Chapter 5

Secrets That Could Destroy

Hey guys i may be considering deleting this story......ummm tell comment on what you think ^_^


(Hyunjoong POV)

I admit I probably went over the top with beating Eli up, but I couldn’t control myself, it felt like I was being controlled by something else. I could feel my eyes turning black, I could feel rage over taking me and I didn’t understand why. I admit I half enjoyed beating Eli up but the other half knew I was taking it too far. Half way through beating him up I lost myself something else took over, I only came back when I kicked Eli in the ribcage. I would never do that to him. After I came back to being me I knew that my eyes were still black and I looked down at Eli, he was curled up on the ground he was a mess, I had been the one to cause it. I wanted to stay and help him, but I couldn’t…I couldn’t face him, just looking at him made me feel ashamed…I didn’t even know I was capable of something like this!

I ran back to my house, slammed the door shut and raced to the bathroom I looked in the mirror and when I saw my reflection I jumped back. My eyes, they weren’t brown anymore they were a harsh black. I slowly looked at my reflection again, this time I could see, the person staring back at me wasn’t me, something was wrong, I looked like me, my thoughts were mine but something was off…I could feel it. I shut and locked my bathroom door, until this went away I was isolating myself, I won’t hurt anyone else if I’m locked away.  I felt like a monster!!

(Eli POV)

I finally managed to make it home; I looked in the cupboards and under the sink for any alcohol but there wasn’t any. ‘Great no freaking alcohol’ well looks like clubs the next best thing. I called Jungmin, Hyunjoon and Kyu Jong of course they all agreed to come with me. We agreed to meet up at Kyu Jongs apartment at 7:00pm seeing as he was the closet to the club.  Okay so I had two hours to stop the bleeding, cover up the bruising and wrap my chest in bandages. I must admit I was struggling a little bit when it came to putting on the antiseptic and bandages. It was my third try of putting on the bandage when I thought ‘Man I need a woman around here’ an hour to go I had finally managed to put on the bandages and cover the bruises and cuts as best as I could, now the only decision to make was what I was going to wear. I knew it had to be something that got the ladies fainting. So I chose a white singlet with a black jacket over the top and some black skinny jeans, I must admit I looked damn fine!

It took me ten minutes to walk to Kyu Jongs apartment, I could have taken then car to reduce the pain of my ribs but I had to get used to it and I had to act natural in front of the guys so this was how I was practicing. The first five minutes of the walk the pain was intense I felt like I was going to pass out, but now I have grown accustomed to the pain I can block it out, I think I can manage just so long as I don’t make any sharp movements.

I walk into Kyu Jongs apartment and see that I’m the last one to arrive.

“Hey what took ya so long?” asked Hyunjoon

“Yeah man I’m dying for a beer” said Kyu Jong

Now I had to think of an excuse on the spot

“Sorry...uhh I forgot where I put my apartment keys and it took me five minutes to find them”

They all just nodded in response so I couldn’t tell if they believed me, but I think they did. After that we all filed out Kyu Jongs front door, it took five minutes for us to walk to the club, when we arrived we all went straight to the bar, well expect for Jungmin seeing as he didn’t like beer he just stayed with water. Hyunjoon had dragged Kyu Jong to the dance floor; they had been out there for literally three minutes and Hyunjoon was already hitting on four older women. I think Hyunjoon needs a woman too. I was left with Jungmin; he was in one of his bad moods.

“The did it again” he yelled at his phone or was it too me I’m not quite sure

“What did she do?” I asked, I still wasn’t sure if he was talking about his girlfriend or his ex

“The ex just can’t stand that I’m moving on.”

So it was the ex

“Care to explain”

I was going to need five more drinks to get me through this. As Jungmin talked I ordered more beers, I think by the time he finished his story I was on my tenth one.

“Well it looks like you have a dilemma” I replied, expect it kind of came out slurred, I wasn’t even too sure what I was replying too

“Do you even know what I have been saying?”

