Who do you like?

Learning to Deal.


It's been a week and CL made a bunch of friends that she really liked. She also met Taeyang. A really nice but quiet guy. He's quite the charmer aswell. He seems like hes a zen guy that goes into Dr. Phil mode when it comes to problems. She knew who she was gonna run to just incase. Apparently there was another person in the guys group called Top. He was supposed to be here before school started but he didn't want to go back home just yet so he stayed in America for a bit. CL liked his name, Top. She kept on saying it over and over again. Top. But throughout this whole week the only thing that was bothering CLwas the mystery guy that she was texting. Even though Chaerin didn't know the guy she still liked texting him. He was different from all the other guys that she texted. He was the only person to actually keep it going and she really enjoyed a good and funny conversation once in awhile.


“Chae? Chae? Are you listening?” Dara looked at her in a funny expression.
“Oh, yeah something about a cat?” CL said nervously because she doesn’t want Dara to think that she’s not interested in what shes saying.
“Um, a puppy but are you okay? It seems like somethings bothering you..”
“Pshh, me?! Nothing bothers me! I’ll see you later in break okay?”
“Course..” Dara waves goodbye.

“Okay, Im gonna go straight to the point Seungri will you-“
“Go out with you? OFCOURSE dear Chae. When should we have our 2 adorable kids with a Siberian husky  as our dog?”
There was a moment of awkward silence..
“No, who did you give my phone number to?” CL asked.
“I thought he’d reveal himself to you this week?”

“Yeah but no one came up to me today and said anything about it so far.”


“Yo Rilakkumma lover!” Someone shouted from a distance.
“Im guessing today is your lucky day. Yeh, I’ll see you around.” Seungri walked away and sat in the other end of the room. Someone sat right behind her. She was too afraid to look at him just in case he wasn’t her type.

“Hey! Don’t you want to turn around to meet your mystery texter?”
She took a deep breathe and turned around.

In her surprise he wasn’t actually that bad. To be honest he was amazingly handsome. Different from the guys that she’s seen so far. He was glowing and he has the cutest lips ever. He smells really nice too. His brown hair was shimmering against the sunlight. He was looking at his phone, smiling.
“…So, you’re my stalker?” Chaerin stuttered.
“Stalker? Heh-Heh, I guess I am..” He smirked.
Pfft I don’t mind being stalked by you.” Chaerin thought to herself.
“Well stalker, what’s your name?”

“My names Jiyong.” He said with a smile but he didn’t look at her and he kept on smiling and looking around, looking at everything except her.

“Well Jiyong, why don’t you look at me?”
“I don’t look at people when I’m talking to them..” He said.. still not laying eyes on her.
“Hahaha well that’s weird. Want to sit next to me?”
“Yeah sure why not..”

You’d think that they’d hit it off but instead they were just awkwardly sitting next to each other. Having small talk like, “How was your day?” or “What do you have for lunch?” I guess both of them are uncomfortable and they don’t know what to say to each other. Before they knew it class was over.

“See you tomorrow?” Chaerin asked.
“I’ll text you tonight.” He smiled and left the room and he looked at her for the first time.
“Wha-“ Chaerin thought to herself. She left the room to go to the field where they all hang out in. She was just aimlessly walking and was just thinking to herself. She was thinking about what just happened in class. Why was it hard for her to talk? Why couldn’t she say a conversation? Why was she so nervous? Even though they were just awkwardly sitting next to each other. She liked it. Its like she was sitting next to someone that she knows for awhile. Even though she was uncomfortable, she felt like herself when she was around him. Like there was nothing to hide since they texted so much. She was just staring at her shoes while walking to the field when she bumped into Taeyang.

“Owww.” She said while falling on the ground landing on her behind.
“Oh so sorry Chae. Lemme help you up.”
“Thanks Tae.” She said while looking on the ground.
“Are you okay? You look preoccupied.” He said in a concerned face. A REALLY concerned face.
“Yeah ofcourse!” She said.

