
Learning to Deal.


Its been almost a month and their break was coming soon. Chaerin and Jiyong became really close and Top came back from his vacation. Everyone was complete. Both the guys and girls group became closer and they would all hang out at lunch and break. Lets focus on Ji’s and Chaerin’s relationship first though, yes? They text like crazy. They’ve been texting everyday and they have a pattern in texting. When Ji texts first, Chaerin texts the next day. Chaerin finds this quite adorable and she went along with it. Everyone in the girl group knew that Chaerin liked Ji but somehow Chae was quite oblivious to this. Also in the boys group it was quite obvious that Jiyong likes Chaerin. One night, they were texting and the conversation was quite adorable:

J: Chae. What're you doing? :)
C: Just doodling. You? 
J: Cuute. Rewatching this series with my sister.
C: What're you watching? :)
J: Hello Baby, SHINee's version.
C: AHHH. CUTE. I love SHINee! They are so amazingly adorable. 
J: Pft, they are just pretty boys Chae :P
C: No they're not! Don't underestimate them Jingyo they are talented!
J: Fine fine you got me there.. 
C: One day! I'll have cute kids like them. Talented with good personalities. Very smart aswell. Ahhh~ I'm not gonna get married though. :(
J: Psh, I'll marry you Chae.
C: Aw cute and I'll cook for you and take care of you. 
J: I'll do the same thing to you and play with our kids. Take you out for ice cream :) Have cute dates when the kids are gone.
C: Wow, all planned out I see ;)
J: Yeah, I want to keep my wife happy.. 
C: Hahah nice fake life that would be :P That would be amazing.
J: Yup.. an amazing life with you :3

After that last text message she squealed and they just continued their normal conversation. She couldn't help but blush. She couldnt stop thinking about their recent conversation. She doesnt care if he was just making it up, but it seems like he has it planned already. It was amazing and Ji told her that he was falling asleep. He didn’t want to say goodbye to her, so he tried to stay up as much as possible. But when Chaerin texted back, he never replied. Chae understood though and she just texted wishing him a good night..

To: Jiyongie
Sweet dreams Jiyong. See you tomorrow (:


Chae was about to fall asleep because it was quite late but then her phone vibrated a few minutes later.

From: Jiyongie
Ahhhh!! Chae I’m so sorry I tried to stay awake. I was asleep and then for some reason a part of me remembered that I was texting you and I just woke up! You’re probably asleep right now too. Oh well, good night CL. I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks for staying up with me :*


She couldn’t believe it a guy would normally just end the conversation but no he stayed up with her. What is she feeling though, she feels something in her tummy. It was ..butterflies. She was happy.. She laid in bed smiling. Staring at the ceiling. Having a spazz on the bed. She closed her eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about Ji.


“Hey Bom, how would you know if you like someone?” Chae asked.
“Its obvious that you like Ji..” Bom shook her head. With that little smirk on her face.
“Wha-WHAT!? How’d you know? B-Besides. I don’t know if I even like him yet..” Chae said under her breath.
“Oh Chaerin, dear Chaerin. Everyone knows. What you guys text about and such. Ji would tell Seungri and Seungri being Seungri would tell Dara and Dara would tell us.” Minzy said happily. She was smiling something must’ve put her in a good mood today.

“Hold up, Minzy. Your overly happy today.” Chaerin stared at her.
“Yeah we’ve noticed.” Dara looked at Minzy closely.
“Whats up Minzy?” Bom said.. she was excited to find out what the goss is.

“W-well..” She was about to explain when.
“Annyeong!! Minzy-ahh!!” Someone shouted while running to Minzy. Giving her a hug and smooch on her cheek.

“WHAAAAAT?!?!” Everyone was in shock.
“Hey guys what’s happening?” Top comes in with Taeyang and Seungri. Gd followed. Chaerin smiled at him and ofcourse he smiles back. Top gives him a quick nudge and Top smiled at Chae and she quickly turned around.
“Whats going on guys?” Chaerin asked Minzy and Daesung.
“Yeah you were gonna tell us something Dae?” Top said with his husky voice.
Bom gulped for some reason.
“Tabi, Gd, Seung, Tae, Bom, Da-“ Daesung almost named them all when Minzy interrupted.
“We go out..” Minzy looked at her shoes..
Everyone turned quiet.
“AHHH we knew it!” Seungri jumped.
“GOOD JOB!” Gd clapped.
“Aren’t they just a  cutesy wootsie couple Gd?” Seungri made the kissy face.
“So much, come here little maknae let oppa give you a kissy poo.” Gd held Seungri’s face between his fingers and give him a peck on the cheeks.
“Naw Seung and Ji you guys look more like a couple than these two.” Top shook his head.
CL was jealous.
“Well what can I say, I’m good.” Ji winked at Top.
Chae’s heartbeat was going fast. Bom was right. She does like him. She just doesn’t know how this would work..


“Pstt, Dara.” CL called out.
“Can you tell me something about Ji?”
Dara giggled.
“Ask away.”
“Does he say anything about me? He’d tell you. You being his best friend and all.”

“Hm, well.. he says you’re different. You don’t give in easily.. and you guys actually have a good conversation and not just surrounding that “topic”.”
“Should I give in easily more often Dara? Help me..”
“First off, do you like him?”
“I-I-I think so.”
“EEEEEEP. Ah cute!! Well, he’s nice and charming. He actually cares. PLUS he’s an amazing dancer. I know you have things for dancers.” She smiled.
“..Really? What should I do?”
“I think you should tell him..”
“What? Wont he find that weird? What if he doesn’t feel the same? It’ll just be awkward after!”
“I think he feels the same, don’t you?”
“It seems like it, the way he texts me.. its just.. ah.” She looked down.
“Naw Chae, you’re blushing.” Dara smiled. She pinched her cheeks.
“You are a cutie. Tell him okay?”
“But but. I-“
“Tonight.” She said eagerly.
“Okay tonight..” Chaerin said, her heart racing. She doesn’t know if it was excitement or nervousness but she knew one thing and its that she couldn’t wait.

- - -  - - - - 

wooo here it is. ill be updating everyday :3 


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ji should confess first XD but oh well~
Update soon!:D
Don't you think Ji should confess her first??
ra21ah #5
NOOO!!!!chae shouldn't confesse first.ji should.
Update soon ^^
OMGAHHH the GIF used in this chpt's sooo cute! Missing SD moments frm vids >:
ra21ah #7
Update soon ^_^
ra21ah #8
Was that ji?
Up soon
Such an interesting start! <: Looking f/w to your updates! ^^
Jiyong texted her?