Chapter One

Tales Of A Not So Normal Family

 "Hey, Shinya, hurry up" Miya called from the kitchen. She walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a granola bar to eat. Miya plunked herself down in a chair and waited for her cousin.

 This was a daily routine. Miya would be all ready for school and would saunter over to, her younger cousin, Shinya's house. Shinya, though Miya loved her dearly, took way too long in the mornings, causing Miya to get impatient.

   Miya, done with her food and throwing it out, glanced at the clock. “Shinya, I will drag your out of here if I have too! We need to go!" Miya called from the bottom of the stairs. Annoyed with the younger girl, she began to trudge up the stairs.




   Miya stopped and headed towards the window. A little mustard colored bug was now parked out on the street outside of Shinya's house.

 "Jeez, bust a lung Miya! I'm not that late." Shinya grumbles as she flies into the kitchen. Miya continued to stare at the spazzing figure, looking as if he was trying to get the houses attention. Shinya appeared beside Miya and also stared.

   "What is he doing?" she mumbled as was now stuffed with a bagel.

  "You have to ask?" Miya laughed

 “Let’s go before he breaks himself." Shinya said, grabbing her bag, and leaving the house with Miya.

 As Shinya was locking up, the silent morning was squashed by the whine of the car. Both girls glanced back to see their best friend still hanging out of the window, smiling wildly and smacking his arms on the side mirror.

 “How is he even honking the horn?" Shinya asked, raising her eyebrow questionably.

 "Yo! How are you controlling that ‘Yeol?” Miya yelled over the horn.

 Chanyeol, having heard his name, slumped his tired arms on the edge of the car.

"With my feet!" he replied taking his foot off the steering wheel and slowly sliding his arms back inside the car.

 Miya and Shinya exchanged a look and both shook their heads. They made their way over to his car and after putting their stuff in the trunk, they climbed into the cramped car.

   "Let’s go learn!" Chanyeol exclaimed as his car kicked and sputtered to life.

 Shinya glanced over at Chanyeol from the passenger seat. He was focused on trying to see the road, which was blocked by his knees that were practically to his face. "Chanyeol fix your seat you look stupid." Shinya demanded. He nodded and adjusted the seat as far as it could; though, it didn't help as the seat was already as far back as possible.

  "Ahhhh" Chanyeol sounded as an idea crossed his brain. He spread his knees apart and positioned himself so his face was between them. "I can see so much better now" he gleefully cheered out, a smile creeping on his face.

 "Uhhh Chanyeol...personal space." Shinya said. Miya laughed as she watched Shinya get pushed towards the window by Chanyeol’s knees.

   "It’s okay I don't mind you being close to me." Chanyeol said as he glanced over at Shinya. His smile widened as she glared at him. Shinya, though, could not resist the smile and eventually returned it.

  "Yeol, when are you going to get a new car?" Miya complained. She was cramped up in the back behind Chanyeol and was sweeping his garbage off the seats.

 "Hey, my mom introduced me to my little Thomee and if I get another car, Thomee will be mad and won't let me honk her horn!" Chanyeol cried as he petted the dashboard affectionately.  They pulled into the school and began to drive towards the building.

   Chanyeol drove by the side entrance to the school and slowed down. Shinya and Miya hurriedly climbed out and collected their things. "Thanks for the ride, Chanyeol" Shinya called into the window as Miya waved and they headed into the school.

 Chanyeol waved until they were out of sight and then headed towards the parking lot.

  "Don’t be mad at them, girl. They adore you and Miya was joking about wanting to replace you." Chanyeol whispered to his Thomee. Once he pulled into a parking space, he turned off the car and mumbled soothing words into the steering wheel until the first bell rang.




   "Hey, don't run! You’re going to get into trouble!" Miya huffed as she tried to keep up with her cousin. They had already stopped at their lockers and were heading towards the cafeteria to relax before the first bell rang.

 "Oh, they won't notice they never catch anyone running" Shinya rolled her eyes and looked back towards Miya.

   "Shinya look out!" Miya called, but it was too late. Shinya crashed into the tall man that was idly standing in the hall. Shinya fell onto the floor as the man, who was back to her at the time, stumbled forward.

   "All you alright, Shinya?" Miya asked as she helped her cousin to her feet.

  "Yeah, I'm fine" Shinya said brushing off her clothes and picking up her bag. "Let's get to the cafeteria before the bell rin..." her words cut off when she realized who she ran into.

 "...and now would you like to tell me why you were running in the hall?" Mr. Huang asked, picking up the papers that he had been holding off of the floor.

   "I'm sorry sir." Shinya replied quietly as she looked down. Mr. Huang glanced down at her in silence.

   "Well Ms. Li, it seems you can run. If only you could do that in my Gym Class” He laughed bitterly breaking the somewhat awkward silence.

