Chapter Four

Tales Of A Not So Normal Family

  When the bell rang Chanyeol happily skipped to his locker, picking up his paper bag and making his way to the cafeteria. As he walked the students glanced up at him and warily stepped away.

 "Cool it’s like I’m a dolphin parting the sea with my face" he cheerfully said to himself. To add emphasis on his statement he bent down so his face was facing the students but low to the ground. He looked like a bull ready to attack. Making the sound of a helicopter he dashed thru the crowd easily, as the students did not want to be near this circus act.

  As he sat down on his favorite bench in the cafeteria, he frowned at the mess.

  * People really need to clean up their mess!* he thought as he picked up the paper. He opened it up and saw that it was an assignment. He read whose it belonged to and then sat it beside him. He'd be sure to give it to them later.

 Chanyeol pushed up his glasses and focused on his lunch. He smiled as he opened his lunch bag. Inside were a juice box, a chocolate pudding, and… a ham sandwich. He liked his ham sandwiches. Not just any ham sandwiches though. His sandwich was very specific, and he would never touch it if it was made improper.

  It had to have enriched white bread with two pieces of Uncle Finite's finest ham, with some lettuce to top. No more, no less. Chanyeol smiled as he picked up his glorious creation and took a huge bite.

 Just as he put his sandwich down to chew, two wide eyes appeared and stared at him. Chanyeol slowly chewed his sandwich as he and the other boy had an unofficial staring contest.

  "I won’t lose this time D.O! " Chanyeol said narrowing his eyes in determination but not blinking. D.O just continued to stare, his wide eyes not changing or showing signs of needing to blink.

  Chanyeol flared his nostrils in determination as he leaned towards his temporary foe.

  Just then a flash of light blinded Chanyeol and caused him to blink. "Ah!" he said leaning back and taking off his glasses to rub his eyes.

  When the spots in his vision were gone he put his glasses back on and looked at the winner.  D.O was still staring at him, straight faced, but he was holding a large camera in his hands.

 "Hey! I was about to win I know it! You flashed me you cheater!"  Chanyeol said angrily, crossing his arms and pouting slightly.

 D.O lowered his camera and lightly smiled. He reached into his bag and set a pack of cookies on Chanyeol’s leg.

 Chanyeol lit up at the sight of the cookies and smiled widely. He grabbed them and shoved them into his pocket. He then regained his composure and went back to frowning.

 "You are forgiven." Chanyeol said taking another bite of his sandwich. He gave half his sandwich to D.O and they ate in silence.

 Once D.O had finished his half, he lifted his camera and looked through the lenses and scanned the room. Something caught his eye, he zoomed in and flashed the camera multiple times.

 Chanyeol glanced in the way D.O was aiming and stared. He saw a table of people looking their way and one of them pointing. He instantly recognized two faces and smiled.

 Chanyeol stood up, brushing off his legs and threw out his garbage at the can beside him and D.O. He picked up his stuff and made sure his spot was clean. Satisfied, he then grabbed D.O by the arm and pulled him along with him.

  Chanyeol, with D.O in tow, made his way to the table.

 Shinya, seeing Chanyeol progressing forward, gasped and grabbed Miya's head to lower it to the table. Miya caught the drift and indicated to the others to follow her and Shinya. As Chanyeol reached the table everyone was hunched over the table, acting as unaware as they could on the situation.

 Chanyeol friendlily waved at the backs of the people at the table. They didn't seem to know he was there. He tried again, stretching his body so he lingered above the table. He waved with both hands this time, smiling widely as he did so.

 Miya glanced up and caught eyes with him. She sighed and sat up, the others followed her in the process

 When Sehun lifted his head up, he brushed it against Chanyeol’s face.

  "Wow you smell like shampoo!" Chanyeol said picking up a strand of Sehun’s hair and examining it.

 "Umm Thankth... I gueth." Sehun said shaking his head to claim back his hair.

 "And I like the way you talk too... It-th tho cool!"  Chanyeol mimicked Sehun, no ounce of sarcasm in his tone.

