Chapter Five

Tales Of A Not So Normal Family

 Math class was definitely not one of Miya's favorite classes. She was not bad at the subject; she just didn't like the homework, but at least she did her homework.

 She couldn't say the same for her cousin. 

 Miya glanced back at Shinya, who was in the back of the classroom, and smiled. Mr. Kim had already lectured them on what they were going to be doing and had showed them how to figure it out.

   He began handing out the worksheets that were due by next class. Miya , who was still looking back, shook her head at what she saw but turned back to focus on her worksheet.

 Shinya had just enough time to wipe the drool off her desk before Mr. Kim set the worksheet down. She had been dozing on and off all period and now that she had the sheet she was staring at it blankly.

 "Alright class, I'm going to go make some photocopies. I will be right back, so continue to work quietly." Mr. Kim said picking up a folder and stepping out of the room.

 As usual the chatter of students grew louder as the presence of an adult disappeared.

 Shinya set her pencil down and looked towards the window. There she freely caught glances of her boyfriend, who was actually trying to work.  He returned her glances once in a while, but kept going back to working on his math. She played this game of staring until an object clocked her on the head. She glanced at the eraser that had just hit her and then looked at the culprit who threw it.

  What she saw was that her cousin had turned toward her and was staring at her with narrowed eyes. Miya used her pencil to motion to Shinya’s sheet and mouthed 'focus' as she turned back to her own sheet.

 Shinya rolled her eyes. *What a nerd. Live a little why don't you!* She thought as she readjusted herself in her seat and glanced sourly at her work.

 She analyzed the first question. Question one: Change the following logarithms into standard form and solve.  She stared at the question trying to figure it out, her brain began to pound.

 After what seemed like hours to her, Shinya dropped her pencil and slapped the worksheet angrily.

 “Arg! How is this going to help me in life! I don't get it and I really don't care!” She said in a huff and crossed her arms with a frown.

 A loud rumble sounded from behind Shinya. A desk squeaked and shifted until it was situated beside her desk, connecting the two.

 “Psst I can help you." Chanyeol whispered, cupping his hand around his mouth to keep their conversation discreet.

  "Chanyeol, I'm fine. Move back!" Shinya whispered back, covering her face with her hand.

   "Logarithms are easy though! Here you just have to rearrange the numbers like this." He leaned towards her, grabbed her pencil and solved the first question, explaining it to her in the process.

 The chatter died down as the class shifted their eyes to the connected desks.

 Shinya glanced at the class and slumped down in her seat.  *How does this guy attract everyone’s attention so easily?* 

 "Yep, I get it now! Thanks!" Shinya said cutting off Chanyeol mid-sentence. Chanyeol paused and looked up. Seeing the stares, he too slumped down in his chair.

 "Shoot! They've seen us!" Chanyeol whispered as he looked around with wide eyes.

 He quickly scribbled something on her paper. “Bye!" He exclaimed, scooting loudly back to his row. Shinya glanced around the room quickly.

 The class seemed to have lost interest and went back to their usual chatter.

 Shinya sighed in relief and glanced towards her Daehyun. He was staring at her, his eyebrows furrowed and his expression was clearly one of confusion. He shifted his eyes to Chanyeol and back to her, asking her a silent question. Shinya replied with a slight shrug and lazily began to work on her sheet.

 As Shinya finally finished the first page, Mr. Kim returned back, and handed out the newly photocopied papers.

 As he finished, he walked up to the front and sat on his stool he had placed there. “Alright class, this paper I’m passing out is due tomorrow. It has everything that we learned today as well as some of the previous sections we learned last week." He said holding it above his head.

 Groans of disapproval sounded throughout the room.

 Mr. Kim chuckled as he set the paper down and grabbed his mark book. “Now I know you all were good kids and did last night’s homework, but I'm going to check just to make sure..." he began walking down the aisles checking off kids as he went by.

He quickly got through half the class, but stopped just beside Shinya, to the girl beside her. Shinya didn’t know her well but she knew that her name was Minhi, and that Mr. Kim singled her out a lot during class. 

