Goodmorning, Sleepyhead

Secrets Don't Make Friends

Momentary panic enveloped me as her lilting voice roused me from my dreams.


I'm not ready. I can't tell her. She won't understand. She won't accept me...


...She'll leave...

Time to wake up, Pudoong.”

I gulped, the sound seeming to echo inside my own head, before slowly pulling the comforter down from over my face. Usually the light blaring through the window my unnie customarily opens in an effort to help me wake would be overbearing, even with my eyes closed, but things seemed pleasant in the room. Which meant...

Um... Unnie? What time is it?”

My voice sounded far less confused than I felt. I was rather pleased with that fact as I slowly opened my eyes, and was immediately even more pleased that the first thing I get to see is my Ssantokki's smiling face. I'm scared as all hell, but something about her smile puts me at ease. I know I'm safe with her.

Well, the manager oppas said we could have the day off, and I know you usually sleep really late on days when you can but... I really wanted to spend the day with you, CL-roo! So... you see...”

I couldn't help but giggle as a look of incredulity and amusement found it's way to my features.

Unnie... you didn't answer my question.”

Dara ducked her head down and began poking her fingers together, a light blush on her cheeks. She's so cute.

Well, it's.... about 5 am.”

Unnie~!” I whined, long and drawn out. I was happy she wanted to spend the day with me, but I couldn't let her get away with waking me up so early on a day off completely scot-free. As her expression changed from one of worried embarrassment to one of growing sadness, I let out another giggle, at which her face brightened considerably. I was too happy just being near her to be upset that I was awake far too early on a day off. That did give me an idea though...

Hey Ssantokki? I would love to spend the day with you, but... I'm still so sleepy.” I scooted over a bit, and pulled the blanket open, smiling brightly and trying not to blush, but failing miserably. “Snuggle with me?” Now Dara was blushing too. She nodded, trying to conceal her smile, before crawling into the bed with me. I pulled the comforter over the both of us and pulled her to me, laying her head on my shoulder and wrapping my arms gently around her. The back of my mind was gnawing at me, reminding me I still had things to tell her, but... somehow I knew they could wait. At this moment I was holding the woman I loved and...

My thoughts were interrupted by a soft sigh as my unnie snuggled closer against me, getting comfortable and yawning quietly as her little arms wrapped around me. Yes. What I have to tell her could definitely wait for a little while. I'll still tell her today just... This is too perfect a moment to interrupt. I smiled and closed my eyes, the smell of Dara's shampoo and the feel of her soft warm body against mine was heaven.


Waking on my own was a rare occurrence. We're always so busy rehearsing for something or other that days off are a blessing. I yawned and panicked for a moment as I moved, feeling a weight against my chest, before relaxing as a blush spread across my cheeks. My Ssantokki was here, snuggled against me. A soft contented sigh escaped my lips as I opened my eyes and looked down at the sleeping form on top of me. Her face was the picture of contentment, calm, and repose. Her smooth milky skin interrupted only by a faint blush covering her cheeks. Her features relaxed, soft, delicate. Her hair pulled into a messy bun. If beauty as an ideal had a physical form, it was currently sleeping on me.

I looked towards my alarm clock to see it had only been an hour and a half since we began napping, but I felt fully rested. Still plenty of time to spend the day and... I have to tell her. Even if it drives us apart, even if this is the last time we're close... this has been... something special. We've cuddled before but this felt different. Perhaps it's because I've admitted to myself that I'm in love with her? Even if things go badly, at least I've had this. It dawned on me that I could go away... disappear again... and... I'd be happy that I had this moment with her. I was ready now.

I pulled my hand from her back and gently ran the backs of my fingers over her cheek. “Ssantokki... Wake up please?” I quickly pulled my hand away as Dara slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me, a gentle smile gracing her features. She lifted a hand from around my waist to stifle a yawn before settling back down on my chest but looking up at me. She looked so cute laying there looking at me. I could feel my cheeks burning with the blush forming as I looked into her eyes, but I didn't look away. “What is it, Pudoong?” It was now or never...

Sandara unnie... I have... something to tell you.” I could no longer feel the blush on my cheeks, all the blood in my body was rushing through me as my heart beat right out of my chest. I was almost certain she could feel it beating as she lay on my chest. Dara had looked almost half asleep until I had said her name. I have so many nicknames for her, and even when I use her name, it's never her full name, just Dara. Now she looked fully awake and slightly worried. I opened my mouth again to continue but my voice stopped in my throat as I felt her take one of my hands and hold it softly. “Chaerin-ah... Calm down. Your heart sounds like it's going to come out of your body. Just relax. Ssantokki is here, and everything's alright. You can tell me anything.” She gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as she finished talking and smiled at me, silently encouraging me to continue.

