Beach Time~

In The Summer

"Should I wear this one?" L walked out of the bathroom in his swimming trunks.

"Where are you?" Trinity looked towards the bathroom, "Why am I hearing L's voice?!"

"I'm invisible right now loser.." L laughed.

"Then come visible!" Trinity rolled off of the bed with her pillow, "It's so hot in here."

L became visible and his body ws exposed to Trinity. Abs and everything. 

"Put this shirt on before I hit you!" She threw a black shirt at him and he frowned while pulling it on. 

"Fine, what do you think of my trunks?" he smirked towards her

"It matches my bathing suit," Trinity grinned.

"Cute, are you ready to go? Everyone else is waiting on us."

"Which beach are we go--" she stopped midsentence to see Dongwoo standing on her bed.

"I tried to teleport from Hoya and Sungyeol's room to mine, but I guess it didn't work and I'm now in yours." Dongwoo explained, "ALRIGHT! IM OUT!" he shouted, then snapped his fingers, disappearing from the room.

"At least we weren't doing anything," Trinity said in consideration.

"Like what?" L smirked.

"Like changing or slee--"

L dropped the smirk and pushed his lips against hers lightly, "Like this." 

"Go away." Trinity pushed his chest back and she reached for the door knob, "What about that evil witch?"

"We'll be's probably a sorcerer though hun." 

"Sorcerer, witch, unicorn, leprechaun, whatever! It's an evil person." 

"I promise you that nothing will happen." L look her hand and pulled her into the hall. 

The other eight were in the hall already waiting. 

Sungyeol was attached to one of Jocelyn's arms while Woohyun gripped onto her hand tightly.

"Sungyeol, let go." Woohyun glared.

"Why? Who said I can't?" he stuck his tongue out at him.

"I did." Jocelyn smirked up at Sungyeol's tall figure.

Sungyeol made a pouty face and let go of her arm.

"LETS GOOO!" Dongwoo and Hoya pointed to the elevator.

"Hah, they're so cute!" Trinity laughed.

"Yadong coupleee~" Sungjong called from behind them.

Once they all got down to the parking level, Trinity jumped up, "I call driving!"

Sunggyu glared at her and gave an unsure look, "you sure?"

L shook his head, as a sign for no and he pointed to Jocelyn.

"I'll let Jocelyn drive," Sunggyu nodded, throwing the keys towards Jocelyn then taking Alicia's hand.

Alicia smirked as she got into the car. "It'll be fun today!" she managed to force out.

"There is still another car." Hoya smirked, "Who's driving?"

"I AM!" Trinity dashed towards Sunggyu and snatched the keys before he could do anything else.

"Well.. I guess she'll drive." Sunggyu bit his bottom lip.

"Great." Alicia scoffed. 

Jocelyn, Woohyun, Sungyeol, Sungjong, and Dongwoo were in one car and  Hoya, Sunggyu, Alicia, Trinity, and L. 

"Sunggyu come in my car, Sungjong will go in Trinity's car." 

"Why?" Sunggyu looked at Jocelyn, Alicia, then back to Jocelyn. 

"I want you to be in my car." she glared at Trinity.

"Yeah Sungjong, come into my car!" Trinity smiled, "Its more fun."

"A-alright." Sungjong got out of the car and went into the other while Sunggyu went into Jocelyn's car.

"That jerk," Alicia rolled her eyes. 

In Trinity's car, everyone either looked like they were going to puke or have a heart attack.

"Trinity! Please slow down, I'm begging you..." Sungjong pleaded while clutching onto his stomach.

"You can use your healing or unicorn magic stuff." She said looking through the rear view mirror.

"WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING!!!" some old man yelled out his window.

Trinity glared at the old man, and continued driving happily.


They all arrived at the beach.

"Heaven! Thank god!" Alicia shouted laying on the ground.

"Was I that bad of a driver? Everyone else thought I was great driver, right?" Trinity asked smiling innocently at the 3 boys.

Hoya shook his head, "No, you almost hit a biker."

"And an old lady too!" Sungjong added.

L went over to Trinity and placed a hand on her waist, "Be nice to my baby. She did an okay job."

Sunggyu saw Alicia on the ground, and ran straight to her. "Are you okay?"

"No! I almost died having Trinity drive." She pouted looking up at Sunggyu.

"I don't know why they split us up." Sunggyu scoffed, pulling her up off of the ground.

"I don't like Jocelyn, she has a grudge against me or something." Alicia made a face.

"Be nice, she's cute." he replied slyly.

