Kiss my !

You're a Heartbreaker!


Tiffany entered the office nervously, but what she saw next caused her to slam the door and walked out in a rush.

What? Wait, wait, that was too rude of her.

Even though she had just witnessed a somewhat awkward scene… the person who should be embarrassed should be her big boss, not her, yes?

Nodding her head, she knocked on the door twice politely.

“Come in.” She heard the person behind the door coughed twice before saying.

She walked in, and to her amazement, realised that her boss was sitting politely facing her. The only difference from just now was, the girl beside her (she recognised her as Sunny, top actress!) was no longer leaning closely towards her boss in an ambiguous manner and her boss Taeyeon was now well hidden behind a pair of sunglasses and a cap.

Even just now, she never did get a chance to see her boss properly – her boss back was facing her just now! (All she saw was Sunny leaning ambiguously close to her boss….)
While she had initially hoped to at least catch a glimpse of how this Kim Taeyeon looked like (who wouldn't want to catch a glimpse at the supposedly mysterious Taeyeon – super mega rich heir to the Kim family?), her little wish was dashed.

Kim Taeyeon was very, very well hidden behind a pair of raybans and a hot pink sports cap.

Tiffany's eyes widened at the logo- "Kiss my ". 

Instead of Taeyeon, Sunny spoke first. “Hi. You are?”

Tiffany looked at the top actress, she was pretty alright. But what’s her relationship with her big boss?

She shook her head, nope none of her business! She smiled instead, “I’m Tiffany. Under the hospitality sector. I’m here to hand in the proposal for the tourism planning….”

“Oh? For the competition?” Sunny asked, her brow rose in interest.

Even she knew about the competition? Tiffany thought quietly, Taeyeon (the boss) and her must be really close!

The competition was introduced last month… The objective was to come up with a proposal to raise interest for the tourism sector. She had came up with a ‘lovers package tour’ targeting couples. Therefore, the places she had chosen were ideal for couples who wished to escape from their busy lives to take a breather…

Mainly hot springs, romantic boat rides, spa, massage, what not, the usual, etc…

She herself, had gone for these tours a couple of times. While the company that she had gone with wasn’t all that great, the places she had gone to did leave an impact on her tired soul.

Therefore, she had proposed this idea.

Taeyeon barely glanced at her file before nodding once. Sunny smiled, “Got it, you may leave now.”

What? But she had barely looked through it!

Tiffany thought frantically, but seeing that Sunny had already chased her out of the office, she sighed and left dejectedly.

Who knew? The boss was actually a big, incompetent flirt who didn’t cared much for the competition after all! She thought with great annoyance.


Taeyeon sneezed again. Was someone speaking bad about her?

Sighing, she was about to open Yuri’s house front door when someone spoke from behind her.

“You’re finally back….I’ve been waiting for you….” She nearly jumped. Then realised that it was Tiffany, the weird girl who had insisted on being her lover….who also happens to be one of her workers… great.

Tiffany smiled and raised the bags of grocery that she bought, “I brought food to cook, come on, I’ll cook for you!”

Taeyeon glanced at the time, it was already close to 9pm! Was she waiting outside here all this while?

She realised with a start that Tiffany’s lips were rather pale – and her hands were shivering.

“Come in, I’ll grab a hot bag for you to warm your hands.”

Tiffany grinned, “Looks like you do have a heart.”

“What?” Taeyeon paused, and Tiffany just smiled, “Nothing, it’s just that I heard the rumours that you have an interesting past.”

Heartless you mean? Taeyeon grimaced, Yuri…yea. She did have a rather ‘interesting’ past if you count having a lot of lovers and dumping them faster than one changes clothes as “interesting” alright.

That means, Tiffany didn’t know how Yuri looks like…? Otherwise, she wouldn’t have mistaken her as Yuri straight away either. Taeyeon pondered.

So why didn’t she just reveal the truth?

Could what Sunny said about ‘love at first’ be true…? She actually liked this girl…Tiffany? But how could it be? She, Kim Taeyeon had never shown interest in anyone, nor cared for anyone… so how could she possibly like this girl?

She stared at Tiffany.

“Is there something wrong with my face?” Tiffany leaned closer, and closer and closer.

She smirked. She had noticed Jess’s ex looking at her for a very long time… looks like she was going to win this game after all. Easy peasy.

Taeyeon’s eyes widened in shock and she jumped back quickly, “Could you not lean so close? We’re strangers after all!”

Tiffany’s eyes widened and she leaned even closer, “After last night, we’re not strangers anymore…” she said in an ambiguous tone.

She wanted to laugh, this was too fun. Using those cheesy TV lines to create an ambiguous ambience.

Taeyeon took a step back, “What are you going to do?” She took one step back just as Tiffany took one step forward.

Tiffany smirked, and then she leaned closer, and closer and closer. Taeyeon froze and closed her eyes, shocked.

Tiffany smirked, and chuckled a little, “Relax, I’m just grabbing the bag of groceries behind you. Is Pasta okay for tonight?”

Taeyeon opened her eyes to look at Tiffany disappearing towards the kitchen. She raised her brow at Tiffany. What is this girl up to…seriously?

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Chapter 5: Just like that..this good a should finish it authorshi
Chapter 5: Once published, stories - unless advertised or endorsed normally don't get a strong following or even read in the first place. But that doesn't mean that no one is reading, I hope that when either of you decide to come back, that you'll consider finishing this story.
taengsicyoon #3
Author shi why don't you update?
Chapter 5: author-shi update soon please , this ff. of your's is great and a nice one :D
Chapter 1: Yah ! Author-shi , please update i've been waiting too long , please :D
kotenshi #6
Chapter 5: wahh you let me hanging .. are u gonna update? please!
TheMightyFall #7
author-ssi when are you going to update?
after reading the last update , i want to jump on the next.. Kekee..

Taeng is really cute. LOL amazed at the 'pasta' cooked by Fany.