wrong for a vacation.

“We, are not envy of anything actually…Julie-sshi,” Jung Ah spoke as she zipped her bag close.

I could see Julie’s face darkened, “Oh really?”

Crystal suddenly laughed loudly & sarcastically, “Oh, yes! Let’s go now! Julie, you can you’re your time~”

“You! Crys—“ Just as Julie was about to say something, Crystal slammed the door and we headed to the lobby.


“Room 102, Hae Jung Ah, Jung Miyoung, Zhang Ji Eun & Lee Julie?” Ms Kim spoke as she looked up from her lists.

“Jung Ah, Miyoung & Ji Eun here!” I yelled as the three of us rushed infront of Ms Kim.

“Where’s Lee Julie?” Ms Kim questioned as she tick off our names and look back at us.

“Ah! Lee Julie’s still preparing!” Crystal blinked her eyes at Ms Kim.

“Aigoo, okay!” Ms Kim shook her head and smiled at us.

“Ms Kim, I’m here!” Julie came running towards Ms Kim with her ies bouncing up & down.


Woah, look! It’s Julie”

“I know right! She’s really a beauty!”

“She’s not, look at her, wearing such clothes for a vacation!?”

“Yah! Girls are just jealous of her!”

“Well, then boys shall die by lose of blood with nosebleed looking at her!”

“Stop nagging!”

“She’s a beauty!”

Hearing the murmurs of the crowd, I turned my head and here she’s again.

 “Oh god, here she’s again,” I whispered, making a face.

“Look at those melons,” Jung Ah whispered back, looking disgusted.

Seriously, look at those melons go!

“Bouncing around, wooo!” Crystal literally jumped on the spot, causing laughter among us.

“What’s bouncing around?”

“Mwoh!?” The three of us said in usion ,shocked.

We were greeted by EXO M as much more people crowded around us because of the presense of EXO M.

“Hi!!” Tao greeted excitedly, waving his hands.

“Annyeong!” We greeted back, chuckling.

“Morning, my wife!” Kris hugged me from behind and rested his head on my shoulder creating screams from the crowd.

“They are so cute!”

“No! She’s stealing my Kris away!”

“Stop your nonsense already! They’re married, you’ve no choice and just ship them!”

“Kris really loves her anyway!”

“Haish, fine!”

A smile creep onto my face as I heard the murmurs again, which was finally turning positive at last.

“Finally huh?” I asked Kris.

“Mm, finally, but I don’t care what they think as long we’re together,” Kris removed his arms around my waist and opened his arms wide dramatically, “and we love each other.”

I hit Kris’s arms, “Aish! You, could you please don’t embarrass me?”

“Mm, nope!” Kris snickered.








I looked over at Ji Eun & Kris and a sting of jealousy hit me.

Hey! Don’t judge me, it’s not because I like Kris or anything, I just wished to have a love just like Ji Eun & Kris have.

“Jung Ah?”

I turned and saw Luhan standing there, looking really good.


“Annyeong,” Luhan said and laughed.

I smiled, “So..”

“Excited for the trip today?” Luhan asked, getting rid of the awkward astomsphere.

“Yeah, totally, I heard we are going to the ‘Teddy Bear Museum’?” I smiled back.

Luhan nodded and there was a silence.



“Here’s my number,” Luhan passed me a note with a number scribbled onto, “just call me when your free.”

Just as I was about to thank Luhan, Ms Kim spoke up.

“People please gather accordingly to your classes please, we’re going off soon.”

“See you later then, Jung Ah!” Luhan waved.

I waved back and was nudged by Ji Eun, “You and Luhan?”

“No!” I exclaimed, flustered.

Ji Eun smirked but nodded, “Arraso!”










Finally we are at the very famous, ‘Teddy Bear Museum’ in Jeju Island.

“Wah, look at these little bears!” I exclaimed, pointing towards the little teddy bears inside glass boxes.

“Okay, class, we’ll have the teddy bear expert, Mr Rin to explain the history of these teddy bears!” Ms Kim said as a well built man in his 30 – 40 stood beside her with a smile.

“Okay, so as you can see here is very famous Marilyn Monroe bear,” Mr Rin gestured to a teddy bear wearing a a white dress and even have the same exact mole as Marilyn Monroe.

“Wah, it really looks like Marilyn Monroe, but the bear version!” Some students in my class exclaimed.

