The beginning~*

~*Young,Wild,and Reckless*~

Erie's POV

The car is so hot from the summer sun while we  drive up to LAX airport. I am sitting in the front seat talking with my school friends ,people madilyn didn't know because we went to different schools, who were sitting in the back. We were chatting about the different ways we would stay in touch and how I would at least call them once a week to catch them up on what I was doing. I would occasionaly see the car Madilyn was driving in with all our other friends and they would either be blasting One Direction or Bruno Mars out the window ,but the music would slowly fade away as we got lost in the traffic.

Once the traffic was cleared we made our way to the entrance of LAX.We hoped out of the car in front of the hanging sign marked Korean Air and waited for Madilyn's car to show up. As we waited, my friends from school  exchanged emails with me and promised to write long emails about what was going on in California. Madilyn finally showed up and jumped out of the car gasping for air.

Madilyn:NATHANIEL! Why did you have to fart in the car!!!!

Two Short blonde kids jump out of the car  and smiled

Nathaniel:I thought it was hilarious! The look on your face was priceless!

Nick:Stop bugging her Nathaniel,you know how clostorphobic she gets!

Platinum Blonde girl hops from the car in a fast motion and runs to give me a hug

Erie:Erin you are hurting me!

Erin: Erie I can't belive you missed the One Direction Party we had on the way up it was awesome!

Nathaniel:More like gay party -.-

Erin:You think everything is gay! Erie why did THEY have to come this was supposed to be an intimate goodbye.

Erie:I've known these twins since I was  7 you really think I'm not gonna invite them?

Erin:Grrr fine

Madilyn's parents:Honey I can't belive you grew up so fast!

Madilyn:Mom,Dad stop you are embarrising me!(gives hugs anyway)

I turn around to see my parents and I give them really long good byes because I was not going to see them for a LONG time.

As we said our last goodbyes and sadly waved from the security check we finally got on the chilly plane with tears still in our eyes.

Madilyn and I looked at eachother and I thought I would have never got to this moment with out her! 


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kpopis_b2st #1
gonna be the best thing ever