Chapter 6

Secrets That Could Destroy

(Youngsaeng POV)

It was 3:00am and as usual I wasn’t sleeping, I was reading trying to force myself to sleep, when I heard a creaking noise coming from Eunjun’s room. I get out of bed, it was probably nothing, most likely Eunjun just moving in her slumber but I needed to make sure everything was alright. As I got nearer to her room something felt off, I slowly open the door and I nearly had a heart attack seeing Eunjun awake and sitting up in her bed was something I had only been wishing of seeing. I was tempted in that moment to run to her and hug her and never let her go. When I looked into her eyes I held myself, when she screamed I knew something was wrong, I took one step towards her and stopped looking into her eyes once more I saw it then, I saw that her brown eyes held no recognition of me, of this room and of what has happened the past week.

“Eunjun, are you okay?” I asked slowly trying not to spook her

“How do you know my name?” she asked shocked

“I am your friend” I replied back trying to make her see me as someone harmless

“How do I know that? Why am I here? There is something you’re not telling me!”  I could tell she was getting more and more confused.

“This is your home as well as mine” was all I answered

“Stop hiding and just tell me!” she nearly screamed at me, a little of the old Eunjun coming back

“Touch your head” was all I said

She reluctantly lifted her hand to her head, when her small, pale hand connected with the bandage she let out a gasp.

“H… how?” she stuttered

“You saved someone, I don’t know the full details, so that all I know.” it was a complete lie

“Hmm” I hope she believed me, before I could test that I cut in trying to change the subject.

“How about you go back to sleep and we discuss this fully in the morning?” I asked, I hoped she would reject my offer.

“Fine but I am only agreeing to this because you seem nice and I can’t remember where my actual house is” she replied lying back down and turning away from me.

I nodded even though I know she couldn’t see me, I stepped back and softly shut the door. After the door was shut I slide down it, I didn’t cry I just felt numb and weak. Eunjun didn’t recognize me she didn’t believe me, but what got to me more than anything was here her say this wasn’t her home. She felt like she didn’t belong. I wanted to cry, to scream and run back into that room and beg her to remember me but I couldn’t, I wanted to reverse time but I couldn’t. Fate is twisted sometimes!

(Hyunjoong POV)

I fell asleep curled in a ball on the bathroom floor with shards of glass around me like a nest. I didn’t know how they got there I didn’t know how long I had been in the bathroom, I heard banging on the door but then again I had been imaging a lot of things this past week. I want to go back to being tough and cruel, I want to get rid of the heart that somehow still beats inside my chest but I know that will never happen! I slowly uncurl my aching limbs and stand up, I cut my palm a couple of times on the broken glass but I never registered the pain, I only stared watching the blood fall down my wrist and make a bloodstained pattern. I looked at the right side of the mirror which wasn’t smashed and I could see tear stained cheeks, bloodshot eyes and if I looked hard enough a broken tattered heart and soul, a façade, behind my harshness there is a person who longs to be loved, longs for forgiveness but knows he will never receive it, knowing it is better to make people hate and fear you because it causes less heart ache. So then why am I crying? Why am I watching tears stream down my face looking like they could create a river? Why was my heart aching to the point where I just wanted it to end? Why does my mind only focus on Eunjun? Then I hear the banging again.

“Yo Hyunjoong get out, you have been there for three days straight!” it was Eli

“Go away” I screamed back

“Not gonna happen” and I knew he was right; he wasn’t going anywhere any time soon.

“Fine have it your way” I stood there waiting for the tears to stop but they never did so I opened the door anyway. I opened the door and waited to hear the laughs and the jokes but they never came then I felt a hand on my arm lifting it to look at my palm.

“Dude what have you done?” was all Eli said

“I don’t know, I can’t remember any of it” he said back looking away from him, I didn’t want to see the look of disgust in his eyes.

“Sit on the bed” I did as I was told and still not making eye contact I then heard ripping and felt cloth covering my damaged wrist.

“You can look at me, I am not looking at you with judgement, and I am looking at you with happiness” I was surprised, I decided to take a chance and look at him.

“You haven’t cried for three years, now I know you feel something, I know that your heart is just as soft and loving as it was three years ago. These tears show to me that my friend is still there, the soft spoken, kind hearted one that lost someone dear to them but could accept it.” he said with a sad smile

I didn’t know what to say, my endless flows of tears probably said it all. I let him hug me; I let him try to take some of my unending pain away. I could feel his warmth and my body stopped shaking, I knew I was drained, I knew I was broken and damaged and most likely was never going to be the same again. Maybe this is my destiny, maybe I am meant to stay broken and lonely and a punishment for what I did to Mi Young, and if Fate has decided this for me then I will gladly accept. 

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sorry it took so long for me to update ^_^ hope you like it ^_^


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Eustacia #1
Chapter 6: what an interesting story... please update soon...
Chapter 6: Yay, you're off hiatus!!!! Poor Youngaengie... Hyunjoong's mysterious past must be revealed soon!!! (^_^)
Ohoho! This is getting interesting, Author-nim! (^_^)
I can't wait for the first chapter Author-nim! Kekekeke!