Chapter 2

I love with the enemy

“Ever been in an urgent mission before?” Youngbae asked as he and Seunghyun were driving to their secret area. They were both dressed in black attire with boots, bullet proof vest, gloves and a belt with amino.

Seunghyun smirked,  “Sure did.” He said as he looked out the window as the dark trees were flying past them. Youngbae was driving that fast. “During training, we were always on calls everywhere—24/7.”

“Ah.. the chief even mentions that you’re still a ROOKIE!” smirked Youngbae

“Hey. I’m not that the people who only got 30 men, as I got a whole boat of them.”

“Touche.” Youngbae said. “But just be careful,  this one is quite criminal. Even though she’s a woman, she may have lots of tricks up her sleeves.”

“Seems you know a lot about her.” Seunghyun commented.

Youngbae smiled, “It’s like a feeling, once I see a person, I tend to know who they are from their image.”


The Queen B walked in an empty abandon warehouse with 50 of her men, next to her is Daesung, wearing a mask that merely covered his nose and mouth—all men were wearing the same as it protects their identity.

In front of them were 30 but strong and tall built guys all wearing business attire. But one small one stood out the most.

“Queen B?” he asked.

She nodded, “Ryu-san?” she asked using polite Japanese identification.

Ryu smiled in delight and bowed, “It’s been a while, my Queen. I appreciate you doing lovely business--“

“Cut the crap, I want the money NOW.” Yoobin roared, sending in shivers down his spine. She was never there for small talk, what she need and wants is what she gets

He slightly chuckled, a little startled, but nodded, “Y-Yes…” Ryu snapped his fingers for one of his men to step forward pulling out a

Nervous, one of the tall men set down a duffle bag in front of her. Yoobin took a glimpse of him then the bag. Using her foot, she slightly kicked the bag, making it shift the weigh.

She stared straight at Ryu who was sweating in nerves. “I-Is something the matter, Queen?” he said as he gulped.  

“You gotta be sh.tting with me here..” Yoobin said, as she walked around him in a seductive way, using her fingers, lightly tapping his shoulders then standing behind him.

Ryu’s men, as big and tough looking as they were, stood in fear. “W-What…” he said.

She whispered against his ear, “Don’t make me snap my fingers for me to kill you in a second, Ryu.” Yoobin then kicked  the back of his legs making him kneel down then screaming in pain. As his men were about to attack her, Yoobin pulled out her gun towards them.

“Recount the money, it’s not what I’ve asked for!” she roared.

Ryu eyes grew wide.  “I-I…!!!”

“I said, RECOUNT IT, or I’ll shoot you and your men.” Yoobin threaten.


“So…it’s here?” Seunghyun said.

They both have reached a small area, abandon from the city. Him and Youngbae were prepping up their weapons.

Youngbae nodded as he attached a small knife to his boot. “What did you expect? A lighted sign with ‘hey, we’re gangs, arrest us!’” said Youngbae.

“That’s not what I meant…” said Seunghyun but Youngbae chuckled.

“I’m kidding, rookie.” Youngbae smiled.

Seunghyun frowned, Now he’s calling me that?! “Yah..that’s not my—“

“Listen up! Both of you go are assigned to go to the warehouse. Seunghyun, since this is your first mission, stay up on the roof until needed. Youngbae, do the same then attack down! An explosion is your que to go!” yelled the lieutenant over the radio.

“Sir, yes, sir!”     they both said in usion.

“Seunghyun, as you stay up on the roof, use your special ability. You know what to do.” The lieutenant said as he beep off the radio.

Youngbae looked at him in confusion, wondering what he meant. “Special Ability?”  he asked


Seunghyun smirked and pulled out a rifle from the case behind them,

“You think I’m a rookie now?


…...I’m actually an elite sniper.”


“It’s a h-hundred s-short…my Q-queen.” Ryu nervously said as he got up, “How...?”

“I knew from kicking the bag, such a worthless person like you wouldn’t know, would you?...” Yoobin stated, “…Trust me. I have dealt with gangs all my life, Ryu. So…Where would I get this extra hundred?”

“A-ah…how about this…I’ll give you all of this and one of what we have talked about before.” Ryu said, hoping that she will agree.

Yoobin titled her head, “A compromise?...” she glared at him, “You actually are trying to have a compromise with me, even though you miscounted from the 15 million I’ve asked?”

