Take a U turn

Which way is Home?

Thank you to everyone for the comments, the sub. and for even viewing and showing interest in this!  Chapter two if here and I hope you all enjoy it.  If possible, i would like to know what you think and if i have grammar issue, please tell me!  Thank you!



“Please fasten your seatbelt.  The plane will be landing soon.  We thank you for choosing Korea Air and hope you will fly with us again,” the intercom voice over the aircraft.

The noise woke Amber up from her sleep.  She fasten her seatbelt and stare out the window, watching as the building got closer and closer as the plane continue its downward decent.  When the plane land, she stood up, got her stuff and walk out the plane.  She wanted to get her luggage and leave fast; she never really likes airports or even planes.

Amber was dress in lose jeans, a long sleeves hoodie under a baggy t-shirt, her LA hat, and a pair of Nike.  To everyone, she looks exactly like a boy.

After passing through multiple securities checkpoint, she finally manages to get to her luggage and walks out into the blaring sun.

‘Oh, wow, it’s really hot.  Better find a taxi and get to SM building fast otherwise I’ll die in this heat,’ Amber thought as she scans the parking lot for an empty taxi.  Seeing one without a creepy looking old man, she immediately walk towards it and gave the driver the paper with the address.  The driver nods and after loading her stuff into the car, they drove off. 

Amber was looking at the scenery and all the words that seem like a jumble mess. 

‘I still need to learn a lot more Korean,’ Amber silently reflects. 

“We’re here sir,” the driver said.

Amber didn’t even bother to correct her.  She got that so often that she’s use to it.  Instead, she just thanks her and pay for the ride. 

The taxi drove off, leaving Amber standing in front of a huge building with the iconic SM symbol standing proud and tall at the top of the building.  Taking a deep breath and releasing it, Amber head inside and was meet with silence. 

‘I would have thought there’ll be some noise.’

So Amber stood there looking around like an idiot trying to find someone to ask where she needs to go.


Someone scream behind her.  Amber immediately whip around and starts to bow and said her greeting in her broken Korean.

When she stood up, she was meet with a tall, skinny, and gorgeous girl.  It took her about a second to realize she’s looking at SNSD Ice princess herself, Jessica Jung.

“You’re…Jessica from Girl’s Generation!”  Amber excited shout in English.

“Ah!  I knew you weren’t Korean when I saw you standing there like a loser.”  That was Jessica was of greeting Amber. 

“Right…um, my name is Amber and I’m a new trainee from the U.S.  Do you know where I’m supposed to go?”  Amber asks quietly, not wanting to be on the receiving end of Jessica’s anger.

Instead of answering, Jessica stares at Amber…and continue to stare…and continue to stare.  By this time, Amber feel like her death is coming very close.

“Amber you say?”

Amber nods frantically, not waiting an extra second as if afraid that if she didn’t answer immediately, Jessica will kill her. 

“Why do you have a girl name?”  Jessica coldly demands as she cross her arms and glare down at Amber.

“Be-because I’m a girl,” Amber manage to shutter out despite being glare at.

‘3…2…1’ Amber mentally count until the explosion.

“WHAT!??!?! You…I…The...Flat…you…WHAT???”

“I’m a girl.”  Amber replies calmly while in her mind, she’s laughing since she never seen Jessica loses her cool from all the variety show she watch of SNSD. 

“You sure about that?” 

Now Amber was annoyed.  Why wouldn’t she be sure of her own gender.  Not caring that this was Jessica and her senior, she sarcastically reply, “No, I’m not sure, I might be a dinosaur.”

“HAHAHAH.  I like you kid!  You got spunk!  No one dare say that to me when they realize who I am.  So you’re a new trainee eh?  Hm…there’s an important meeting today that’s why you don’t see anyone around.  Don’t know why though.  It must be big since even classes and already existing schedule are cancel.  They probably won’t be finish for another couple hours.  I’ll just introduce you to the other members, I wanna see how they react to know you’re a girl.”  With that said, Jessica walk away and Amber got no choice but to follow.