 “Ms. Jang from the terrible test marks to the incomplete homework, your grade is anywhere but acceptable. I would highly suggest you start paying attention during class, or you might repeat this course next year.”  Minhi said nothing as he scolded her; she had her head down and stared at her homework.  He stared at her for a couple seconds before sighing and moving on to the next student in the row.

As Ren lazily flipped through her book, she began to panic. *Where is my homework!? I finished it and everything!* Flipping through more quickly now every page was either blank or irrelevant to her situation.

 “So, Ren, let's see your homework.” Ren stopped flipping and sighed in defeat.

 Ren then glanced up at Mr. Kim who was now impatiently waiting for her homework.

 “uhhh…” Ren tried to think of an acceptable excuse. She looked at her book and said the first thing that came into her head. “It seems I left it on my computer desk at home. Sorry." She lied.

 "That seems to happen a lot doesn’t it?"  Her teacher said shaking his head in disappointment and moving along to the person ahead of her.

 “You know, Mr. Kim, I could offer her some one on one tutoring if you think she needs some help." Kai grinned back as he showed his completed homework to his waiting teacher.

 “Well that's unexpected of you Kai, but I may actually consider it if Ms. Li doesn't start taking this class seriously." Mr. Kim said, smiling at Kai in approval and walking to his desk.

  Kai turned around in his chair and smirked at Ren. “So baby…” he leaned one of his elbows on her desk. “My place or yours?” he winked as he set his chin on his hand.

 Ren copied his actions, pasting on a fake smile, and leaned towards him. "How about you," She leaned closer to his face, causing his grin to widen. "jump off a cliff." she finished by smacking his hand and causing him to bang his head on the desk.

 Kai scowled and turned back to his own desk, rubbing his now sore jaw. Ren turned her attention to her work and tried to finish it before the bell rang. Hopefully she would be able to get her homework done before she had a chance to lose it.


 As math class ended, Miya, Shinya, and Ren all regrouped outside their English class. This was the second class they had all together.

 Miya leaned against the wall and sighed tiredly. She was exhausted and all she wanted to do was to go home and sleep. She just had to get through this last class and she would be free.

 “Why do we have to have a wheelbarrow of homework every day? I mean, it’s Monday and I'm already swamped!" Shinya complained as she leaned her head on Ren’s shoulder.

 Ren was in another world, though, and wasn't listening to a word. She was too busy scanning up and down the hall.

 As the students pooled in the hallway, the bell tolled and signaled the beginning of class. 

 Three girls arrived at the back and pushed their way to the front. Staring at the door, they stopped and the one in front kicked the bottom of the door with her foot.

 “It seems like our teacher is as interested as teaching as I am in being here. I mean I just love standing here like a , but I would think it would be nice to actually be able to get into class." Tara Komi, a snarky girl in front of the group, rattled off as she leaned against the door.

 As if answering her request, the door swung open, causing the girl to jump forward with a squeal. Their English teacher stood in the doorway leaning his arm on the door and staring down at the girl.

 “Ms. Komi, I would appreciate it if you would not be so negative before entering my classroom.  As you are hardly ever present to my class I would like to it point out, that to enter my classroom you simply have to open the unlocked door." Mr. Choi's deep voice echoed through the now quiet hallways.

 “Whatever." Tara said bluntly, looking away but reddened a little at the statement.

 Mr. Choi easily stepped aside and let his class enter.

 Ren giggled silently as she passed her favorite teacher and took her seat up front. She hadn't wanted to take level one English, but after seeing who the teacher was she couldn't resist.  The sound of his voice made her want to melt into a little puddle, and his intense stare made her want to be there every day, just to stare at him freely.

 It was well worth the headache and the homework she received to see his handsome face five times a week. 

 Mr. Choi grabbed a book from the shelf and turned towards the class.