She walked close to him and placed the gun in the middle of his forehead. “Why can’t I just use your head?”

Ryu in his breath, “P-please…I will only ask for o-one..”

Letting go of her gun, Yoobin said coldly, “Alright.” Turning around, she informed one of her men, “Give it to me.”

One of her men quickly stood between them placing a small table and then placing a large suitcase, where Yoobin opened up the latch revealing a small gold revolver gun.

“Here is only one.” She said as she pulled it out, “This here is a pure gold gun, inside has 6 incrusted diamond bullets; only 2 in the world. This can penetrate 2 persons in one shot.”

Ryu nodded, taking his hands out to touch the gun in amazement. But Yoobin lifted the gun from his hands, “The money first.”

“A-ah yes..”  he said, pulling the bag in front of her as one of Yoobin’s men took it from him.

Yoobin did a small smile as she titled her head, “I thank you for this transaction…” She stated.

Ryu nodded, “It..was my pleasure. And again, I apologize greatly for this, the g-gun..?” but was cut off short by Yoobin as she raised the gold gun towards him.

“Queen B?” He said, “ Please..not this again—“

“Are you trying to trick me?...You need to do better than that…Ryu.


 Or should I say, OFFICER?”



Youngbae smirked, “Don’t be falling asleep on me, rookie.”

They were both sitting up on one of the building paralleled to the main building, where all the action was taking place. All they had to do it wait for the signal.

Seunghyun frown, “Stop with the ‘rookie’!...I’m a sniper too you know.!” He said showing his gun for the millionth times.

But Youngbae merely chuckled. “Yes. I know…just calm down. We’ll get there soon…Mr.Sniper…the rookie.” He said, chuckling as he walked off to the far end of the roof. It sad that it was only two of them there.

Seunghyun stood and walked after him, “..Hey!”

But until he was about to say something, someone yelled on their radio as a huge explosion burst out in flame in the building next to them, causing them to duck cover.



Yoobin smirked,  “Well..Mr. Officer, you done two bad things today.”

On his knees once again, Ryu gulped in sweat. “…Why..How?”

Yoobin bent over, smirking, “.hrmm? This whole time your men did nothing. Just watched poor little you doing all the talking. What kind of men did you hire, Ryu? Wannabe cops? “


“….are now dead.” Yoobin stated as they both heard a loud slump and moan.

But before Ryu turned around, Yoobin angled the golden gun at his face,” I have 60 men with me here, only 50 appear before your eyes. You need to be much more careful if you want to deal with the big guys—or should I said girl?...Let me see how powerful this gun is..”

As Yoobin pulled the trigger to kill him, Ryu smirked, “I am not the only one who made a mistake…my Queen.” He pulled out a device and pressed the button.


An explosion blasted off both side of the warehouse, making Yoobin fly backwards. “Queen!!” she heard Daesung yell.

Helping her up, Yoobin tried to shake her head, getting herself back together. As she stood up, she noticed that most of her men were lying on the ground unconscious and even some lifeless. The whole warehouse was on fire as smoke were taking over her lungs

She yelled “ALL of you RUN!, Pull down your masks and Take those that are unconscious with you, carry them out of here now!!”

About half of the men nodded, trying to pick each other up and raced for the entrance they came in from. Following them back to the door,, she heard gun shots…not just gun shots, but slient ones.

She widen her eyes, “ A sniper?” Yoobin said, turning back around, “Go back!!!” but before she did, all them laid lifelessly on the ground.

Anger consumed her, “NO!”


“Hey! Are you alright?”

Youngbae shook his head, “Y-yeah..”

“It’s starting! We need to be in our post now!” Seunghyun tugging on his sleeve.

He sat up straight almost forgetting where he was, Youngbae ran next to Seunghyun and took out his gun.

In a matter of seconds, crowds of people started to run out of the building. Youngbae remembered what their lieutendent was telling them, those that run out, shoot.

*Bang bang!

Youngbae’s ears started to ring again and it’s not from the explosion but from Seunghyun’s gun. He was already killing.

Seeing the people below, he noticed that Seunghyun was doing all head shots. “What…?”

“Yah…you gonna just stand there, Young bae?” Seunghyun mocked. “ Or….I be happy to do all the work.”

