Chapter 3

Secrets That Could Destroy

(Hyunjoong POV)

I watched from the side lines as Hyunjoon beat up this worthless kid, normally it would be me, but I just couldn’t be bothered. For once I just like sitting here and travelling to my own little world, where I am loved and where Mi Young is still alive.

“THE MONEY, WHERE THE HELL IS IT!?!?” I could faintly hear Hyunjoon scream

“I…I…I couldn’t get you it” stammered the kid

Well this kid was dead; I could hear it in Hyunjoons strained voice.

“You just made the biggest mistake of your life!” Jungmin said. Great now Jungmin was dead, god I wish Eli was here, this wouldn’t have gotten so out of hand.

I saw the girl out of the corner of my eye, but I never thought she would save this the kid from Hyunjoon. I mean how pathetic can you get, if you want to save someone like that. I admit when I saw Hyunjoons fist collide with her face instead of the kids it surprised me, and not many things surprise me. Everything went into slow motion after the girl got punched, but when she struggled to stand  up, I nearly jumped off the wall to go help her, I didn’t though mean I don’t help others I inflict pain on others. When she finally managed to stand up I saw four scars running down the left side of her face I felt guilt and kindness. My heart beat faster when I saw her lovely dark brown eyes, my heart ached for the feel of her, I wanted to rush to her side and for some reason I wanted to be her prince, I wanted to protect her and keep her safe.

‘What the hell, I don’t feel kindness and I defiantly don’t feel guilt, and when hell freezes over that’s when I will care about someone else. When the sky falls down is when I will ever want to protect someone, and I will never be someone’s prince just like I will never love anyone.’

(Eunjun POV)

The nightmares are coming, I can’t escape them. Why can’t I wake up? The blackness is consuming me, I don’t want to go back to my past and I don’t need to relive my past, especially my past 8 years ago. I need to escape. Why won’t Youngsaeng save me? I’m all alone again!!

(Youngsaeng POV)

I got her home safely, I mean I got a lot of weird looks because of it but I didn’t care I only cared about keeping her alive. I have cleaned her wound, and stayed by her side. That kid who I learned that his name was Dong Yul, stayed for three days while his bruises went down and he stopped feeling dizzy and collapsing whenever he stood up. It has been a week and Eunjun still hasn’t woken up, I’m scared, she keeps calling out and sometimes at night I hear her screaming, I feel helpless, I can’t be her saviour. I pray that Eunjun is strong enough to get through this, I will be next to her and I will protect her best I can but for now this is her battle……for now.

(Hyunjoong POV)

It has been a week and I still can’t get that girl off my mind. I mean seriously, if I think about it I could do a lot better. I have the money, the looks and I can defiantly get any chick I want. So how come right now I feel more alone than ever and only one girl can cure me of it. How come I want the girl that isn’t my type? Why after just seeing her scars and her dark brown kind eyes I can’t get her off my mind? There is this strange feeling inside me, that I have had only once before, the feeling of wanting to see her again, the feeling of not wanting to forget her. Someone please explain!!

That’s it I have decided I need to go see her. I jump to my feet and slam my door shut. I ran like crazy to the place where I know she will be, I knew where she lived only because I use to be friends with Youngsaeng and I heard him talking about her and telling others that she is staying with him. I was a block away and I started slowing down, all my thoughts started colliding with each other. I was a house away now from Youngsaengs.

“Should I be doing this? The last time I was here we had a massive fight.”

All the memories are coming back, the fight, the breakdown and the death. Could I face him again? I have spent 3 years avoiding him.

I knock on the door and wait. It felt like I was there for eternity. Finally the door opens.

“Hel-“Youngsaeng breaks off and his eyes go wide. I knew this was a mistake but I couldn’t go back now.

“Ummm…I came to see….” god I sounded so pathetic, I wasn’t even able to finish that sentence.

“I’m not sure”

“Come on, I know the last time wasn’t good, but I need to see her. Please” I’m not sure if it was the desperate tone to my voice or the weariness in my eyes but when I see him open the door wider I dash inside.

“The second door on your left and her name is Eunjun” I hear him shout though the last bit he said sounded forced.