“Yes, that’s the point,” Mr Rin chuckled and move on to more of the teddy bears collection.






As time goes on, we have seen many teddy bears, including the Mona Lisa, Beatles, Titanic, even the famous k-drama, Goong characters teddy bears. But my favourite is the dancing and moving teddy bears, so adorable!


And now, we’re having our break to buy some teddy bears sounviers.

“Omo, there are so many how am I going to chose which to buy!?” Crystal exclaimed as she stood there in awe with the wide shelves of teddy bears.

“Just buy one that looks like Xiumin!” Jung Ah said and smiled sweetly.

“Nah, he looks more of a bun then a teddy bear,” Crystal said, tease-ly.

I chuckled and looked back at the wide variety of teddy bears.

Mm, how am I going to choose one…

I glanced through all the shelves of teddy bears before when I spotted one, and that’s when I knew that’s the one.

“Crystal! Jung Ah! I found the one I want!” I exclaimed loud enough for them to hear.


“Which one?”

“This!” I proudly showed off a teddy bear wearing a blue scarf with a skull shirt and wearing a black framed glasses.

“Wah, nice taste Ji Eun-sshi,” Jung Ah smiled and touched the teddy bear.

“Mm!” Crystal nodded her head in approval.





As we all bought our sourveinrs, we were told to gathered at the entrance of the museum.

“So class have you enjoyed our trip to ‘Teddy Bear Museum’?” Ms Kim asked.


“Of course!”

“Great, but most importantly is what have you learnt? Anyone mind to share?” Ms Kim asked again with a warm smile.

“See, this isn’t just a vacation, it’s a educational vacation, ugh.” Crystal grunted and crossed her arms.

“I told you,” Jung Ah sighed and crossed her arms too.

“Well, that’s what schools do.” I managed a smile.

“Zhang Ji Eun? Would you mind to share what you have learnt?” Ms Kim suddenly called out.

Did. She. Just. Called. My. Name?!

Oh no, this’s so not good!


Everyone’s eyes is on me!

“Well, I learnt that the teddy bear got its name from the 26th U.S President Theodore Roosevelt in November 1902 when he was hunting in..erhm..”

I forgetten what’s next! Ah!

Suddenly, Lee Julie raised her hands up high.

“Ms Kim, I shall continue what Ji Eun-sshi have said, in Mississippi and he failed to make a kill so his hosts caught and tethered a bear, presenting to him as a target but he refused.”

Everyone clapped and Ms Kim smiled, “Thank you Lee Julie for helping your classmates in need!”

Julie gave me a smirk and smiled back sweetly to Ms Kim.

“Look who’s wonder woman to save the day?” Crystal said scarscatically and raised her brows.

Oh gosh, what’s there more to come…




Author's Notes;   Anneyong honey pies and marshmallows, it have been awhile since I've updated! So here it's! 

Please do comment ur feedbacks and tell me how you feel about this new story layouts,which I am in the midst of editing! Gomawo!

And as many have choosen, you would like me to continue a new story with the current couples beside KrisxJiEUn! 

So please to do this poll on which you prefer, thankyou and till next time, byeeee! <333




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Chapter 30: hbrvlkjev;hvu!! KRIS!!
Hey, new subscriber and reader here OwO
The story was awesome^^ Keep it up u.u
Chapter 30: Joonie.... Don't be like this! Come one! I might fall for you :3

I can relate with this chapter ... :)
RangerDita #4
Chapter 29: absolutely, julie was so evil!!!! she's so . . . (aarrrrrgghh..even i cant describe her)

Please update soon authornim :)
Chapter 29: damn! Why Julie's even there?!
I thought she has gone somewhere -_-
Jieun, don't believe her!
Chapter 29: No Shiiiiit. Oh nooo why why why?!!! Urgh just how is Julie there with Kris?!!!!!
Ansndnoefd cd k
U_U its not good to faint while ur pregnant >.<
Chapter 29: Finally!!!

Argh... Suho don't be like this, I might fall for you >.< ( I'm also Suho biased )

That Julie!! Seriously, I'm going to kill her. Just let me enter in the story.
Chapter 28: what about her school then? Why pregnant so early? ;_;
but it's okay. I hope it's going to be fine
chominjae #9
Chapter 26: Haaahhh.. finally~ then what about the school? -,-