
3600 seconds

The next morning, unlike any other morning, Youngmi decided to wake up extra early. She took a quick, cold shower and dressed up in her school uniform - sloppily. - Her blazer was unbutoned and she wore ankle socks. She let down her hair and let her bangs cover her eyes. She slung her bag pack over her shoulder and walked out of the house.

*A morning without Hyeonsok. A morning of peace.* Somehow, Youngmi felt free. She couldn't recognize wether she had been trapped under Hyeonsok all this while, or if she just felt a sudden freedom from..... everyone. She wasn't too attatched to anyone and she wasn't planning to. She liked being alone. And when being alone, it made her realize that sometimes, *Sometimes, you could only trust yourself in this cruel world.*

It took Youngmi a fifteen minute walk from her home to school. *I'm really early today.* She looked around the hallway and didn't see much students except for those who were those A* students, always working their butts off. That got Youngmi thinking for a while. *I could have been one of them right now.* She shook her head and reminded herself of what had happened three years back.

Without bothering to take her books out of her locker, she headed straight for her class.

Youngmi took her iPhone out and then dropped her bag onto the floor.

Soon, more students started filing into class. And of course, all them avoided Youngmi. Some of them even acted as though she wasn't there. *It's like I'm a ghost.* She thought to herself when she took a glance around the class.

Minutes later, Mr. Yoon came it accompanied by a school boy. Youngmi was oblivious to this. She ignored the world and sat in her seat, staring out of the window, waiting for a miracle to happen.

"Alright class, " Mr. Yoon clapped his hands, "Settle down." Everyone did as told and went back to their seats.

"Today, I would like to introduce to you a new student that will be joining our class."

Right then, the school boy which had accompanied Mr. Yoon into the class, stepped forward. He bowed 90 degrees and flashed a smile. At that moment, you could hear girls squealing in delight.

"Hello, my name is Byun Baekhyun. I'm 18 years old and I'm from Bucheon. I hope that you will take care of me and I look forward to making new friends."

Baekhyun stepped backwards and Mr. Yoon took over his place.

"Baekhyun's a very smart student and I do not want any of you," He eyes all the students, "To spoil him. Understand?" Everyone nodded, the girls a little bit too much.

Mr. Yoon put his hand on Baekhyun's back, "Baekhyun, you can go take your seat at the back of the class, beside," He paused for a moment when he saw Youngmi seated next to the empty seat, "Youngmi." Baekhyun nodded and did as told. As he passed by other tables, girls had called out for him.

"Hey cutie, come and sit with me!"

Baekhyun ignored them and walked straight to his seat. He saw Youngmi still listening to music. *What is she doing? Doesn't she realize that class is starting?* He pulled out his chair and sat on it.

Soon, Mr. Yoon had started with the lesson, but Youngmi still had her earpiece on.

Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows slightly. He gathered up his courage and tapped Youngmi on the shoulder when Mr. Yoon was facing the board.

Youngmi had her attention fixed on the clear blue sky. She wanted to just run out of this classroom right now, run away from Seoul and never come back. *If the sky is blue and bright here- What the hell?* A tap on Youngmi's shoulder broke her train of thoughts.

Slowly, she turned her head towards her right. A new face that she had never seen before greeted her, but she didn't seem to care about that. Before Baekhyun could even open his mouth, Youngmi spoke, "Don't talk to me."

Just three words, but Baekhyun felt as though it had an impact on him. Youngmi rolled her eyes at him and continued to daze outside of the window. Baekhyun stared at Youngmi for a while. *I don't even know your name, but it feels as though I've known you for a long time. You remind me of someone whom I know very well.*

Baekhyun ignored the thought and listened to class. 

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Chapter 4: Keke~ im into your plot!! Please update!!!
Chapter 4: ;o It's really emotional! T.T Please update soon..
Nikeekun #3
It's nice :D please update soon T_T