The Choice Is Made

Secrets Don't Make Friends

It's been three weeks. Twenty one days, and every single one of them I've spent fighting the doubts I feel. Am I really going to go through with this? Is this really the right decision? It could jeopardize everything I've worked so hard for, yet... I need her to know. I need her to know and accept me. I can't keep what I am from everyone for the rest of my life. Well, not from her. Sandara Park. Ssantokki.My best friend. She's been my biggest support, my rock. She keeps me going every day. Hell, she calls herself the president of my fanclub.

Chaerin chuckled quietly to herself at the thought and... her heart beat a little faster as a slight blush crept over her cheeks. She stood smiling crookedly in the shower as the water ran down her body, still thinking of her.

These three weeks of waiting, waiting to see how Dara would take to Dadoong, waiting to build up the courage, waiting and thinking, had done much more for Chaerin than she expected. She not only knew she had to tell Dara her secret, but she also knew why she felt compelled to. This was her new secret, guarded even more closely than her ears. She loved Dara. She loved her more than she loved the stage and the lights and the music and all of it. She would give up her life as an artist for her, but she knew Dara would never ask that of her. She didn't know exactly when it started, but she knew without a doubt that she wanted to spend the rest of her life next to her Ssantokki. This was the real reason she had to tell her... and she'd have to tell her the new secret as well.

Chaerin's heart raced and her breathing hitched. Her whole being ached to it's very core with the thought that her sweet mountain rabbit might not accept her.

Pull yourself together, Chae. You can do this. You have to do this. You can't live with these secrets any longer.

She sighed raggedly, half exhaustion and half resignation to her fate, as she reached out and slowly turned the shower heads off. It was nearly midnight and tomorrow was the day. The day she feared, yet kept the slightest bit of hope for. She stepped out of the shower and toweled off, finishing my wrapping the towel around her hair and putting on her pajamas. She padded softly into her room, looking around and making sure nothing had been moved, a habit she'd developed after her nightmare, but one she thought she might not keep after tomorrow. She tossed the towel into her hamper and laid down on her bed, pulling the comforter over her head and purring softly. Her last thought as sleep overtook her was the image of Dara, her Ssantokki, in her arms.



A/N: Sorry for the INCREDIBLY long hiatus, and also sorry for the short chapter. I'm easing my way back into this story, and I definitely want it to go somewhere. I'll have another chapter up before too long. Promise!

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it's 2015 and I just read this and man, it's awesome!
^^ I'm so happy right now..
Chapter 4: this is like the cutest thing ever hhh !! please update soon !!
Woah this fic is too cute! So how they hide their ears? Their ears will change between human form and animal form? Haha
Author you gotta update asap! Juseyo :)
Chapter 4: Omo!!! I won't spoil it for others but this is tooooo cute!!! OMG! I can't wait for the next chapter; update SOONER please oppa!!! Thanks for such a cute chapter! <3
Blackjack987 #5
Chapter 3: I cant wait
REALLY good story author update plz
Chapter 2: Omg this is really good

update soon author ssi!
Shes a cat huh? :D so cool! update soon!
blackjackswag #8
woahh is she part cat? this is really interesting :D
Or a cat?
Okay, maybe this doesn't make sense but.. is she an elf?