Chapter 2

I don't know , you loved me... I don't even know , if I love you...

              Jessica lifted her heavy eyelids again for this morning, but it seems too early since the room still dark. The curtain still on it place, closing the window to blocked the sunlight pass her. She yawned a few times, tried to stretched her cramped body altough its hard because of the rope that tied her upper body to the chair.

              Again, she tried to loose the rope as always like everyday but if the men came they will tighten back the rope. Thats why she never get to loose. After a few minutes struggling and striving, she finally gave in. Having no energy on her own to do anything since she doesn't get her meal yet. She needs food to gained the strength.

              The door cracked open, revealing a tall man with his black suit. Well known by her. What makes he came so early? Does she made so much noise when she tried to loose the rope earlier? The questions ended up in her mind without answer.

              He stepped in, closing back the door and walked over to her. She looked up to met his gaze. 

              She felt her body pushed backwards as a warm embrace encircled her. He was hugging her. Then she felt the rope began to loosen and her hands felt free, and the warmth embrace went away.

              The rope gummed down under the chair on the floor. She rubbed both of her hand smiling in contented. Finally, her hand were free altough there was a red circles on her arms, she doesn't care. She looked up at him with smiled.

              " Are you letting me go? " she asked.

              " Apparently, no.. " 

              Smile quickly faded away from . She doesn't believe it. He just untied her and now he said he's not letting her go yet. She'd gotten mad.

              She stood up with all forces and slapped him right on his left cheek making his face to flling on the right direction. She'd always wanted to do that but her hands weren't free. Now is the right time and she thinked he deserved that.

              A red colour marked on his skin. He palmed his cheek with his right hand holding in the pain. Threwing his gaze to her with cold eyes. He didn't care about the slap. As long as she stayed with him, not with her stupid fiance. Thought he was able to speak when Jessica pushed his left shoulder and ran heading to the door.

              She didn't make it when her heels fractured and she accidentally stepped on her wedding dress causing her to fell in tragedy, mostly. Yes, she still in her wedding dress and never took it of. But still hard for her to walk and breathe of the tight dress on her body.

              Her moaned revibrated through the wall making a banging sound in the room.

              He was quite shocked of the fastly happening incident. Approaching her, he held her back in his arm, checking her expressions that are in pain and whining in tears. Concern showed up on his face.

              " Jess..are you okey?  Where its hurt? " 

              The soreness took over her angry feels to him. She held her feet, biting her lower lips to stop herself from crying in pain. He dribbled to her feet and pulled the lower dress until reached her knee. Her ankle redden and her shank wounded. He took of her broken heels and slowly circling his thumb around her red ankle.

               She gasped trying hard to held in the pain but it did not work. A loud scream went in his ears as he felt his eardrum shaking. He just continued circling it until the door flung opened.

               " Master! His men- " one of them spoke but he didn't finished the sentence. He looked at Donghae and Jessica in a strange look. The others at the back also gave a strange look.

               " What just happened? " the man who did not finished his sentence earlier, asked.

               Donghae stood up and gave him a glare. " None of your bussiness.. Now, what happened? "

               " His men had found our location.. one of our men just passed by Leeteuk's residence and three strange men followed our men and spy on us.. we cought them earlier but they succeed to ran away.. we knew for sure it was Leeteuk's men.. " 

               The entire conversation paused for awhile. Donghae was figuring out something to get over this problem.

               " Change our location.. we're moving.. " 






                    His front door flung opened making a loud slammed. Leeteuk turned from watching television to the three men that stood in front of him now. 

                " Don't know how the attitudes of coming in people's house? Stupid! " he bashed.

                The three men looking at each other while taking in their breath after a long running race. They did looked tired but they don't mind. The most important is they must tell their boss about Jessica.

                " Boss! We found her! " the leader breathed out. 

                Leeteuk quickly stood up and faced them. Finally, this is the news he had been waiting for.

                " Where? "

                " At the warehouse besides a bread is a closed area thats why we never know they hid her there.. "

                Leeteuk walked around back and forth rubbing his chin.

                " Did they know you're spy on them? " he questioned.

                " Yes! "

                A punch landed on the leader's nose causing him to fell in frail.

                " Stupid! they will run away! " Leeteuk scolded him. He started to get nervous. He must see them now. He must get Jessica back. 

                " Prepare my car.. don't forget to bring your gun.. there will be no mercy for them.. " he clenched his fist tight in a ball. He will definitely kill their master.






                 Donghae commanded his men to bring Jessica into the car. They obeyed. Two of them held Jessica's arms and ordered her to move, but instead she struggles and strives still not moving from her place. The two men used their strength to pushed her. Of course she can not stopped the stronger men. She was some sort of an innocent weak woman trying to free from the what so called 'prison'.

                 " Where are you taking me? Can you just let me go! Donghae! " she mouthed.

                 He ignore her once again.

                 They were at the car now surrounded by most of Donghae's men. All of them will make sure their master keep in guard and also Jessica.

                 They were about to jumped in the car when one of the men had been shot. Blood sprinkled out of the man's chest that are now lying on the ground. Everyone were shocked as they saw four figure walking towards them and one of them is Leeteuk.

                 " Teukie! " she screamed out her fiance's name. Leeteuk smiled to her, continuing his unfinish task.

                 Another man got shot and now the third man. Leeteuk and his men got closer as they shoot all the men that circling the car. Unfortunately, only three men lived including Donghae and Jessica.

                 " bang! " a bullet from Leeteuk's gun stabbed in Donghae's stomach.

                 Jessica widen her eyes as she looked at her bestfriend's lifeless body collapsed on the ground.

                 " Donghae! " her screamed vibrated echoing the entire area.





cliff hanger

Just want to make you suspense^^

anyway, i'll not updating for a long time after this,

I've school but don't worry, when weekends came I'll update :)


I will read it up! You're my inspiration!





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Chapter 5: Yaaaaayyyy happy ending! Sorta. Hehe. Update soon! :D
sujusone24 #2
Chapter 5: Plzzzz update im anticpating this fanfic for sooo longgg!!!
smurfette #3
Wow! Finally, they confessed :)

Haesica's confession is so sweet, but I'm afraid of leeteuk. I'm afraid that he'll come back to hurt Donghae.
Please take care himself and protect Jessica, Donghae!
OMG! They confessed to each other! :"> it's kinda awkward they did it in the hospital xD but it was unique :D Update soon~
Yay they both confessed :)
Update Soon and
HAAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! hope you have the bestest birthday ever :D
Donghae seems so nerves and shy in the picture......probably because the beutiful Jessica is right there by his side......

OH MY GOD I hope that was Donghae who said that.......I am in love with the Haesica couple........
Mel88HahaPinkLIA #8
Hae!!! Yay!! He woke up!!
Well, it's kinda scary when you hear a person in a coma suddenly talk without moving first O.O But I'm glad Hae heard her =D