 “We will be starting Shakespeare today.”  He smiled and held up the book so the class could see. “We will be reading Romeo and Juliet. I have copies for everyone, but today I think we will read as a class. For you to get the feel for Old English, I will start."

 As Mr. Choi began reading the play, Ren gazed at the scene before her. He instantly turned into the characters he was reading, changing his tone and his emotion to the person he was portraying. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. She was so focused on the way he was reading she didn't even notice that he was standing right in front of her.

 “Ms. Li, I had no idea you were so interested in this play." He said face covered with amusement. When Ren heard her name, she realized she had been watching him intently with hanging open. She snapped out of her daze and quickly snapped shut.

 “Would you be so kind as to help me read the next scene?" he asked flipping the pages of a book.

 “Sure." She squeaked and nodded.

 "Great, you will be Juliet." He smiled as he handed her the book, with it opened to the scene. Mr. Choi turned and assigned the others parts to the other students.

 “I will be reading Romeo for the rest of class." he said leaning on his desk and cueing for the first part to be read.

 Ren instantly went back to staring at her teacher.  He was focused on his book that he didn't notice her staring. She began zoning out as she eyed his handsome features.

 He then began reading and turned to stare at Ren.

 "If I profane with my unworthiest hand

 This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:

My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand

 To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss."

 Ren looked down and giggled. The room was silent. She slowly looked back up to see the class and her teacher looking at her.

 “Ren your part is next."

 Ren quickly glanced down. *oh I am next! Now I feel like a total idiot!* she cleared and read her parts, her face beet red all the while.

 “Very good pronunciation Ren, most people find it hard to do it correctly the first time!” Mr. Choi complimented, giving her a small smile and then turning to direct the other readers.

 She looked down, grinning, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Ren felt a piece of paper smack her shoulder and fall to the floor. She picked it up and read the note.

 --  I see your reunited with your lover once again! When’s the wedding?   ;) 

 She crumpled the paper and threw it in her bag. Light snickers were heard in the back of the room as she did so. She turned her head around to glare at who it was and saw that it was Miya and Shinya.

 They formed little hearts and made kissy noises as Ren narrowed her eyes and frowned.  She turned around in her seat and stared forward.

 * I'll get you guys back later, just you wait! * Ren smirked as she began to plan up some evil revenge for her lovely cousins.




A/N Hello!! I'm dedicating this chapter to a speacial birthday girl XD Happy Birthday Sunflowers!!! and i hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

....I also a snuck in a little cameo of my Co-Authors Character from her awesome story A Student Teacher Privilege!!  If you haven't had a chance to read it...I highly suggest it! :D

Anyway See You Guys Later!! :P


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Oddly even though kris and Shinya are siblings in our screwed up little family I never saw that coming for some stupid reason I hope Kris is nice though and doesn't tell their dad Shinya got detention...
Wohooooo I was giggle and giddy reading this and Fck Yeah I am Pro take that you ert! Bahahaha that actually seems like something I'd do and uggghhhhh TOP!!!!! Oh the wedding in sometime in the next 15 years xD lmao Bahahaha thank you for the special birthday wish on AFF :D
XD can I catch him in the process of trying to hurt my baby Zelo and beat him to a pulp! Ouuu that's be so much fun :O nvm I got an idea for a one Shot!!!! THANKS MIYA!!! I LVE YOU GIRL!!! SEE U TUESDAY? Hopefully :3
Lmfao that's totally something I'd Do! Damn I wish we had teachers that fine at our school if do P.E. everyday I I got to state at that fine piece of man everyday! Can't wait for my English class though! That's gonna be my fav class :D
Thanks Miya for putting up the first Chapter!!! :D Bahaha I love it it sounds so much like us xD and I'd do the same thing to someone in real life if they were to act like Kai there that teenager lmao xD unless it was him himself he's like on legs! Lmao xD
Piuuut the first damn chapter up Miya! You hoe! I've been waiting for you to put this damn story up for a very long time cause you guys are mean and one let me read the first chapter to our screwing little alter-ego family we have TT_TT