Meet the heartbreaker

You're a Heartbreaker!

"I hate valentine's day and stupid couples!"

Jessica shouted at the top of her voice in a restaurant. She was drunk. It was Valentine’s Day, and Tiffany nearly choked on her drink.

"Jessiccaaa, we’re at a restaurant filled with your ‘stupid couples’…."

She pulled Jessica down quickly, looking red faced embarrassed.

Couples were eyeing them strangely. Jessica was spoiling their oh-so-romantic dinner mood and ambience. Can't blame them for shooting death glares at us! Tiffany thought ruefully.

"…..Tiffany, (hic!) I've never shared the (hic!) real reason why I hate Valentine’s Day before..." Jessica hiccupped and wailed over the table.

Jess continued, "I was dumped on valentines day because the person I was dating said that I was too (hic!) perfect for her…that she didn’t deserve (hic!) such a perfect human being…” she drunkenly finished.

"Isn’t that a compliment?” Tiffany asked while she settled the bill.

Come to think of it, she had never met this ‘secret lover’ of Jessica’s.

"No! How dare she dump me like that! I’m Jessica for god’s sake, top model!" Jessica shook her head before her eyes brightened, "Wait, I got an idea. Why don't you break her heart since you're really good at breaking people's hearts!"

"Ouch, was that an insult? Touché." Tiffany touched her heart almost dramatically and Jessica shook her head while she stumbled prettily around in her heels and Tiffany quickly grabbed her.

"No, no. I mean it.... Tiffany. You could be my saviour! What am I talking about, you are my saviour!! What better person? You’re smart, pretty, scheming and you play with people’s hearts too, plus you’ll never fall in love…!!"

"Here we go again..." Tiffany sighed.

Jessica was her bestest friend, but it's moments like these that she wished she had chosen to befriend more normal people.

But then again, Jessica was usually more sane... until her ex no good lover broke her heart last year. Terribly.

Tiffany looked at the sorry state Jessica was in one more time before finally relenting, "Okay. Okay, Fine, I'll do it." Tiffany nodded her head, "I'll help you break your ex-lover's heart, Jessica."

Jessica's eyes brightened immediately, "Really?"


"Yippie!" Jessica did a mini cheer, "You're the best, TIffany!"

She wasn’t called the most lethal heartbreaker for nothing…

“Wait, let me write the address...” Jessica felt around for a random napkin, “Pass me a pen.”

Tiffany handed her one from her bag.

“Take this... Her name, her…..” Jessica mumbled incoherently.

“Jessica? Jessica! What’s her name?” Tiffany shook her best friend that just passed out and looked at the address in her hand.

“Aish...” She mumbled, looking at the address, “Here goes nothing.”


Taeyeon was holding the phone, looking irritated as she rubbed her temples, "Why do I have to stay in your apartment, Yuri? Plus, what's up with this party?"

She was practically shouting against the loud music.

There were tons of celebrities and famous people around, who were drinking and dancing. And there was even a DJ in the house (literally). Taeyeon felt a migraine developing. A Strong one. It's times like this that she wanted to strangle Yuri, her best friend, who also happens to be a famous designer and a top notch heartbreaker as well.

She stopped counting the number of girlfriends she had.... but there was something about the last girlfriend that Yuri had that was different....

She never got to meet that girl, since she was mostly overseas…and it was over even before she could even clear her schedule to meet that new girl in Korea.

But... Ever since then, Yuri never dated anyone else. Hmm.

"It's my farewell party." Yuri answered.

"Then why aren't you here!"

"Cause I hate farewell parties of course, besides I don’t know any of them, except for you, my bestest friend." Yuri said, and Taeyeon wanted to strangle her once again but Yuri spoke up again, "Taeyeon-ah, could you do me a favour? Pretty please with me smiling prettily on top!"

"What...." Taeyeon asked, almost agitatedly. She had a really important meeting that she was supposed to appear in tomorrow… no thanks to Yuri, she was stuck here instead. 

"If anyone asks, just say you're the owner of my house. Okay? Take care of my house for me! Thank you! Oh I'll be gone for a month, don’t miss me too much. Bye!”

"What? Yuri? Yuri?" Taeyeon stared at the phone in wide amazement. But, since she was the pseudo owner now, might as well…

End the party now.

“Guys, party’s over.” She plugged out the speakers and announced. There were several boos but she smiled feebly before chasing everyone out.

Tired, she loosened her collared shirt and dropped to the floor when the doorbell rang.


Who could it be?

She had barely opened the door, when the next thing she knew, she was being splashed with a glass of water by an unfamiliar pretty looking girl....

Come again? What just happened?

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Chapter 5: Just like that..this good a should finish it authorshi
Chapter 5: Once published, stories - unless advertised or endorsed normally don't get a strong following or even read in the first place. But that doesn't mean that no one is reading, I hope that when either of you decide to come back, that you'll consider finishing this story.
taengsicyoon #3
Author shi why don't you update?
Chapter 5: author-shi update soon please , this ff. of your's is great and a nice one :D
Chapter 1: Yah ! Author-shi , please update i've been waiting too long , please :D
kotenshi #6
Chapter 5: wahh you let me hanging .. are u gonna update? please!
TheMightyFall #7
author-ssi when are you going to update?
after reading the last update , i want to jump on the next.. Kekee..

Taeng is really cute. LOL amazed at the 'pasta' cooked by Fany.