But Youngbae smirked pulling out his rifle and started to shoot, also doing some head shots as well.

Seunghyun smirked, “Not bad…”

After a few rounds, Youngbae shot his last bullet and as he was about to get another refill, he glanced at one man who just fell over from Seunghyun’s shot, he noticed that all of them were wearing a particular mask…then he gasped.


“Nothing…I’m going down there!”

Pulling down his gun, Seunghyun exclaimed, “WHAT?!...we are supposed to stand here!”

“Yeah, but I was also registered to go down!..Stay here, I’ll go down and DON’T shoot me!”

Seunghyun tried to grab him back but Youngbae already ran out the door down the stairs, “ARGH. Waitt!!!” he said following after him.



“We got to find another way out of here!” Daesung said. After they reached back into the entrance. Some of the men already risk their lives running outside and heck, he didn’t even want to know how many of them were dying.

“There’s an opening out in the back!” Yoobin said as they all ran to a heap of debris, pushing their way through, there was a small opening outside.

Standing on the side, Yoobin push Daesung first, “You go lead the men back to the estate, be careful of the snipers and make sure no one is following you!”

 “But how about you?” Daesung said.

“Don’t worry about me. Just go!...I have to settle with something here. "

Yoobin ran back inside reaching into the same area they entered in before the police came, she cracked open the floor reaching in solid blocks of clean money wrapped in fire proof wrapping. She smirked, “These dumb a.sses don’t know who they are messing with..especially…” she stopped, feeling something metal against her head, “…the police.”

A gun was pressed hard against the back of her skull. Not bothering to turn around she carefully stood up, in front of them a burning log fell down, causing more smoke to come in their way.

She merely chuckled, “You know….you don’t have to press the gun so hard against my head…..


Dong Youngbae.”




“YAH!...YOUNGBAE!” Seunghyun screamed as he was in the burning building. Sh..t! This place is gonna fall!...where the heck is he?!

Around the area, from what he could see was two blurry figures fighting against each other. “ that?” he said but then started coughing. The fumes were just too much as he fell  on the ground.

No….I can’t! ..I can’t die…here.


Youngbae  merely laughed. “ don’t have to say my name so casually, Queen B.

Yoobin turn around, still having the smirk on her face. “..It’s been a while. Didn’t you miss me?”

“…Surely I would have asked you to send me a postcard..” Youngbae tanted.

“I would…” She kicked his arm up, letting go of the gun fly up in the air but Youngbae tried to reach it, but was brought down by Yoobin’s body, slamming him in to the ground., “…if you had asked nicely..I probably sent you a souvenir..but sadly I forgot..” pouted Yoobin.

Struggling with her, Youngbae stopped moving, “..G-Get off me!”

She gripped both his arm above his head and smirked, “Looks like someone needs to focus on their strength. ..Tell me, how you know it was me?”

“The men…they had masks.”

“Oh? So you do pay attention.” Yoobin said then jumping off of him.

Taking a breath, Youngbae got into a fighting stance, “Not that I care about fashion statements but…it is noticeable.” He said as he charged at her.

Taking a round house kick, Yoobin blocked it with her arm and wrapped it around his leg then stepping it on his standing leg, causing him to fall back.

“Even though your strength is bad, your actions are worse.” Yoobin said as she smirked, ducking for another of his punches, “You need to train more, my poor boy!”

“Yah! Stop telling me that!”

Yoobin smirked, “You’re funny when you’re mad.” She said as she kicked him to the side, so hard that it knocked him out of the building outside.

“Stop being a softy on me, I know you can do better Youngbae.” Yoobin called out from the building then walking back to revicieve her prize.

But something afar caught her attention…





Seunghyun felt something whack his head then made a groaning sound. A woman’s voice?...I know it’s not my mother..

“….My My. Not responding? Should I just kill you?”

Seunghyun eye’s opened quickly and looked up. He saw the most beautiful dark brown eyes he ever seen in his life. Her factual structure was small but lovely and her hair was long past her hips…but

Red hair…blond streaks?

He quickly stood up close to her, “You….” Seunghyun stated, nerviously.

She titled her head and pointed to herself, “…me?”

“Queen…B” he whispered.


“…Youngbae. You alright, boy?”  the chief called out.

