
Learning to Deal.


“Ah here’s your class CL.” Sandara said. “I knew you’d pick dance. You were so good at the convention.”
“Dara you won, you are way better than me.”
“Shhhhh. Go to your class now. I’ll see you later!”



Since it was first day of dance class, everyone was just free styling on the dance floor. It was her turn, so she went in the middle and busted these moves:

She didn’t know what to do so she just went with it, she was about to go all out so she casually just faded into the circle. Just minding her own business dancing at the background, and she was watching her fellow classmates doing a weird random dance move:


All the girls were in awe. It looked like they wanted to claim him as theirs. He finished and the next person came up, but the guy kept dancing and bumped into her. Hard.

“Oww! Yah! Be careful.” Chaerin shouted in frustration because he stepped onto her foot.
“Sorry, My Ba- Hey! Aren’t you CL?” He examined her, scanning her from head to toe as if he was being a creep.
“Its fine and yeah im CL. You are?”
“Seungri.. Damn girl you’re fineee.”
CL rolled her eyes and took a chair and sat. Seungri followed her straight after. He settled his seat next to her.
“You are quite the cocky one aren’t you Seungri?”
“Well what can I say, I’m quite the ladies man, Chae. Want a piece?”
CL felt the eyes of 5 girls staring into her soul. She knew that she triggered the fan girls of Seungri.
“I like you Seungri. I like your attitude, you remind me of the old me. Tell you what, I don’t want a piece but is it alright if we remain friends? I think I can help you with the ladies as well.” CL said as she sipped her water.

“Hahahaha. Silly Chae, of course we can be friends. I was just checking if you were one of those fan girlings.”

“Nope. They must annoy you! Do you want a body guard?” CL laughed.
“Its fine, Minzy’s my body guard.”
“You know Minzy?!”
“Yeah? We’ve been best friends for a while now. You wouldn’t know you’re new.”
“My bad, my bad.” CL shook her head.


They had a conversation about everything, from their favourite colours to the food that they’ve brought for lunch. Although she was having a good time, she had this sense that someone was watching her the whole time she was talking to Seungri.

“Yah Chae, Whats your number? I’ll hit you up, apparently you live close by maybe we can take the bus together or at least carpool? Sounds good?” Seungri said in an eager face. It seemed like Seung really wanted her number so she gave it to him. She could trust him so why not?


The day follows through. She made new friends, Daesung, Seungri, Minzy & Bom.
Although her first day was nothing but amazing she wanted to go home. She couldn’t wait to rest and sleep. The first thing she did when she got home was to cook dinner. Her dad would come home in a few hours and she doesn’t want her poor father starving after a long hard day at work. After a few hours, she made dinner, took a shower, finished her first day homework and she laid in bed. Her eyes were about to shut when she got a text message.


From: Unknown
Yo, is this chae? :p


She thought to herself, who would this be? She remembered that she gave her phone number to Seungri.


To: Unknown

From: Unknown

Hahaha. Sorry Chae this isn’t Seungri.


To: Unknown

Oh.. who is this? :\


From: Unknown

Don’t worry you’ll find out later. How was your first day CL?
I heard it was really good. Everyone was talking about you ;)


To: Unknown
Im sorry, I don’t talk to strangers.


From: Unknown
I’m not a stranger. I’m in one of your classes.
You just don’t notice :(


To: Unknown
Oh.. stalker then?


From: Unknown
Just drop this and pretend you know me okay?


“Aargh. Who are you?!” CL grunted. She grabbed her pillow and screamed into it. “ it, Might as well go along with it. Just be nice and go along with it.” Before she could reply she got another text message.

From: Unknown

Ah, I’m so sorry Chae. I feel like such a creep now. Don’t worry I promise I’ll reveal who I am next week. Deal? But for now lets just have a normal conversation and act like you know me.


To: Unknown
Deal :)


From: Unknown
Atta girl. So how was your day? :)

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ji should confess first XD but oh well~
Update soon!:D
Don't you think Ji should confess her first??
ra21ah #5
NOOO!!!!chae shouldn't confesse first.ji should.
Update soon ^^
OMGAHHH the GIF used in this chpt's sooo cute! Missing SD moments frm vids >:
ra21ah #7
Update soon ^_^
ra21ah #8
Was that ji?
Up soon
Such an interesting start! <: Looking f/w to your updates! ^^
Jiyong texted her?