I burst in to her room and I come to an immediate halt. I carefully closed the door behind me; I don’t move a muscle after that. She looks so pale, small and fragile; the thing I couldn’t get past was how vulnerable she looked.

‘Eunjun, why did you save that kid?’  I thought to myself

I don’t know how I managed to put one foot in front of the other, I don’t even remember moving closer to the bed till my hand brushed against the blankets. I was so encased by my thoughts and misery I didn’t hear or see Youngsaeng enter the room.

“She has been like this for about a week” he said softly, his words snapped me out of my thoughts.

“You have to know I didn’t do this to her, though I will admit I didn’t do anything to stop it, but you must know that I have been feeling guilty ever since.” 

Since when did I ever say those things or think those thoughts? Since when did I ever ever ever feel guilt about not saving someone especially a girl? The reaction from him was not what I had been preparing for, I had been preparing for a broken nose, maybe even a fight or a lot of harsh words being exchanged. The fist never came; the harsh words were never said.

“Thank you for telling me that. I just wish she would wake up.” His voice grew quieter with every word

At that moment we both hear a terrifying, piercing scream. I turn around and see Eunjun struggling with thin air. What scared me more than ever was her scream? I rush to her side and pulled her hands away from her face. I didn’t know what I was doing, but all of sudden the heart in my chest, the heart I thought I had lost, the heart I felt I wasn’t supposed to have blossomed in my chest and beat hard and fast. Right now I knew I had to try and protect her, I needed to protect her.

“What are you doing?” Came Youngsaengs questioning voice

“I don’t know. I just know that right now something is stirring inside of me, something I thought I had lost.” I answered back, still fighting to keep Eunjuns hands away from her face before she could do any more damage.

“Okay I will leave you alone; I will just be down stairs. When you feel like Eunjun is calm enough to be left alone come down, we need to talk.”  A minute later I heard the doors soft click of being shut.

Like I said I don’t know what I was doing, normally I love looking at a kids worthless, crying face and seeing them on the ground at my feet. It made me smile, my smile had become cold and cruel, and I knew that. Just like I knew I had no warmth left in me. It was fun hurting others, and every time I saw their pain it made me feel complete. Now I look down at Eunjun and I see the pain on her face and I feel her struggle against me and all I feel is sadness and loads of guilt.

‘What has happened to her, to make her this scared? Who has given her such nightmares that she can’t escape?’  

I held Eunjuns hand, her small soft delicate hand which held such power, it felt at times like she was going to crush mine or break it in half. Finally Eunjun had calmed down, but I wasn’t ready to let go of her hand just yet. I moved my free hand and slowly I brought it up to her cheek, very lightly the left side of her face; I move away the fringe which covers the scars. My hand traces the bumpy scars and look at Eunjun once again. She had grown peaceful, no screaming and no struggling, she is now calm and peaceful. I was positive that the worst was over, but I didn’t want to let go of her hand, I didn’t want to leave this room, but I knew I had to. I brushed the hair away from her ear and leaned down. I haven’t done or said this in a very long time.

“Eunjun, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for not protecting you, I’m sorry for only now realizing that I should have intervened, when you wake you won’t remember this, but I will. For some reason just being near you makes me feel something, a something other than coldness and bitterness, but you will never know that. Just like you will never remember these next twelve words; I think…no I know that I’m starting to fall for you.” 

I regretfully let go of her hand and walk to the door and I know as soon as I close this door behind me I will become the cold bitter person that feels like he is made of glass. I know I will regret leaving this house and Eunjun behind. I close the door and I felt one tear escape.


hey guys heres chapter three ^_^ i hope you guys like it......comments and subscriptions are very much appreciated ^_^ Credit for the AWESOME poster goes to  :: EXOTIC GROUNDS :: Poster and Review Shop

they are AMAZING, make sure you check out there work ^_^



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sorry it took so long for me to update ^_^ hope you like it ^_^


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Eustacia #1
Chapter 6: what an interesting story... please update soon...
Chapter 6: Yay, you're off hiatus!!!! Poor Youngaengie... Hyunjoong's mysterious past must be revealed soon!!! (^_^)
Ohoho! This is getting interesting, Author-nim! (^_^)
I can't wait for the first chapter Author-nim! Kekekeke!