“Where you from?”  Jessica ask as they walk through the empty hallway.


“I see.  I should introduce you to my sister.  She’s also a trainee here and since she speaks English, she can help you.”

“Really?  Thanks Jessica.”

Instead of replying, Jessica just smile at her and pat her head.

“You’re not as cold as people said you are.”

“Oh?  Weren’t you shaking from fear just moments ago?”

Amber blush and look down since it was true.

“Heh, I’m only cold to stranger and people I don’t like.  Since I like you, I’m being nice.  Don’t make me regret my decision.  Ah!  Here we are!  Ready to meet some of the best people SM has to offer kiddo?”

“Why are you calling me that?  I’m not a kid!” 


Jessica roll her eyes and open the door and push Amber through.  Since Amber wasn’t expecting to be push through, she stumble and fall flat on her face.

“Dork.”  Jessica mumble.

Hearing this, Amber immediately got up and point her finger at Jessica while yelling, “I’m not a kiddo and I’m not a dork!  You PUSH me!”

“You’re making a fool of yourself.”

Everyone eyes widen.  Someone just scream at Jessica, the ice princess that can kill you with a look, and instead of killing them, she's calmly talking back.  And she even made a joke ealier! 

'What is going on?!?!' Everyone thought.

Amber suddenly realizes they were not alone and blush in embarrassment.  She turns to face the people in the room and did a 90 degree bow, “Hello, I’m a new trainee here.”

Jessica sign and mutter, “You really need to work on your Korean.” 

“You think I don’t know that?”  A tick mark appears on Amber’s forehead.

Jessica rested her hand on Amber’s head and looks at everyone and said in Korean, “I saw this dork standing in the lobby like an idiot and took pity on her since everyone is in a meeting.  Her name is Amber and she’s a new trainee, fresh from L.A.” 


“YOU’RE A GIRL!?!?!?” 

Luckily, someone scream it in English so Amber was about to understand. 

Amber nod while pushing Jessica’s hand away from her head.

“That was my reaction too!” 

“Anyway, lemme introduce you,”  Jessica grab Amber by her shoulder and walks her around the room, introducing her to everyone.

“Alright, I’m not gonna bother introducing you to SNSD members since if you know me, you should know them.  We have Henry and Donghae over there from Super Junior.  Taemin and Key from soon to be SHINee.  They have three other members but they’re not here right now.  The girls are the trainees who have not been put to a group yet.  That’s Victoria, Sulli, Luna, and my little sister, Krystal.  Hurt her, I kill you, got it?”

Amber looks to wherever Jessica point to and try to remember all their names, especially the trainees since they will be practicing together. 

“It’s nice to meet you all.”  Amber said in her horrible Korean. 

“You’re Korean .”  Someone said in English.

Amber looks to where the voice is and found herself looking at Jessica’s younger sister, Krystal.

‘They might not look exactly the same, but definitely sisters.’ Amber thought after hearing the insult.

“Yeah, maybe you can help me learn?”  Amber slyly suggest before showing her of charming smile.

Krystal’s eyes increase in size before she looks down to the ground, her face turning a bit red.


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Please update soon~!!!!
Lebomtist #2
Chapter 7: Update soon! Krystal stop lying to herself!
Aww!! That was too adorable!! Kryber <3
That was so sweet :)
Awwww that was so freakin' cute ;u;
I laughed at the last bit too, LOL. :3
fxcrazy #6
the last part make me smile and laugh a bit. "now take me on a date!" haha
Waaa.... so cuteeeeee *u*!!!
They're meant to be together!!!!
Wow!! The anguish is dripping in the 2019 part!! I'm guessing it's Krystal, but I'm usually never right. lol
Dunno what to say now, I guess I'm just waiting for the next chapter to come out :3