chapter 2

Secrets That Could Destroy

(Eli POV)

I have known Hyunjoong for ten years now; I knew every imperfection, what made him angry, what made him laugh, I knew it all. Just like I know about that girls death and how right now I know that is what he was thinking about. Hyunjoong has changed, his heart has grown cold, his soul had become black and his personality had become damaged, it has been three years since it happened and Hyunjoong is still punishing himself for it, why can’t he get it through his head that it wasn’t his fault? I just pray that one day he will find someone who will remove the blackness that grows inside of him…and I don’t pray very often!

(Eunjun POV)

Finally school finishes, today felt like it went forever. I couldn’t see Youngsaeng after school because I had to work. It was still raining so I had to run to the bus stop and crowd under the shelter with about twenty other kids (thank god I wasn’t claustrophobic) 

Ten minutes passed and finally the bus arrived, everyone stumbled on to the bus, great now the bus is going to be noisy as hell. I found an empty seat towards the back and put both my earphones in, if I didn’t have my I-pod I would die, the music blocks out everything, but most importantly it blocks out my thoughts, the thoughts that have become my nightmares. The reality of what I was and what happened 8 years ago.

I look happy on the outside but inside I feel weak and pathetic. I hide the left side of my face, I avoid mirrors at all costs and I never show anyone my arms or stomach. I sound like and look like an Emo, I will let you in on a little secret I’m not. It is better to let everyone think that then to explain about my past. If word got out about my past it could destroy the boy I love…it could destroy me.

I get off the bus and find that it has stopped raining; I am in no rush to get to work so I dawdle. I turn into a little alley way and that’s when I see them, three tough muscular boys throwing around a smaller more delicate boy. My head says don’t intervene but my heart and gut says that it is the right thing to do. So I carefully make my way towards the group and as I get closer I start to hear snippets of their convosation.

“THE MONEY, WHERE THE HELL IS IT!?!?” I heard the boy that looked like the leader scream

“I…I…I couldn’t get you it” stammered the littler boy

“You just made the biggest mistake of your life!” another boy said. It sounded like he was pointing out the obvious.

Then both of them started to kick and punch the boy again. The third tough looking boy just sat and watched it all unfold; his careless nature pissed me off. Now I had to go help! I saw the leader lift the boy off the ground and shove him into the brick wall behind him and then pull back his other hand, curled it into a fist and was just about to king hit the smaller boy when I jumped in and took the force of the punch. I hit the ground hard; I heard gasps and then whispering coming from all directions. I stumbled to my feet, I wiped the blood away with the back of my hand, I should have felt the pain but I had grown accustomed to pain over the years that it was second nature to block it out. I looked at the boy who I had saved, he was unconscious on the ground and then I looked at the boy who had punched me instead. i looked over at the boy who was sitting on the wall, doing nothing to stop any of this, The boy had a muscular build, strong defined facial features; high cheekbones, gorgeous dark brown eyes that in the darkness of the sky looked black, black hair with a fringe that covered one eye. Immediately my heartbeat quickened and it seemed like everything slowed down, then I remembered the left side of my face, I lifted my hand to feel if my fringe was still there, crap it wasn’t, all three of them would have seen the four ugly scares that ran down that side of my face, I quickly brushed the fringe back over and looked at the leader of the group. I expected to see remorse if not some kind of apology but when I looked into his eyes all I saw was coldness, a kind of delight that he hit something even if it was a girl. Finally the third guy who was just sitting there watching it all unfold, came over and took the others away, I was left standing there with blood running down my face and an unconscious boy. The punch had such force that I had difficulty standing and seeing, the boy was still unconscious and I knew I was very close to ending up on the ground too. The only thing I could do was call the boy that I knew would save me.


“Hello?” answered Youngsaeng

“Y…Youngsaeng I need help….” I am losing consciousness quickly

“Eunjun what has happened…what’s wrong….wait where are you!?!”  

“I’m in the alley way near…….” I trailed off

The blackness came quicker I hit the ground hard.


(Youngsaeng POV)

I got the call from Eunjun just as I was leaving the school.

“Hello?” I answered

“Y…Youngsaeng I need help…”

I knew it was Eunjun, but her voice was worrying me.

“Eunjun what has happened….what’s wrong….wait where are you!?!”

I could hear her struggling to answer my questions.

“I’m in the alley way near….”

It went quite, which scared me, what alley way!?! Right the alley way near her work.

I ran as fast as I could to her, I needed to protect her. It took me twenty minutes to get there but when I did I saw another guy next to her. What did he think he was doing?

“Why won’t you wake up? Why did you have to save me?” The boy cried

“What do you mean she saved you?” I asked

The boy was so surprised to see me he jumped to his feet and took a couple of steps back; I’m surprised he managed to answer my question.

“She jumped in and got king hit to save me…why would she do that?”

Wait she saved him, why would she do that, Eunjun hates these kind of things, she is scared of other people touching her expect for me and Kiseop (but even that took quite some time)

I had to get her out of here, I can’t let her die and she needs me more than ever now. I turn to the boy, I see that he is crying, and that he is also battered and bruised. As I lift her small body into my arms, I make sure the boy is with me.

“Come on, I will help you out but you need to answer some of my questions.”

“Y…yes, thank you.”

“Can you please tell me what happened…please tell me everything” I asked calmly, but there was a desperate tone in my voice which I couldn’t help.

As I listened to his story, I moved Eunjuns head closer to my chest which freed my left hand a little so I started moving the blood soaked hair out of her face, I cleaned away the blood from her cheek and as I did memories came back to me about the night I found her. She was so small and fragile, lying barely breathing on the side of the road, covered in blood, cuts and bruises. I remember cleaning her wounds, wiping her tears when they fell. I even remember how frightened she was seeing me sitting next to her.

I look down at her now; I can’t help but see how much pain she is in, I need to get her home now. I need to call Kiseop, all these thoughts running through my head and more. Eunjun doesn’t deserve this, she has almost died once and she won’t come close to it again.    

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sorry it took so long for me to update ^_^ hope you like it ^_^


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Eustacia #1
Chapter 6: what an interesting story... please update soon...
Chapter 6: Yay, you're off hiatus!!!! Poor Youngaengie... Hyunjoong's mysterious past must be revealed soon!!! (^_^)
Ohoho! This is getting interesting, Author-nim! (^_^)
I can't wait for the first chapter Author-nim! Kekekeke!