Stirred in his mind, Youngbae woke up in pain. “Ah..”

“Be careful! Are you alright?”

Youngbae nodded and looked around, “….what?”

“It’s still the same night. We saw you come flying in from that wall.” He pointed and sure enough, there was a hole, almost shaping his size. “You took a big blow from there..What did you do?”

Trying to regain his memory, “Queen..B..” he said then he yelled, “QUEEN B! She---“

“What? You came in contact with her? What did she---“

“No wait..” Youngbae interrupted, “Where’s…Seunghyun?”

The chief shook his head, “No idea. The lieutendent call me in saying that they found you here---hey wait!”

Youngbae got up and ran with a gun in his hand, if Seunghyun is missing then he know where to find him.


“Ah…so you talk.” She said.

Seunghyun gulped but watching her every move.

She smirked, “You don’t have to be that scared of me…I’m no monster really.”

But Seunghyun glared, “But you are.” he said balling his fist.

“What?” She said, offended as she stared at  him eye to eye. “Say that again---“

A  gun shot fired between them as both quickly stepped back, not bothering to look, she smirked, “Well, Well…looks like you got another savior.”

“Get. Away.From. Him” Youngbae said.

Yoobin gave him a small smirk, “Your partner? Too bad, he’s kinda handsome.  But I guess looks may be deceiving…Until next time I'll see you later, Officers.” She winked then whispering, “Choi Seunghyun.” Then running off in the dark, leaving Seunghyun shocked.

Youngbae was about to shoot again but his gun failed as it was out of bullets. “Damnit…”

Looking at Seunghyun, “You alright?” Youngbae asked, “Did she do anything?”

He shook his head, as if nothing did happen, “She…Queen B?”

Youngbae nodded, “Y-yeah…that's her. Are you sure she didn’t do anything to you?”

“She….” Seunghyun wasn’t sure how to explain it but it was weird, a woman like that was surely different.

“Queen B saved my life.”



Yoobin raced into her bathroom, open the toilet and threw up.

“Ugh…” She groaned as she slumped against the wall. Its been a while since they were ever attacked like that.

“Wasn’t that…just a great welcome party for me.” She muttered under her breath.

“Are you alright?!” Daesung said knocking on the door.

Yoobin got up, slightly limping to her door, without opening it, she said, “Yeah. I’m alright. Check on the men, make sure they are well and count the dead.”

Silence loom from the door as Daesung gulped, counting those that died—especially from tonight, was something he was scared of but knew he had to do it.

“Y-yes..Queen.” he said as he walked away.

Yoobin quickly threw off her jacket on the floor and went to her sink. Her bathroom was large with a shower, a Jacuzzi and two large sinks. In front of her was the mirror.

Flipping on the lights, she looked at herself and sure enough there were some blood on her face—whose? Heck, she doesn’t even know.

Taking a towel from the drawer, she drenched it in warm water and started to gently wipe her left shoulder. She winched a little in pain but as she wiped it slowly, the color of her skin was on the towel revealing a large print on her arm.

Her tattoo.

Yoobin’s left arm consist of a phoenix on the back of her shoulder blade with the wings covered her full left arm up to the middle of her arm, pass her elbow. This was something that Queen B specifically have instead of her red hair with gold streaks.

After finishing, she washed the towel then hearing a knock, “Come in.” Yoobin said, knowing that it’s Daesung.


Yoobin quickly turned her head around, “WHAT?”

Shaken, Daesung said, “…30,…..30 had d-died tonight, Yoobin.”

“Where are their bodies?”

“They are out in the quad—yah!”

Yoobin quickly rush out the door, not caring that she only wore her still bloody clothes. Rushing down the quad, there were a group of men in a bunch, as they heard strong footsteps, they turned around and bowed, “Queen!”

Approaching them, Yoobin made a movement with her hand to whisk them away, “MOVE.”

They hesitated. One of them stepped up, Junsu said, “Yoobin, its not a pretty site—“


Junsu gulped and moved as with the men he was with.

In front of them were 30 bodies, lying on their backs lifeless and still. Each of them were gone…all have one common thing. A bullet each to the head. Some had their eyes open as if they never felt a thing but one shot---gone.

Yoobin quietly bend down and touched one of their faces---all cold. Feelings started to pour in her little small heart. Did she really have one? She doesn’t even know. But looking down at them, made her feel….angry.