  Sehun didn't smile. He, instead, picked up his stuff and walked away.

 This left an empty seat, perfect for Chanyeol. He snuggled into the now vacant seat next to Kai and looked around.

 Shinya and Miya were having an intense conversation with each other so he understood why they couldn't talk to him. The blonde girl was busy chatting and looking at a book with the pink headed boy and the younger girl.

  Chanyeol turned towards the girl to his right that seemed lonely. He smiled widely at her and waved.

 He stopped though once he realized she had headphones in.  Music was blaring into her ears and she was popping her gum loudly.

  He turned to the other person left to talk to at the table.


 Chanyeol stared at Kai silently, tilting his head to the side and pursing his lips. Kai leaned away as Chanyeol suddenly clapped his hands and laughed.

 "Heeeey you’re the guy from the poster!" Chanyeol said, poking Kai in the cheek multiple times.

 "Hey D.O! Come look! It's that guy!"  He called behind him. Slowly D.O crept out with his camera. He raised it cautiously and took pictures of Kai.

  Kai looked at D.O in confusion. He blinked rapidly and put his hand up to cover his eyes from the flashes. 

 D.O lowered the camera and looked around. He gasped as he saw Ren. Ren, who was at that moment looking at her book, glanced up at the sound and met eyes with him.  His camera flashed as he took a picture of her and ran off.

   As the group at the table glanced confused in the direction D.O ran, Chanyeol was intently staring at Kai, his chin resting on his hand. 

 Kai felt the stare and turned to glared at Chanyeol." I would suggest you follow your friend before I do something we would both regret."  He said, his eyes gleaming in annoyance.

 The threat passed over Chanyeol and he continued to watch Kai. Before Kai could say another word, Chanyeol suddenly gasped and sprung out of his chair.

“I have to see how those pictures turned out! Oh Club President is going to be so proud of us! Chanyeol said aloud, not really talking to anyone in particular at this point.

He hurriedly began walking towards the stairs, but not before turning to the table and waving erratically with both hands.

   Kai looked around at his friends, confusion the only thing left on his face. "Okay this school really needs restrictions on who they let in here. I mean come on, what was up with that guy? Talk about having some screws loose! "Kai ranted, laughing at himself and rubbing where Chanyeol had touched him.

   "I don't know but if that owl got a bad picture of me, I'm going to destroy his existence." Ren said solemnly as she slammed her book closed.

 Miya and Shinya exchanged a quick glance. The bell sounded the end of lunch; the students packed up and headed toward their classes.

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Oddly even though kris and Shinya are siblings in our screwed up little family I never saw that coming for some stupid reason I hope Kris is nice though and doesn't tell their dad Shinya got detention...
Wohooooo I was giggle and giddy reading this and Fck Yeah I am Pro take that you ert! Bahahaha that actually seems like something I'd do and uggghhhhh TOP!!!!! Oh the wedding in sometime in the next 15 years xD lmao Bahahaha thank you for the special birthday wish on AFF :D
XD can I catch him in the process of trying to hurt my baby Zelo and beat him to a pulp! Ouuu that's be so much fun :O nvm I got an idea for a one Shot!!!! THANKS MIYA!!! I LVE YOU GIRL!!! SEE U TUESDAY? Hopefully :3
Lmfao that's totally something I'd Do! Damn I wish we had teachers that fine at our school if do P.E. everyday I I got to state at that fine piece of man everyday! Can't wait for my English class though! That's gonna be my fav class :D
Thanks Miya for putting up the first Chapter!!! :D Bahaha I love it it sounds so much like us xD and I'd do the same thing to someone in real life if they were to act like Kai there that teenager lmao xD unless it was him himself he's like on legs! Lmao xD
Piuuut the first damn chapter up Miya! You hoe! I've been waiting for you to put this damn story up for a very long time cause you guys are mean and one let me read the first chapter to our screwing little alter-ego family we have TT_TT