Alicia rolled her eyes and kicked his leg, "If you run to her, I'll kill you. I have all the powers too."

"I know you're a sorcerer too and all, but just because you got to take in your parent's powers too doesn't make you all that special." Sunggyu smiled, "But you're special to me baby."

"Whatever, let's go in the water."

Once everyone was on the beach, everyone set their towels out on the sand. Woohyun reached for Jocelyn's hand and dragged her away from all the others. Jocelyn's eyes grew wider as he continued to pull her farther and farther.

"Where are we going?" she scringed at the heat.

"Somewhere away from the others, I want to be with you alone." he winked attractively after making a heart with his hands.


Jocelyn nodded obediently and followed Woohyun. The heat was dreadful. The sun shined down on them and they needed to prepare for sunburns.

"Wae? Don't wanna?" he frowned.

"Eh? I do, it's just that we came with the others, so we should spend time with the-"

"Don't worry, we will honey." he smiled cutely.

Over where the others were, Trinity tugged on L's shirt, "Where is Woohyun and Jocelyn?"

"I guess Woohyun said he wanted to be with her alone."

"WHAT?! THATS GROSS! WHERE ARE THEY?!" Trinity started to freak out, "THEY AREN'T GONNA..JOCELYN!"

Trinity started to run around on the beach  looking for Jocelyn frantically. Every now and then she'd trip into the sand, but she'd get up again and look for the other couple. 

Alicia rolled her eyes and looked towards Trinity while she wandered away,  "So immature."

Sunggyu glared his eyes and tapped her shoulder, "What was that?" 

Alicia totally transformed and laid her head on his shoulder, "Nothing honey." 

At first, he was skeptical, but he let go of it after a little while. Finally, Trinity found Woohyun and Jocelyn laying on two towels, holding hands. She was scared to approach them, but she went crazy anyway.

"EONNI!!!" Trinity leaped down into the sand by Jocelyn. Sand flew everywhere and hit her in the eye.

"Ah! My eyes!" Trinity yelped. "There's sand in my eyes!"

"You're fault." Jocelyn laughed, trying to help Trinity by splashing water on her open eye. 

"ITS COLD!" Trinity slapped the water bottle away.

"You don't want hot water burning your eyes do you?" she scringed.

"I guess not." Trinity blinked the water out of her eyes, "That's better."

Woohyun scoffed and pushed Trinity's shoulder, "Go back to L now." 

"But you two.. are alone..and you are...." Trinity stopped. She rubbed the back of her head and looked for the word.

"I am what?" Woohyun grinned.

"A...ert." she blurted out.

"Leave." Jocelyn smacked Trinity's arm playfully. 

"Agh.. fine fine." Trinity got up and slowly roamed towards the rest of the group.

L was laying on his towel, his bare chest facing the sun. Oh boy did he look attractive. She plopped down on the towel next to him and he smirked at her. 

"You're finally back?" 

"Yeah.. I don't trust Woohyun oppa and Eonni together alone." 

"I don't either, but its okay. We're on a beach..they can't do anything." L assured her.

"Oh Myungsoo.. they will do anything anywhere!" Trinity over exaggerated. 

"No they won't," L started a story, "Woohyun isn't that erted. When he first met Jocelyn, he was a scaredy cat. Now.. I don't know why he is like he is."

Trinity scoffed, "Woohyun is a freaking ert!"

L rolled over onto his stomach, and smirked looking at Trinity straight in her eyes.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" she asked.

"Ani." L said, bringing his face closer to Trinity's face.

Their faces were coming closer and closer together, " L! Football!"

L whipped his head towards where the voice was coming from, and of course it was Hoya.

Hoya walked over to Trinity and L. "Was I intruding?" Hoya asked sarcastically.

L glared at Hoya for interrupting their moment alone.

"What did you want?" L bluntly asked.

Hoya was to busy staring at Trinity that he didn't hear what L had asked.

"YAH!" L screamed.

Hoya flinched in shock, "You had to yell? Let's go play some football."

L got up from his spot, and gave Trinity a quick peck on the lips.

"Trinity!" Jocelyn yelled running towards her, Woohyun following behind.

"Woohyun, you freaking ert! Were you gonna do something to her?!" Trinity yelled.

He smirked mischeviously, and started running.


 He jumped infront of Jocelyn and planted a huge kiss onto her lips.

Trinity bolted up from where she was sitting, and ran to Jocelyn.

"You nasty! Don't do that to my eonni!!!" Trinity shrieked, pulling Jocelyn to their resting spot.

