That's surprising

Secrets Don't Make Friends

As long as I can remember, I've been different. I have no idea how I turned out like this. Both my parents are completely human and no one else in my family history has been like me, as far as I know. My doctors were always aware of it and some were aware of others like me, but no one had any idea how this sort of thing happens. To this day, I have no idea why my kind exist. My parents didn't care though. They loved me unconditionally, different or not. We had to move around a lot because of it, though. Korea, Japan, France; just to name a few. We'd just be getting settled into a new place, and then someone besides a doctor would find out and we'd have to move. I still feel bad for my parents, putting them through all that. I've always wanted to be a performer and they did their best to hide what I am so I could someday achieve my dream. I thank them over and over again every time I see them. It will never be enough, though.


I remember once I had made a new friend. This was in France, I think. It was this girl my age, around 12. Her name was Faye, I think. I thought she was kind of cute. It was the first time I had reacted that way to a girl and I wasn't sure what to do with myself. It confused me and, of course, I thought so hard about it that my ears popped out. They're a similar color to the blonde my hair is now. Back when my hair was black, they were much harder to hide. Faye looked at me terrified. I'll never forget that look in her eyes as she stared, wide open. “You... What... What are you?” She had said. I reached up and felt my ears before looking down at my feet and willing my ears back down under my hair. “I'm a neko... That's what they called me in Japan.” I was so embarrassed and scared, a jumbled mess of emotions. I managed to look up at her and see that look in her eyes one last time before she ran from me. I had run home and told my mom that someone had seen my ears. She pet me and told me everything would be alright. The next day we moved again.


It's been a long time since I've thought about her. I thought I'd never make friends, but here I am now. I made it into YGE and I'm friends with three amazing people who accept me, well; as much as they know of me. People seem to see me as cool and aloof, but if anything, that's just me keeping my secret. Sometimes I think I should tell the group, or at least Dara, but... experience has shown that would just lead to being alone again. I'll just have to- My thoughts were interrupted by excited knocking on my door. I rubbed my forehead with my hands and stood, walking towards the door. “Aigoo, I'm coming.” I shook my head as I opened the door. Sometimes I felt like the oldest out of the group. “CL-roo~ guess what~?!” I couldn't help but smile a small smile as I watched Dara practically bouncing up and down with excitement. “Why don't you come inside and tell me?” I smiled, opening the door wide and stepping out of the way as she leapt into my room and plopped down on my bed with a goofy grin on her face. “Guess~ guess~ guess~!” She said as she bounced on my bed, clearly unable to contain her excitement. I ran a hand through my hair and smirked, trying to think.


Dara could make it hard to think sometimes. I wasn't sure what it was, but it got to me how adorable she could be. It's probably just a best friend thing. Dara was my first real friend and we've been close since we were trainees. I haven't seen her this excited in a while. “President lifted the dating ban?” She pouted for a moment. “No...” She could only pout for about two seconds before her excitement returned so this must have been big news. I sat down next to her on the bed and smiled. “Why don't you tell me, unnie?” “Guess what Gaettong did?” She was on her feet as soon as opened and I couldn't help but shake my head. I'll never find out what's going on if this keeps up. “What?” I asked with a smile. Sure it was taking her forever to get this news out, but I couldn't deny that my unnie's antics were cute. “He bought a kitten~! I'm gonna' help him take care of it! I'm kind of scared because animals are kind of scary but I'm excited too~! I bet it will look like you and it will be fun to take care of and play with! Aren't you excited Chaerin-ah?!”


I stayed still, seated on my bed and staring into nothingness. A cat. She was excited about a cat. She actually wants to be near it. Maybe my situation isn't slightly as dangerous as I thought? Dara's voice broke through my thoughts and I came out of my daze to see her waving her hand in front of my face. “You alright, Chaerin-ah? I lost you there for a minute, huh?” I smiled quickly and stood, placing my hands on her slender shoulders. “So you're getting over your fear of animals? That's great news, unnie~! Do you think you can do it?” Her face turned serious as she looked into my eyes for a moment before nodding and smiling again. “I want to.” I smiled and pulled her to me, hugging her tightly. “That's great, unnie! My little Ssantokki's growing up!” I giggled and hugged her tighter before letting go. “So... what will you both name it?” Dara began to talk but I was once again lost in my own thoughts.


It's decided, then. If she takes a liking to the cat and isn't afraid...


I'll tell her.

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it's 2015 and I just read this and man, it's awesome!
^^ I'm so happy right now..
Chapter 4: this is like the cutest thing ever hhh !! please update soon !!
Woah this fic is too cute! So how they hide their ears? Their ears will change between human form and animal form? Haha
Author you gotta update asap! Juseyo :)
Chapter 4: Omo!!! I won't spoil it for others but this is tooooo cute!!! OMG! I can't wait for the next chapter; update SOONER please oppa!!! Thanks for such a cute chapter! <3
Blackjack987 #5
Chapter 3: I cant wait
REALLY good story author update plz
Chapter 2: Omg this is really good

update soon author ssi!
Shes a cat huh? :D so cool! update soon!
blackjackswag #8
woahh is she part cat? this is really interesting :D
Or a cat?
Okay, maybe this doesn't make sense but.. is she an elf?