Secrets That Could Destroy

Secrets That Could Destroy

(Eunjun POV)

I use to cry all the time when I was little, I use to cry because I thought it would wash away the pain, sometimes I would cry till my head hurt and my body was exhausted. I use to be bright and sunny, but after the accident everything changed. I started hiding in corners and creating my own little world, but I had to grow out of that at some point, I mean its okay for an ten year old to do that, but 17 years old probably not. All that was 8 years ago, I act like I have changed, but deep down I still hurt, I may have people who love me and a boy that saved me from myself. But the pain is still there, it is still as fresh as a knife wound.

"What are you doing Eunjun?" Came the voice I knew so well

"Oh, I was just thinking." I turned around and smiled at Youngsaeng

He brought his arms around me and pulled me into a tight embrace, the boy who cleaned my wounds and wiped away my tears when they fell. I don't think I could live without him. Youngsaeng is my rock, he never asked any questions about my past or my wounds. I can never let him find out about me, I can't lose him.

"Come on slow poke, we are going to be late to College again if you don't hurry up" Youngsaeng called to me

"I'm coming, I'm coming you just take such long steps' I teased

We get to College just in time, Youngsaeng and I said goodbye to each other and went off to our classes. I walked into Creative Textiles and was attacked with a bear hug from my best friend Lee Kiseop, he was a bit of a random but I wouldn't have him any other way. Kiseop was handsome in so many ways, he had gorgeous brown eyes that were lively and filled with kindness that at times were very hard to resist, I must admitt that he has a very very good body, with abs that make every girls heart melt. If I didn't have Kiseop I would definitly still be the loner, the weirdo and the outcast.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Kiseop

"No reason" I smiled sweetly back to him

(Hyunjoong POV)

I'm locked away, I'm behind a brick wall thats impenetrable. My heart has hurt too much in the past, I'm not letting it hurt again. My heart and feelings are locked away, cruelness and coldness are the way to go. I have found out that its better to hurt someone else than it is to be hurt, do I like inflicting pain on others? Probably...

I look outside to see that the sky is gray and rain is bucketing down, I love this weather only because it reminds me of how cold and black my heart and soul really are. I secretly look over at my friends who are chatting and laughing away, why can't I join them, to finally laugh and feel something other than coldness, I ask myself each and every day 'what the heck is wrong with me?'

"Hey Hyunjoong, your going to break that pencil" called Eli

"Who cares about the stuipd freaking pencil" I called back

I could see the questioning look in his eyes, I knew that look, just like I knew he knew what I was thinking about, why the hell does he know me so well? Why did I let anyone get so close to me? I'm starting to get careless, though I suppose even if i tried to push him away it wouldn't work. I go back to looking out the window, the last time someone got close to me it ended in a death, a death that has changed me and because of it I need to suffer the punishment by myself...

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sorry it took so long for me to update ^_^ hope you like it ^_^


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Eustacia #1
Chapter 6: what an interesting story... please update soon...
Chapter 6: Yay, you're off hiatus!!!! Poor Youngaengie... Hyunjoong's mysterious past must be revealed soon!!! (^_^)
Ohoho! This is getting interesting, Author-nim! (^_^)
I can't wait for the first chapter Author-nim! Kekekeke!