Woohyun went to play with the rest of the guys.

Jocelyn plopped herself next to Trinity soaking in the sun.

"Where is Alicia?" Jocelyn asked closing her eyes.

"I'm right here." 

Trinity and Jocelyn jumped up when Alicia came from behind them.

"Well I'm gonna go for a swim now. Bye!" Alicia said.

Alicia started running, and got some sand in Trinity and Jocelyn's eyes.

"Oh my ghat!!!! Not again, It burns." Trinity wailed rubbing her eyes.

Jocelyn got out her bottled of water, "Trinity, open your eyes real quick. I'm gonna put some water in it."

Trinity listened, and slowly opened her eyes.

"It's gonna be cold." Jocelyn warned, and slowly poured the water into her eyes.

"Ack!" Trinity screamed, moving her face away from the water.

Jocelyn shook her head at Trinity's childish behavior.

"Help me! My eyes hurt too!" Jocelyn demanded, shoving the water to Trinity.

Trinity smirked, and dumped the water onto Jocelyns face.

"YAHH! Are you crazy!?" Jocelyn shuddered due to the cold water.

All of the boys came back from playing their game of football.

"Why is your eye red?" L asked putting his around Trinity.

"Beacuse of the stupid sand." Trinity pouted.

"Trinity did you dump the water onto my baby's face!?" Woohyun barked.

He marched to Trinity, and flicked her forehead.

"I only did that cause she asked me to get the sand out!!" Trinity hissed, rubbing her forehead.

"We should head back to the hotel." SungJong suggested.

Sunggyu nodded in agreement, and started packing.

"You were gonna leave without me?" Alicia pouted.

" could I forget you?" Sunggyu said, going to Alicia.

Sunggyu kissed Alicia, only to hear everybody groan in disgust.

"Get a room, can't you see you are ruining everyones eyes?" Woohyun gaged.

Alicia broke the kiss, and glared at Woohyun.

"Hurry up and pack! I want sleep!" Dongwoo hollered.

Sungyeol walked to Jocelyn casually, "Are you tired?"

"Yeah, why?" She replied lazily.

Sungyeol smiled sheepishly, "Because you've been running through my mind all day."

Jocelyn burst into laughter. "That was the most cheesy pick-up line ever!"

Sungyeol blushed, while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Don't flirt with my girlfriend." Woohyun butted in.

Everyone was done packing up, and headed back to the hotel.


Sunggyu woke up first, since Jocelyn made a hard brake.

"Hello sleeping beauty." Jocelyn teased.

"I know I'm beautiful, right." Sunggyu joked, his eyes still closed.

Just then, Trinity's car almost crashed into Jocelyn's.

"Ahhh!" everyone in her car kept screaming in fright.


"That was the best parking I had ever done in my life!" Trinity shouted pumping her fist in the air.

Everyone was out of the cars, and heading off to the rooms.

"We have a flight in the morning." Sunggyu reminded everybody.

"We already know grandpa." Dongwoo said half asleep.

"Wait I have something to say!" Trinity giggled to herself.

"What?" Jocelyn asked annoyed.

"Wait...Shot shot shot shot shot shot shot shot! Everybody!" She sang loudly.

Everybody groaned annoyed of the song Trinity kept on singing.

L covered , and brought her back to their room.

"Finally she is done singing that song!" Jocelyn hollered.

"It was cute." Hoya added, which earned him a slapped from Sunggyu.

"She has L." Jocelyn commented, walking with Woohyun to their room.

"Goodnight!" Everyone yelled before closing their room doors.




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Alicialee30 #1
Tenzin! They made us both bad! O: But it's interesting~~ :3 Update soon ^__^
Im Gonna Die. Why You Make Me As A COMPLETE Phyco ?! I Dont Go Around Erasing Brains !! -___- Will You Wipe My Trinity ? Lol I Had No Idea Of This ! I Gave You Pain TT.TT
oohh shiiizzz.Jocelyn forgot Wooohhyyuunnn...UPDATE SOON ^^
Alicialee30 #4
Cute :3 I wanted to be the winner until your 'boyfriend' shot me . >.< I'm gonna kill Woohyun when I meet him. Or whenever we play this game with them and he has to get me and blah whatever xD But I love the story<3 Cute~ I'm with Sunggyu<3 <3 Gah .. Update soon(:
waaahhh!!! this feels like avengers! i dont noe y but it doesss!! UPDATE SOON!! HAHAHAA! UNNICORRN!!...