Chapter Two

Tales Of A Not So Normal Family

Ren entered the changing room and set her things down on the bench with a plop. She sighed as she and other girls quickly changed. After changing, she headed to the mirrors to put her hair up into a ponytail. She spent the next five minutes making sure it was perfect. She glanced around the room to see that no one was left in the changing room anymore.

 "Why did I have to pick Phys. Ed.? My hair always pays the toll for my stupid schedule!" She grumbled aloud to herself. With one final mirror check, she headed into the gym. There were boys playing basketball and foolishly fighting. There were groups of girls talking in small groups and walking around the gym. One of the groups of girls waved over at Ren and she returned it as she sat down on the bench. One of the girls broke from their circle and ran over to Ren. She sat down in front of her and waved enthusiastically at her. 

“Hey Ren! How was your weekend?" The short brunette asked.

  Ren laughed. "Boa, you were with me." Ren grabbed her arms to stop her from waving.

"I know! I just wanted to make sure you actually wanted to hang out with me, and not be just doing it out of pity." Boa said, looking at her skeptically as she dropped her hands.

 “You know, now that I think about it, I bet I could find some better people to hang out with..." Ren said dramatically scouring the gym, a smile growing on her face.

 “What?! How can you say that! Have you forgotten the time you lost your shoes and I gave you mine! Because when I said I didn't need them. I was lying! I did need them and everyone in biology looked at me like I was crazy. I couldn’t even dissect the frog they had there that day. I mean it looked gross and it was probably slimy, but I still wanted to...." Boa ranted out, wasting all the air she had in the process and taking gasps of breath.

 Ren grabbed Boa's shoulders and lightly shook them. “Breathe woman, I was just joking around. I wouldn't want to replace my favorite cousin!" 

Boa breathed deeply and looked up happily. "Really, I'm your favorite?" She smiled widely. 

Ren nodded. “Just don't tell Miya or Shinya. We wouldn't want them to be mad, now would we?" She said as she put a finger to her lips.  Boa zipped her lips and threw away the key. They both laughed as the door slammed open.

  Ren eyes widened at the good looking man that walked in. His black hair was so gorgeous! Scratch that all of him was gorgeous!  How he was both cute and handsome was still a mystery to her, though, she didn't complain. He was on the phone as he walked in, laughing at what was said on the other end. As he walked by the benches, she looked away so she wouldn't be caught staring at him, but that didn't stop her from glancing at the nice back view she got as he went by.

He ended his call and turned towards the gym. His face changed into all business as he blew his whistle.  "Alright everyone, bring it in! Let's get started!" Mr. Huang called as he began waving the students in. As students made their way to the benches he began his role call. 

After attendance was taken he smiled and clapped his hands together enthusiastically. “Today we are going to be doing some running! I hope you all ready for a workout!"  He exclaimed.

 Groan and complaints sounded throughout the students as they made their way to the starting line. Soon, everyone was lined up and ready to begin running. Their teacher blew the whistle and the students began moving. They were moving though at the pace of enthusiastic turtles.

Mr. Huang looked up from his papers and stared. Not liking what he was seeing, he furrowed his eyebrows, and blew the whistle.  The students stopped and stared at their teacher. “I’m not sure you guys know the definition of the word run. Come on, let's move and get sweating!" he set down his stuff and began to run himself. 

Ren and the other students watched as their teacher began running.  She looked him up and down as he passed and then decided to follow. * I remember now why I joined this class. I get to see this scrumptious man in shorts for an hour every day! * She smiled inwardly as she kept her pace to stay behind one of her favorite teachers. 




The art room was plastered with diverse paintings and unique sculptures. It always seemed that every time the students entered the room, it would be arranged different or something new was added. 

Miya loved this room.  It wasn't just the scenery, but it was like every time she was in this room, her creativity would surge.

Shinya and Miya entered the room and sat in their seats. The class was never really given a seating plan, but it just seemed everyone would sit in the same place every day.

 “I wish I had more classes with Daehyun..." Shinya sighed dramatically as she pulled out her sketchbook and laid her head on top of it.

“You’re such a drama queen." Miya laughed grabbing Shinya's head and lifting it up. Her head now had a red splotch from where it had been laying. Miya decided to be the nice cousin she was and not tell her. 

“Hey, at least I've got a boyfriend!" Shinya huffed. The bell sounded indicating class had started. The chatter that was in the class quieted as the students waited for instruction. 

Miya glanced around the room. “Hey, where is he?" she asked her cousin, who at the moment, was preoccupied with staring at her pencil on the table. 

“Who?" Shinya broke her daze and scanned the room. 

“You know our teacher? The guy who is supposed to be teaching our class? If you didn't know he isn’t here..." Miya said rolling her eyes. 

Shinya smiled. "Oh, that's too bad for us, looks like we have a free class!" She closed her books and pulled out her phone.

“I would put that away Ms. Li, or I might just incorporate it into my next sculpture.” A quiet voice sounded from behind the two girls.  Shinya's eyes widened as she quickly tried to hide her phone, despite the fact she was already caught. She ducked her head. “I’m sorry Mr. Woo" she said, her face turning a light shade of red. 

She heard him lightly chuckle, but didn't bother to lift her head.  “Now Shinya, what have I told you about calling me that?"  When she didn’t reply, he turned and  raised his voice so that the whole class could hear.

 “You guys know I hate formal names and I know the weekends are busy but remember, once were back in my class, I want you guys to call me Zico."  He said dropping his things by his desk and then leaning casually on it.