   Shinya silently fiddled with her bag as she listened to him. A light blush covered her cheeks.

  Just as he was about to say something else, his phone began to ring. He glanced at the caller ID. "It looks like we will have to discuss this later. I will see you after school today for detention.” He said walking away and answering his phone.

   "I told you so!  I knew you were going to get caught! You looked so awkward standing there. Owww!" Miya laughed while Shinya smacked her in the arm. They made their way to the cafeteria.

   “Shut up! I thought I was being cute! “Shinya pouted as she slumped down at their usual table in the cafeteria.

 "What did she do this time?" The blonde girl at the table asked boredly. She was glancing into a compact mirror and was straitening the hair on her head and fixing the makeup on her face.

   “Mr. Huang and Ms. Shinya had a little rump de bump in the hallway." Miya said her eyebrows up and down suggestively and plunked down beside Ren.

   This caught Ren's attention, as she was one to love gossip. "Oh, should I be worried about calling child protective services?" Ren asked as she closed her mirror and put it back into her bag.

   “No! Miya stop being a and telling lies, you dork." Shinya glared at Miya and turned toward her other cousin. “I just ran into him and he dropped his papers. Nothing happened besides that and I better not be hearing anything about me today Ren or I might just get you disowned."

 "Wow your touchy today, aren't you?" Ren laughed. “And don’t worry, if there's going to be rumors going around about that yummy teacher it's going to be about him and I." Ren said as she gazed dreamily towards the gym.

 Miya pulled out her book and began working on her forgotten math homework, while Shinya stood and glanced around the room searchingly.

  Shinya suddenly felt arms wrap around her and a head rest on her shoulder. She jumped at the contact but relaxed as soon as she realized who it was. “Oh, there you are Daehyun! I was looking for you.  I thought you might have gone to class already."

 "I couldn't go until I saw you." Daehyun said, wrapping his arms tighter around her and kissing her lightly on the cheek.

 “I couldn't either! I would miss you too much" Shinya said as she turned around in his arms and sighed in content.

  Ren gagged theatrically at the scene before her.

 “Hey Shinya did you miss me?" The guy standing behind Daehyun asked as he stood with his arms held wide open.

 “Nope Kai, I'm good" Shinya replied not even bothering to open her eyes.

   “Fine then, I'll just chill over here with these two lovely ladies." Kai said grabbing a chair and scooting between Miya and Ren. He wrapped an arm around both of them and pulled them closer to him.

 Miya silently moved her pencil from her page and stabbed Kai's hand that was around her. He flinched his hand away and moved more towards Ren.

 Miya looked up to see the two lovebirds hanging off of each other. Shinya and Daehyun were too absorbed in each other to pay attention to what going on around them.

 “Could you guys please get a room? All this sweet is giving me a cavity!" Miya complained as she closed her finished homework and put it back into her bag.

 The couple looked at each other longingly before detaching themselves and sitting down.

 “We could get a room if you want?" Kai seductively whispered into Ren’s ear. She responded by giving him a hard jab into the ribs with her elbow.  ”Ow! That hurt! You know I don't like it that rough! Now I'm going to get a bruise!" Kai cried as he lifted his shirt to check himself.

 The other four at the table laughed as Kai thoroughly checked for the non-existent bruise. Soon after, he was satisfied there was nothing there, the bell sounded and they separated and headed to their classes.





A/N The first chapter! :)  I hope it wasn't terrible...ahhh I'm going to run away now .... dont  shoot me! D:  

  See Ya!  :D

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Oddly even though kris and Shinya are siblings in our screwed up little family I never saw that coming for some stupid reason I hope Kris is nice though and doesn't tell their dad Shinya got detention...
Wohooooo I was giggle and giddy reading this and Fck Yeah I am Pro take that you ert! Bahahaha that actually seems like something I'd do and uggghhhhh TOP!!!!! Oh the wedding in sometime in the next 15 years xD lmao Bahahaha thank you for the special birthday wish on AFF :D
XD can I catch him in the process of trying to hurt my baby Zelo and beat him to a pulp! Ouuu that's be so much fun :O nvm I got an idea for a one Shot!!!! THANKS MIYA!!! I LVE YOU GIRL!!! SEE U TUESDAY? Hopefully :3
Lmfao that's totally something I'd Do! Damn I wish we had teachers that fine at our school if do P.E. everyday I I got to state at that fine piece of man everyday! Can't wait for my English class though! That's gonna be my fav class :D
Thanks Miya for putting up the first Chapter!!! :D Bahaha I love it it sounds so much like us xD and I'd do the same thing to someone in real life if they were to act like Kai there that teenager lmao xD unless it was him himself he's like on legs! Lmao xD
Piuuut the first damn chapter up Miya! You hoe! I've been waiting for you to put this damn story up for a very long time cause you guys are mean and one let me read the first chapter to our screwing little alter-ego family we have TT_TT