“Yes and no” and then I burst into laughter

“Man you are drunk as”

“Noooooo, you have no proof”

“Other than the ten or more beer glasses in front of you” he gave me a questioning look

“Wait here I’m going to go and get the others” he said and then moved to go find the others

 I waited like he said, I think I started ordering more drinks, but it kind of gets hazy around that time. By the time they gave back Jungmin had three incredibly sloshed guys.

“Why did this happen to me” I heard him mumble under his breath

Jungmin had to guide us out of the club seeing as our senses where all fuzzy. We got out side and I spotted a really fancy restaurant, with me being drunk I didn’t think about anything other than there was this hot chick sitting near a window.

I ditch the others and race across the street, when I get close I trip over my own feet and smack head first into the window, that was fun. Though I think I just gave the old stuck up man a heart attack! I pick myself up and try walking casually into the restaurant, that’s good no one has spotted me yet, I start laughing under my breath. I see out of the corner of my eye Hyunjoon and Kyu Jong putting their faces on the window and pulling goofy faces at the customers, Jungmin is behind them trying to pull them away and screaming at me, pfft I knew I was going to get scolded for this later on but who cares once I see a hot chick all my attention goes to them!

I am near the girls table now and of course that’s the time I have to trip over my own feet, though it did get me a bonus I mean I landed in her lap, she looked down at me and oh god I couldn’t resist those lips any longer so I went for it, I felt her soft lips on mine and I could taste her strawberry lip gloss, just as the kiss was deepening someone pulled me off of her. Funny I swear she was kissing me back.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” the random person demanded

“What does it look like I’m doing?” I replied

“KISSING MY DAUGHTER” he screamed at me

“Then you guessed correctly” I replied casually

I swear this guy turned red before punching me square in the jaw. not again!! Come one do I have ‘punching bag’ written on my forehead in bold black letters? Is that why everyone seems to be taking a shot at me today? He was about to punch me again when security came and dragged me away, of course I didn’t struggle, they threw me out and I landed on my . I tried standing but the world was spinning and for some reason I couldn’t control my limbs. Then came voices.

“Dude, you so just got punched by an old man” I could hear Hyunjoon laughing

“Plus side you kissed the hot chick there” slurred Kyu Jong

“Oh for pits sake can we go home now, I am in a bad enough mood already and you three retards are making it worse! NOW move!!” wow Jungmin was scary

-Next Day-

I when I woke up the room was still dark, I turned to look at the alarm clock but my head was pounding, my whole body hurt. I just managed to get a glimpse of the clock, a very painful glimpse. It was 5:00 in the morning, the glow of the alarm clock was killing me, it felt like it was melting my eyes but actually it was a very soft glow. Man I had way too much to drink last night. I just hope I didn’t do anything stui- oh , the restaurant the old man punching me, all the images where forming in my brain, the hot chick and falling in her lap and then kissing her. OH come on why didn’t anyone stop me. I walk out into the kitchen and see Jungmin sitting there. ‘Now I’m in for it’

“Care to explain your chest, the bruises and the cuts you so neatly covered up and explain why you got so drunk?” Jungmin asked

Well there isn’t any point in hiding it and I suppose if I was close to anyone it would be Jungmin, so I started to tell him all of yesterday’s encounters. I was just hoping I wouldn’t regret doing this…

(Eunjun POV)

I woke with a start; I don’t remember anything except the nightmares that wouldn’t leave me alone, the nightmares about my past. I look around this room I’m in and for some reason I can’t remember it. The room looks familiar but I can’t place why…then the door opens and I see a man standing there. I don’t know who they are. so I scream…


Sorry it took me so long to update i had a very bad case of writers block....i hope you enjoy this chapter, i am sorry if it wasnt what you were expecting...comments and subscriptions are welcome ^_^ please subsribe or read my other story with Super Junior here is the link

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sorry it took so long for me to update ^_^ hope you like it ^_^


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Eustacia #1
Chapter 6: what an interesting story... please update soon...
Chapter 6: Yay, you're off hiatus!!!! Poor Youngaengie... Hyunjoong's mysterious past must be revealed soon!!! (^_^)
Ohoho! This is getting interesting, Author-nim! (^_^)
I can't wait for the first chapter Author-nim! Kekekeke!