Zico chuckled when the class just stared at him.  He suddenly clapped his hands together loudly, causing some of the students to jump.

"Now I know I was late and I apologize, but let's not waste any time." he said picking up two pencils on his desk and attempting to balance them on his fingertips.

 “Today you are going to be working on your sketches. I will be around once in a while to see how you’re doing, but from now on until it's finished, you have artistic freedom!"  Zico cheerfully exclaimed as he raised his arms for emphasis, causing the pencils to trickle down his head and off his shoulders.

Miya stifled a laugh as she watched him try to play it of as if he meant to do it.  She then went over to the supply closet to get her paint set and some brushes. After getting her supplies and project, she joined Shinya back at the table. 

Shinya, at the moment, was hunched over her part of the desk and seemed to be very focused on her project. She did, however, glance up to peer over at Miya's painting when she sat down.

 “How is your project going for you?" Miya asked once she got tired of her cousin's staring. This made Shinya jump back to her project and cover it up so Miya couldn't see.

 "Oh, it's great! I think this will deserve to be in the next school art show!" Shinya said at little too enthusiastically. Miya raised an eyebrow questioningly, but shrugged it off to work on her own project.

She picked up her paintbrush and began to work. She was painting a beach sunset that she saw in a magazine, but as she painted the scene seemed to change to her mood. Instead of the orange sunset in the book, the sky merged with the water to create a purple twilight. The water, a light blue, transformed into a dark abyss filled with mystery.  Miya smiled as she stared at her progress. It looked almost perfect, but it was missing something. She couldn't quite put her finger on it. She sat there staring at her project, analyzing her piece with her paintbrush close to her face.

 “Very well done Miya!" A voice sounded next to her shoulder. She jumped at the sound, as she hadn’t heard her teacher approach. 

 “You think so?" she asked, blushing slightly at the compliment.  Zico moved closer to her and grabbed her brush from her hands. 

“But if I could make a small suggestion..." He paused just over her painting to make sure it was alright. She nodded allowing him to continue. “If you blend the skyline and the water a little more, they will flow better. Also if you added a little more emphasis on the waves here you could make it look a little more realistic." He instructed as he showed her. 

They both leaned back to view the change, seeing it with his improvements made Miya gleam with happiness. This is what was missing! How he knew what was wrong she wouldn't know. She turned toward her teacher and smiled in thanks.

 He returned the smile with one of his own and walked away with a laugh. Miya turned to her cousin and tapped her shoulder. Shinya glanced up and burst out laughing.

  Miya frowned. "Hey, what's so funny?" Instead of replying, Shinya, still laughing, dug through her bag to grab her mirror. Miya grabbed it and froze. She could see that half of her chin and bottom lip was covered in a purple paint.  * How did she not know that was there! How long was that there?! Oh great now I know why Zico laughed.* She grabbed her sleeve with her hand and attempted to wipe of the paint from her face.

Shinya, on the other hand, was still cackling like a hyena and clutching her stomach in pain from all her laughing. Zico, hearing all the commotion, walked back over to where Shinya was dying and Miya was playing violin with her sleeve and her face.

He glanced over Shinya's shoulder to see her progress. Shinya, now beginning to breathe normal again, felt the presence behind her and attempted to cover her work. Zico, though, was faster snatching her project from the table, and walking over to his desk. He stared at it for a while, at times tilting his head and angling in the air. He got up and brought it back to the table.

"I looked forward to seeing it when it is completed." Was all he said as he walked away. Shinya smugly looked over at Miya.

“See I told you! Art show material!" Shinya exclaimed pointing down at her project proudly. Miya took this chance to finally see the mysterious painting. She took one glance and burst out laughing. 

Shinya frowned.  “What’s so funny?!" She asked, smacking Miya’s arm. Miya grabbed Shinya's project and pointed at it.

 "What is this?! It looks like a poptart had an unnatural relationship with a pack of crackers!" Miya said as she broke out into another round of giggles.

Shinya, instantly offended, snatched her drawing back. She turned away from her cousin and self-evaluated her work.

 “I thought I made it very clear it was a giraffe!" Shinya huffed, setting it down and erasing her progress.


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Oddly even though kris and Shinya are siblings in our screwed up little family I never saw that coming for some stupid reason I hope Kris is nice though and doesn't tell their dad Shinya got detention...
Wohooooo I was giggle and giddy reading this and Fck Yeah I am Pro take that you ert! Bahahaha that actually seems like something I'd do and uggghhhhh TOP!!!!! Oh the wedding in sometime in the next 15 years xD lmao Bahahaha thank you for the special birthday wish on AFF :D
XD can I catch him in the process of trying to hurt my baby Zelo and beat him to a pulp! Ouuu that's be so much fun :O nvm I got an idea for a one Shot!!!! THANKS MIYA!!! I LVE YOU GIRL!!! SEE U TUESDAY? Hopefully :3
Lmfao that's totally something I'd Do! Damn I wish we had teachers that fine at our school if do P.E. everyday I I got to state at that fine piece of man everyday! Can't wait for my English class though! That's gonna be my fav class :D
Thanks Miya for putting up the first Chapter!!! :D Bahaha I love it it sounds so much like us xD and I'd do the same thing to someone in real life if they were to act like Kai there that teenager lmao xD unless it was him himself he's like on legs! Lmao xD
Piuuut the first damn chapter up Miya! You hoe! I've been waiting for you to put this damn story up for a very long time cause you guys are mean and one let me read the first chapter to our screwing little alter-ego family we have TT_TT