Unnie... I'm so sorry... There's something I've kept hidden from you... from everyone. I wanted to tell you but...” I didn't realize I was crying until I felt Dara's hand reach up and brush a tear from my cheek. She smiled reassuringly as I sat in momentary shock. I sat silent for a moment as it dawned on me how much pain I had bottled up from keeping this secret for so long. “Chaerin-ah. It's ok. Just tell me.” Her voice broke through the thoughts spinning and buzzing in my head and brought a calm I hadn't expected. I locked eyes with her and she smiled again. “Unnie... I'm not like other people. I'm... I'm not a person. I'm not sure what I am and-” Once again I had become a mess of buzzing thoughts and needed jolting out of it, which my sweet unnie had noticed. She had sat up quickly and was holding me now. “Chaerin-ah, don't be silly. Of course you're a person. You're here now.” “Unnie, I'm different, and not like normal different, and what I'm trying to tell you may very well separate us.”

She began rubbing my back as she spoke again. She's so wonderful, taking care of me even when I'm trying to tell her something that could very well send her running. “We're all different, Chaerin-ah. Our differences make us special. You're acting as though your differences are going to end my world, don't forget that I'm your unnie. I've been around and I've seen things. Nothing about you is going to shock me to the point that I will leave. You don't have to hide it from me anymore, what ever it is, just let it out, Chaerin-ah. Let it out.”

I sighed worriedly as I gently took her shoulders and pushed her back so she could see my face. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. “Ssantokki... this...” I exhaled slowly, letting my eyes open and my ears fold up from underneath my hair. “ me.”

Dara stared for a moment before a huge grin broke out on her face and she hugged me tightly to her. “Chaerin-ah... My little CL-roo. You're you, and you're perfect.”

I was utterly shocked. I had hoped that she would accept me, but something like this? Accepting me so quickly and happily? I couldn't help but let out a gentle purr as I hugged her back just as tightly. I heard her giggle as we broke the hug, probably in response to my purring. My cheeks must have been redder than they had ever been, but I just couldn't contain my happiness. “That's so cute~!” She giggled again, and I giggled too. I hadn't been this happy in a very, very long time. That was one confession down, and... now that I think about it, I'd like to do something a little more romantic than just outright telling her. A person like my Ssantokki deserves a beautiful confession. We have the day together, maybe I can tell her tonight?

I had begun planning what I would do to confess my feelings for her when her soft voice broke through and brought my attention back to the current moment. “Pudoong? I have something to tell you, as well.” I smiled brightly and took her hands in mine. “Of course, Ssantokki. What do you have to tell me?” She closed her eyes and smiled as she began to speak. “Chaerin... this...” her eyes opened and met mine and I was momentarily lost in them “ me.” What I only began to notice once she finished speaking, was that out of the messy bun her hair had been placed into, were poking the white tips of ears. She smiled as she pulled one of her hands from mine, pulling the bun out and letting her hair fall, and letting me see that she had...

...rabbit ears.

The joy I felt before was nothing compared to the elation I was currently experiencing. Not only was I accepted by the one I loved, but I'm not alone. She's like me! I pulled her to me and hugged her tightly, grinning like an idiot. “Ssantokki-” I had to stifle a giggle as I spoke “I see why you took so quickly to my nickname for you, and... You're perfect.”



A/N: So wow... I got kind of carried away here. This is by far the longest chapter I've written for this fic, and honestly probably the longest chapter I've ever written for anything. I hope it doesn't drag on or seem boring, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Hope to hear from you in the comment section! Thanks to all my subscribers for supporting me, even though I'm sure I don't deserve it. Anyway, next chapter the girls will have their fun day together! Yay!

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it's 2015 and I just read this and man, it's awesome!
^^ I'm so happy right now..
Chapter 4: this is like the cutest thing ever hhh !! please update soon !!
Woah this fic is too cute! So how they hide their ears? Their ears will change between human form and animal form? Haha
Author you gotta update asap! Juseyo :)
Chapter 4: Omo!!! I won't spoil it for others but this is tooooo cute!!! OMG! I can't wait for the next chapter; update SOONER please oppa!!! Thanks for such a cute chapter! <3
Blackjack987 #5
Chapter 3: I cant wait
REALLY good story author update plz
Chapter 2: Omg this is really good

update soon author ssi!
Shes a cat huh? :D so cool! update soon!
blackjackswag #8
woahh is she part cat? this is really interesting :D
Or a cat?
Okay, maybe this doesn't make sense but.. is she an elf?