The Plan

A Kingka, my new "Boyfriend"?

Zelo's POV

Mom left and I sat down on the couch. MiMi looked at me hesitantly. I patted the spot next to me. She nodded shyly and sat down. I grabbed a soda and she followed by grabbing a water bottle. "So, like I said before I need you to act like my girlfriend. I'm not sure how long we will need to pretend but, DO NOT tell anyone!" She looked at me for a second before saying "Do I have to act like a certain type of girl?" I pondered for a minute. "No, just act like yourself. But, be prepared for A LOT of....... interactions." 

​MiMi's POV

​What did he just say?!? "W-what kind of interactions?" " Things like.... hugging ​Oh crap! .... kissing ​Oh shiz!" My eyes widened and Zelo laughed. "What do I get in return?" I asked. "Isn't the hugging, kissing and holding hands enough?" I nodded my head in agreement then stopped myself after I realized what I was doing. I felt my face grow warm. "It's ok to admit you like it." I lifted my head up slowly and saw Zelo smiling down at me. ​I want to hug him....... Wait what the hell am I thinking?!? This is only fake and Zelo would never actually like me! "Hey, are you ok?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Uh,yeah."

Zelo's POV

"I'll go change real quick and take you home!" I said grabbing some clothes from my closet. "Okay, no need to rush! I live alone. ​Is it even safe for a girl to be living alone these days? ​I brushed the thought off and changed. I came out a while later and found MiMi asleep on my couch. Pabo! ​Why did she fall asleep here? I told her that I'd take her home! ​I picked her up bridal style and put her on my bed. I settled down on the couch and went to sleep. 

MiMi's POV

​Beep! Beep! ​Huh? I don't remember setting an alarm clock! I opened my eyes and looked around. ​Ah! I fell asleep on the couch! ​I mentally facepalmed myself before trying to get up. My eyes were blurry and I tripped over something. I hit the ground with a loud THUD! "Ow!" I remarked as I rubbed my elbow."You okay?" I sat up and turned around to see Zelo staring down at me. "I-i'm fine!" I grabbed my back pack and quickly escaped to the bathroom. ​​I can't believe he saw me in this state!! ​I quickly combed through my hair and put on some light makeup after brushing my teeth. I came down to the kitchen with Zelo and bowed to his mom. She gave me another one of her motherly smiles that made my heart warm. I sat down and started eating breakfeast. ​Isn't his mom mad?!?! 



​Thank you to all of you who subscribed!!!!!! I love you all!!!

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I'll update soon! I promise! I just need to organize my ideas. I updated my two other stories if you guys want to check them out.


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Daelo13 #1
Chapter 7: Aww that's cute! Pls update soon and also pls make the chapters a little longer.
But I love the story so much keep up the awesome job!
pipo763745 #2
Chapter 5: The story is getting too fast!!!and chapters are very short...
DigitalCake #3
Chapter 7: Wow I read this all in a few minutes xD I really like the story :P
Chapter 6: Updattte please!! I cant wait any longer ( robot voice)
jonginme #5
Chapter 6: update!~ So interesting!
bombomi #6
ohmygoodness please update soon! its my first time reading a B.A.P zelo story lol
I love the story so far. :) ♥