Stop Sign Ahead

Which way is Home?

HI again!  Thank you SO MUCH for the sub. and the comments!!! Here's the next part.  Hope you all like it!


Today is the day.  Krystal will be marry by the end of the day if no one stops the wedding. 

It’s 8 in the morning and the ceremony starts in two hours.  The bride is currently getting ready in the hotel room.  When the ceremony starts, she’ll be waiting behind the chapel’s door until it’s time.

Wow!  Krystal!  You look beautiful!”  Tiffany from SNSD exclaim loudly as she walks into the room and notice Krystal. 

Thank you unnie!”

“I’m sure you’ll look even more gorgeous once you finish.”

“Stop it unnie.  You’re making me more nervous.”

“My Soo-jung is so beautiful!  I’m so happy for you.  Come here, give unnie a hug.”  Tiffany pulls Krystal into a bone crushing hug.

Unnie~”  Krystal whine, trying to get out of the hug.

Tiffany releases her, “Sorry.  I have a question though.” 

“Yes unnie?”

“You truly love him right?  He makes you happiest?”

“Yes, I love him with all my heart.”

Tiffany just looks at her.

“You sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure, otherwise, why would I marry him?”  Krystal didn’t know where Tiffany was going with these questions but it was making her unnerved.

Ok.  I’ll see you later then!”

“Bye unnie!”

Just as Tiffany leaves, she can’t help but voice out her thought, “you’re with him to forget someone else.  When will you stop lying to yourself Soo-jung?”

Krystal’s eyes widen, “I’m not…” but it was useless as Tiffany already left.

Time passes by quickly as Krystal’s makeup team got her ready for the big day but Krystal didn’t care about them, all she can think about is what Tiffany said. 

“That’s not true, I love him.”

Hm?  Did you say something Soo-jung shi?” 

“Ah?  No, no.”

The lady nod and said, “Well, you’re done here.  Just wait until they call you.”  Then the lady left the room, leaving Krystal there by herself.

“Little sister!!”  Jessica greets when she walks in the door.


“Guess who I brought!?”  Jessica step to the side and behind her is Amber.


“Hi Krystal.  You look stunning.”  Amber said before muttering under her breath, “as always” thinking the others didn’t hear it but they did.

Alright, I’ll leave you two to catch up.  Have fun!”  Jessica too left, leaving on Amber and Krystal there.  The atmosphere is very awkward.

It was Krystal who decides to break the silence.

I’m…glad you can make it today Amber.”

“Thank you for inviting me.  I didn’t think we’ll ever meet again.”

“Of course.  Even though we don’t talk any more, you’re still one of my friend.  Of course I’ll want you here.”

Amber’s eyes narrow “Cut the crap Krystal.”


“Why are you with him?  You don’t love him.”

Krystal’s heart thump inside her chest.  There is it again, the question of love.  “What are you saying?  Of course I love him!”

“Is that what you’re heart tell you or your brain?”

“What are you saying Amber?”

“Don’t marry him.  Please.  I still love you and I know you still love me.”


Amber walks up to her and grabs her face, turning so that they’re looking into each other’s eyes. 

“Look at the world around you!  No one care about who we date anymore!  The world is finally accepting of love!  You were afraid of people judging you, now…now, no one cares anymore.  Please don’t settle down with him.  He doesn’t love you like I do!”  Amber desperately pleads.

Krystal slaps Amber’s hand away, “You don’t have a right to come here and ruin my wedding!  I want you here because you’re my friend, but if you can’t behave, maybe you shouldn’t be here.”



“Krystal!  Look in my eyes and tell me you don’t love me anymore!”


“You can’t do it can you?  You still – “


“Fine.  But I’m not giving up.  Not this time.” 

With that, Amber left the room and Krystal broke down.


As always, sorry for any and all grammar and spelling mistakes.  and of course, comments and feedbacks are always welcome!

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Please update soon~!!!!
Lebomtist #2
Chapter 7: Update soon! Krystal stop lying to herself!
Aww!! That was too adorable!! Kryber <3
That was so sweet :)
Awwww that was so freakin' cute ;u;
I laughed at the last bit too, LOL. :3
fxcrazy #6
the last part make me smile and laugh a bit. "now take me on a date!" haha
Waaa.... so cuteeeeee *u*!!!
They're meant to be together!!!!
Wow!! The anguish is dripping in the 2019 part!! I'm guessing it's Krystal, but I'm usually never right. lol
Dunno what to say now, I guess I'm just waiting for the next chapter to come out :3