A New Day

Learning to Deal.

4:00 AM

RIINNGG. Hm what? A text from my aunt: 

From: Aunty Hana


Good morning little girl. Oops, I meant to say my gorgeous grown up darling. I heard its your first day today! Your dad came over a few weeks ago and told me. I wish you good luck. Make us proud okay! If you need any help Aunt Hana is here for you. Make sure you pack your lunch properly and have lots of good and healthy food. Welcome to your third year of High School. We love you. xx

Aw thanks Auntie but why is it that you always text so damn early? Its just four o'clock in the morning and I don't need to wake up 'till seven. Oh well I suppose I should just catch up on my zzz's then. I hope I dont over sleep.. 

7:23 AM

Oh time to get up. Whats the time?... Oh yeah still pretty early. Wait- Wait WHAT?! 7:23?! Oh I over slept! I better get ready. I need to rush rush ruuuuush! Ah Oh no! Where are my socks!? Why didnt I prepare for this?! DAAAAAD! DAD?! . 

CL couldn't find her socks. She was freaking out so she just ran down to the kitchen to have some breakfast. Her dad left her a note saying: 
Morning, if you woke up late I made lunch for you and if youre looking for socks all of yours are in the basket. Hope you have a good day sweetie -Dad

Oh dad you dont fail me do you. Ah I better go. I might miss the bus. Chaerin thought to herself as she bit her apple. She came across the basket and quickly grabbed a pair of socks and shoved them on her feet like theres no tommorow. Her uniform was properly ironed by her loving father that she just put them on. The bus stop was just 3 houses away so she quickly ran as fast as she could. Luckily the bus driver saw her running and he stopped and patiently waited for her to get on. She sat down on the last seat of the bus so that she could keep a low profile. 

Thats what she wanted to achieve. To maintain a low profile and just get through high school, to study hard and atleast not fail. Deep breaths Chaerin, you made it. You're on your way.


Damn that bus smelt like stinky feet. Yay, Im here in school. Chill. Okay what do we have here? Assembly? 
"Excuse me, are you new?" A guy with glasses asked her sheepishly. He has a really cute smile and a face that you just want to pinch.  His body frame is actually so good aswell. You can see all that muscle through his shirt. Chaerin nodded.

"I thought so! You don't look familiar. Come with me we seniors have assembly first. Whats your name?"
"Chaerin, Lee Chaerin." 
"Lee Chaerin huh? Nice name. My names Daesung. I can show you around if you want! Sit next to me in assembly and maybe we can  hang out at lunch if you want as well! So you don't have to be lonely on the first day! Okay?" 
"That's so nice of you, thank you!" Chaerin smiled. 

She liked him. She liked his attitude towards her. Daesung kept smiling at her and showing her the way to their seats. He was so eager to be friends with Chaerin. She didn't mind though. She liked how Daesung is treating her. Their hall was quite small, it could fit about a maximum of 450 people. There were alot of senior students. After a long welcoming, her name was called up. They told her to go to the office straight after assembly. Daesung was ofcourse nice enough to take her to the office. The school grounds were actually small but she didn't expect much knowing that the place she moved in was sortof like a country side.

"Here we are! The office." Daesung said with a smile. 
"Thanks so much Dae. I would probably be lost without you right now." 
"It's no trouble! Plus, you wouldn't be really lost because this school is quite small. Do you want me to wait for you?" 
"Nope, its fine! I can find my way around here. Thanks Dae!" 

He just nodded with a smile and left. He was such a nice friend. 

"Ms. Lee?" A lady with big round glasses called her. "The principal is expecting you now." 

Chaerin proceeded. She sat down in a really uncomfortable chair that doesn't have a back support. She looks around and sees all these photos and awards in his room. It seems like this school is full of talented students. 

"Welcome Ms. Lee. I hope you find your schooling to be splendid here!" He was quite old, like santa claus. He looks like a really nice lovelable person but it seems like he can be a push over. "Am I in trouble?" Chaerin asks as she wanted to leave the office because she doesnt want chit chat. "Don't worry Ms. Lee, I just called you here to give you your time table. I see your into performing arts?" 

"Yes." She said sheepishly. 

"Your father told me that you are a fantastic singer and dancer! I hope you join in some of our clubs or any extra activities." 

"Thank you, I'll think about it though. I need to catch up with the activities here first though and the curriculum. Thank you for the offer though!" 

"You are welcome dear, now go off to your first class. Have a good first day." He said with a smile while Chaerin walks out of the office. She could smell the coffee that was coming from the teachers lounge. She went through the doors and the bright sunlight shocked her. She quickly looks at her paper to see which class she's in. 2A. That was her class. She looked at their school map and the class was just far down the hallway. It was quiet and it seemed like everyone is in class. She sprinted down, with her shoes making noise. She finally reached her class. 

Here we go. A new start, better not things up Chae.
She took a deep breath and slowly turned the door knob. 





( WAHHHH, I dont know how to do this. OH WELL. Sorry ;) More coming soon! )



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ji should confess first XD but oh well~
Update soon!:D
Don't you think Ji should confess her first??
ra21ah #5
NOOO!!!!chae shouldn't confesse first.ji should.
Update soon ^^
OMGAHHH the GIF used in this chpt's sooo cute! Missing SD moments frm vids >:
ra21ah #7
Update soon ^_^
ra21ah #8
Was that ji?
Up soon
Such an interesting start! <: Looking f/w to your updates! ^^
Jiyong texted her?