Pasta Mania!

You're a Heartbreaker!


Tiffany looked at the pasta that she had whipped, even she was impressed with her own culinary skills. Not to boast, but in this lifetime, she had only cooked for less than 10 people with her amazing skills. She doesn't know how lucky she is to be trying this pasta of hers! Tiffany thought as she made a face behind Jessica's ex's back that was standing before her.

"What's this?" Taeyeon stared at the food before her.

Tiffany widened her eyes, "Pasta? Haven't you seen it before?" Is this person not normal? Tiffany wondered, everybody knows pasta, right?

Taeyeon stared at the dish dubiously. Pasta? So, that's how it looks like... She smiled lightly, hiding her heightened interest. She has always wanted to try Pasta her entire life. Couldn't help it, the Kim family only allows her to eat Birdnest in the morning, Abalone in the afternoon and Lobsters at night.

They found pasta too common and had never introduced it in their special meals menu specially created by some 3 michelin chef. And in her busy schedule, she didn't really have the time to eat out in the restaurants (Too crowded), nor cook for herself (she couldn't cook to save herself).

So to see Pasta right before her very eyes..... she was pretty amazed.

TIffany stared at the expression that was on Jessica ex. Why did she look so impressed? Tiffany felt something she hasn't felt in awhile....

It was a kind of gratitude that she saw in Jessica's ex's face. Everybody that she had dated before often took her for granted. But so did she. They were all in a relationship that was all for fun. Nothing serious was shown. Nothing lost.

Yet, this person actually showed her genuine side to her. 

Isn't she the queen of heartbreakers? Tiffany stared at Jessica's ex and thought pensively. Unless, she was even better than she thought?

Oh god, she really has met her match! Tiffany was alarmed. She shook that image away quickly and forced herself to focus. 

She sat opposite the girl and decided that it was time for Round 2: Q&A time! Tiffany thought with a smug smirk.

Taeyeon felt chills running down her spine, but she ignore that feeling and focused on eating her pasta. It was really, really good! She felt thankful to have the fortune to try Pasta.

She realised Tiffany was looking at her in an odd manner, but she coughed twice lightly and abruptly declared, "Q&A time! Time to get to know each other better!" Tiffany smiled widely, her eyes became half-crescents.

Taeyeon nearly choked when she heard that, but she calmed herself down, and used the napkin to wipe the side of her lips gracefully. She smiled without smiling, "What do you want to know about me?"

"Where do you work?" Tiffany asked.

... I'm your boss. I couldn't possibly say that, right? Taeyeon thought as she smiled ruefully. She decided to say the simplest, "I'm jobless now."

Tiffany carried on, as though it was nothing, "Did you have a difficult childhood?"

Taeyeon wondered why she had asked that. She thought for awhile before answering, "Somewhat.."

Taeyeon thought without much difficulty. Being the only heir to the Kim family wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that great either. She has always been alone, other kids never really dared to talk to her due to her impressive family...

Tiffany rubbed her chin and pondered for awhile. "Can I ask why do you look so grateful when I cooked pasta for you?"

Taeyeon smiled at her new 'lover' warmly, "I've never eaten pasta, and it was really good. Thank you."

Tiffany froze... that warmth on her face. Oh god, oh god, oh god. Why did she show that expression? And why is her heart beating so fast? She sighed. Jessica's ex... Is not as simple as she seems!

She sighed and quickly adjusted her emotions. Back to her mission. She already had it thought out.... She had new plan up her sleeves. Plan C.

"Since you're jobless, you must have very little money to pay for your house's maintenance right....?" Tiffany narrowed her eyes at the girl before her.

This house looks really impressive, she was pretty sure the monthly maintenance was a huge sum, plus Jessica ex's is now 'jobless'. She decided to put two and two together.

"So... why not, let me move in and I'll pay you rent!" Tiffany smiled widely.

That was her goal! To move in, make her fall in love with her, then, tada- break up!






A/N: Thank you everyone for subscribing and commenting ^^

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Chapter 5: Just like that..this good a should finish it authorshi
Chapter 5: Once published, stories - unless advertised or endorsed normally don't get a strong following or even read in the first place. But that doesn't mean that no one is reading, I hope that when either of you decide to come back, that you'll consider finishing this story.
taengsicyoon #3
Author shi why don't you update?
Chapter 5: author-shi update soon please , this ff. of your's is great and a nice one :D
Chapter 1: Yah ! Author-shi , please update i've been waiting too long , please :D
kotenshi #6
Chapter 5: wahh you let me hanging .. are u gonna update? please!
TheMightyFall #7
author-ssi when are you going to update?
after reading the last update , i want to jump on the next.. Kekee..

Taeng is really cute. LOL amazed at the 'pasta' cooked by Fany.