Meeting Hoya

Jiyeon + Infinite =

Jiyeon suddenly snapped out of her trance and pushed sunggyu lightly. 

"h-huh?" sunggyu muttered, still dazed. 

"u-um, ill g-go now... you d-dont want to be seen with me..." jiyeon stuttered while walking out. 


Sunggyu POV

Wow. What was that. It was as if time stopped and the whole world revolved around the two of us.... 
ARGH. KIM SUNGGYU. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER. im getting old. yup. thats the reason... 


no one POV 

Jiyeon walked out of the room only to bump into someone and fall hard on her . 

"watch where the hell you're going!" Hoya hollered. 

"s-sorry...." As jiyeon looked up to look for the glasses that fell out of her face, Hoya gasped. 

*shes so beautiful.. like an angel... or a goddess... oh man my heart is beating so fast...* he thought. 

He gently crouched down and picked up her glasses while handing them to her. 
"um.. h-here...." he stuttered. 

"thank you!" jiyeon beamed and gave him a wide smile which made his heart beat two times faster. 

"no problem... um.. youre the new kid, right? can i ... uh.. have your number..?" he asked while blushing. 

"sorry. I dont have a phone." 

"...oh... well.. lets.. um.. meet up.. some... random.. time... " hoya managed to say. *WHAT THE HOYA YOU SOUND LIKE A RETARD. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME* he mentally yelled at himself. 

"sure! thanks again! i have to go to class now. bye!" jiyeon waved. She felt so happy to make a new friend that she didnt notice that she was skipping down the hallway. Hoya couldnt help but to giggle then turn and leave. 

Hoya POV 

wow. i think im in lov-

"hey hoya. what happened to you?" sunggyu hyung popped randomly out of a classroom. 

what the hell.. he was here the whole time?!?! 

'"um.. uh.." dammit i cant think of something to say... 

"jiyeon, right?" hyung asked with his stupid squinty eyes. wait. what. how did he know??

"its okay to admit it dude. she makes my heart flutter like crazy... i dont know what it is, but i think im falling for her." 

"NO YOURE NOT!" i yelled suddenly. i dont know why, but i got so angry when i heard that. 

"hoya...." hyung said, narrowing his eyes. 

i gulped. "yeah...? sorry for yelling... uh... its just.. uh..."

he laughed. "its nothing. wow. two kingkas falling for the nerd, huh? this is sure something." 

I just grinned back but watch it sunggyu hyung. Im not letting Park Jiyeon go. shes mine. 


Jiyeon POV

i made a friend!! i was walking (or skipping) down the hallway when suddenly... 


i froze. and i slowly turned around to see... 





sorry for not updating for so long T_ T
common applications came out this week too. 
sigh. stress. 
but thanks to all of you who still support my story :> 
<3 love love love love love youuuuuuu~~ <3 <3 <3 

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cutiemimi #1
Chapter 10: Please update
ByunShari #2
Chapter 10: please update soon
i love the story do much
Anuka_bolor #3
Will you continue this fiction
JS1307 #4
Chapter 10: update soon. :)
linhkju #5
Chapter 10: i glad to see you okj now :) update soon
Chapter 10: Hoya!! But, please make jiyeon together with myungsoo.
NatashaL1234 #7
Chapter 9: Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Sunggyu!!!!!!!!!!!
OnTaeng #8
Chapter 9: Please update real fast! Thanks
akumajae94 #9
Get well soon~ I'm sure that you will be fine, I will be waiting for your return.
kaistalFAN #10
Getwellsoon chingu, we'll always support and pray for u!!! Gbu :-)