“Are you sure? Is something wrong? Are you hurt?” He kept asking these questions as if he was really concerned about her.
“I’m fine Taeyang! Really!!” She said in a happy tone.
“Oh! GOOD.” He gave her a really tight hug. “You looked stressed.”
He wouldn’t let go of her until she backed away.
“Im fine! Are you?”
“Mmmm, you can say that..” He said. It seemed like something was bothering him so  Chae returned the favour and asked him if he was okay.
“Come on, whats wrong?”
“You know what, life can be unfair sometimes. Argh, I never get the girl..”
“Ah! Nothing, Ill see you later!” He ran away..
“What has gotten into him?” She thought. Oh well she just went to the field.


 “Sooo guys, any gossip?” Bom asked cheerfully.

“Nothing new really.” Minzy said.
Everyone else nodded in agreement.
“Ah! I know, who does everyone like here? We need a new update.” Bom said while chewing on her corn.
“Everyone knows who everyone likes here Bom..” Dara said.
“Not Chae..” Bom pointed at Chae.
Chaerin looked up and swallowed her licorice. “Yeah.. Spill the beans ladies!”

“I don’t like anyone. I guess I’m better off alone. Plus there are more things to do in life other than having a relationship. No boyfriend, No problem.” She said. You can tell that she’s not lying.
“That’s basically saying that you accepted the fact that your forever alone Bom.” Dara laughed.

“What about you Dara?” Bom gave her the “friendly” evils.
“..Taeyang?” She said with hesitation. Like she doesn’t want to talk about him at all.
“OMO OMO. Still!?” Bom said.
Even Minzy has a shocked face.
“Whats so bad about Taeyang? He seems like a sweet guy!” Chaerin included.
“You should tell her the story Dara.” Minzy said.

“WELL, you see Dara and Taeyang here has been on and off for 4 years but it always ends with Dara with a broken heart.” Bom explained.
“Wha-what? He doesn’t seem like that though!” Chaerin said.
“Fair enough, hes actually a nice person over all but he turns into a different person when it comes to relationships.”

“Is this true Dara?” CL asked.
Dara nodded.

“Wooooow. Explain further next time okay?”
She didn’t say anything and she just nodded.
“What about you Minzy who do you like?”
“Shutup, shutup.” Minzy stared at Bom.  And Bom did shutup.
“Do you like anyone, CL?” Dara asked.
“No one yet, not ready..”
Everyone went silent.. and they just ate their lunch. After that Bom just brought up a new topic and they’ve forgotten their previous conversation.


“Chaerin can you wait for me after school? We can walk home together?” Bom asked.
“Sure thing, meet me at the gate.”




“CHAAAAAAAEEEEEEEE!~” Bom shouted. She stands out from everyone and everyone loves her bubbly personality. “Thanks for waiting!”
“No problem!” Chae smiled.
“So are you sure you don’t like anyone?”
“Yeah positive. Whys that?”
“Oh nothing…”
“Hey Bom, do you know a guy named Jiyong?”
“Yeah! He’s bestfriends with Dara! Why- Oh?! Do you like him?”
“NO NO NOOO. I just met him today. He’s a really nice guy though.” Chae blushed.
“Oh yeah I heard you guys were sitting next to each other in class. Seungri was examining you both across the room..” She shook her head.
“Ah that baby Panda. He can be such a stalker sometimes.” Bom looked at the sky.
“Hahaha, that is so true. He gives out numbers to stalkers aswell…”
Chaerin smiled to herself.


Ah here you go. Sorry if its quite predictable buuut it'll get better. Soon! Soon! Woooop.

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ji should confess first XD but oh well~
Update soon!:D
Don't you think Ji should confess her first??
ra21ah #5
NOOO!!!!chae shouldn't confesse first.ji should.
Update soon ^^
OMGAHHH the GIF used in this chpt's sooo cute! Missing SD moments frm vids >:
ra21ah #7
Update soon ^_^
ra21ah #8
Was that ji?
Up soon
Such an interesting start! <: Looking f/w to your updates! ^^
Jiyong texted her?