Closing one of the men’s eyes into a deep peaceful rest, she stood up and balled her fists. Turning around, Yoobin walked back to the house.

With Daesung following her, Yoobin gathered some clothes in her room

“W-where are you going?” Daesung asked.

Without eye contact, Yoobin said as took her black bag, “Don’t look for me tonight. I’m going out.”


Walking down the stairs, Daesung still persisted. With the same men from the back, they were behind Daesung, watching Yoobin gear up her motorcycle. They knew that they can’t stop her.

Pulling on her gloves, they heard Yoobin say, “Inform each of their families. We will pay each and everyone for a proper funeral…”

As she got up on the bike, Yoobin gave them a last look, “I will get revenge.”


I will kill him.


Youngbae sat down on his couch, flipping channels as he dried his hair, that night was a little too much for him but he was glad he got out of it alive. Especially since Seunghyun did a lot of actions.

Surprised about that rookie. He gotta say, he’ll give him credit for being a rookie sniper that is.

The only thing on T.V was the nightly news which did cover the case about tonight.

“Tonight's report is about a gun dealing today lending to a mass explosion in an abandon warehouse..”


Watching about 20 minutes…Youngbae eyes started to draw heavy. But then his sense caught up, hearing a small rattle.

He turned and saw nothing. In a one bedroom apartment, he knew there shouldn’t be such a noise even though it is raining.

Youngbae cautiously stepped up and looked around. There was only one opening….and that was his bedroom.

Then he heard rambling of claws hitting the hard wood floor.His dog, Boss ran down the hallway, whimpering, running to Youngbae.

Whimpering to him as he jumped on his lap, the black&white dog ducked under his arm, “Hey, boy. Aren’t you supposed to be the one protecting me?” he joked.

But Boss his face.

Youngbae sighed, “I gotta teach you to be tough!”

Grabbing a wooden bat he kept in the closet—why?, well he liked playing baseball, no joke there.

Using it to open his door slowly, Youngbae walked in, slowly turning on the lamp next to the door. Seeing no one, he turned to Boss, “Look there is no---“

A familiar sense came to his nose but felt himself grabbed and then choked up against the wall by a strong grip around his throat, causing him to cough.

He felt himself losing breath, hearing Boss barking in terror, he looked at his intruder.


“Tell me about Choi Seunghyun.” The voice said, the light dimmed showing her dark brown eyes.




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Chapter 6: Omg!!! This story is awesome!!! Pleaseee pleaseeee pleaseee update!!!!!!!!
TooBinxismyxlollipop #2
Chapter 6: Oh god Yoo Bin is cold blooded. She will love Seung Hyun soon right ? And SunTae. Ahhh~~~~ But Sun Ye is maried, Better luck with Dara Tae
TooBinxismyxlollipop #3
Chapter 1: I'm gonna reread the whole thing up til chapter 6. Update soon !
Chapter 6: Wow! I thought Yoobin's tough gal/b!tch exterior has cracked. I guess I was wrong, Queen B still reins supreme. Although Youngbae developed a soft side for Sunye :) Hmmm I wonder how old Seungri is... He's referred here as a kid. Seunghyun, a Monster. I wonder how toobin will end up... Thanks for the update! :)
Chapter 6: oh so in the end Seungri became a gang member as well ... WOW :)) thanks for the update ^^ i hope there will be a toobin scene :)) HWAITING !!
kyb2310 #6
Please update soon..... Wonder where you got this idea for a story
kyb2310 #7
Wonder what Sunye will do since she found out that Yongbae is one of the men in Queen B's gang
TooBinxismyxlollipop #8
Aww doesn't YooBin have any love for ToP ? I want TooBin wuv !~ But I also love her coldness Kya you dah coolest author nim !
Chapter 5: Awesome chapter! Now I'm really curious about Seunghyun's ability. He can sense danger and read minds?! That's awesome, maybe he's one of the monsters he told Yoobin and maybe Sunye is too. I wonder what'll happen to Youngbae, and Seungri too
. Thanks for this update :)
strawberrysohee #10
Chapter 5: my fave chappie kekekeke its so sweet they kissed and i can imagine Seunghyun's naughty face lol. Wait what connection between Seunghyun and monster?