Moving into the dorms pt. 1

ღ ℰ nchanted ღ New Girl Group

English will be in Green

Japanese will be in Red

Chinese will be in Purple

Mandarian and Dilects will be in Blue

Vietnamese will be in Teal


Tah Dah! It's Enchanted ep. 1

First day of filming and the girls are waiting in the practice room for their ride to arrive to their new dorm. Some of them will be either on their phones, chatting away or just listening to music. First member to be filmed is their American member, Kayeon. Kayeon perked up a bit surprised at the camera's apperance. "Hi there everybody." she said in her american accent but with perfect korean. "Kayeon our ride is here!" Their maknae, Gahun said leaving a very confused Kayeon who did not understand a single word what their maknae just said. "She said our ride is here Kayeon." Yoohyun said coming in and getting her stuff. Kayeon formed an 'o' with her lips and went to go get her stuff as well. The cameraman turned off his camera and gave Kayeon a small camera for them to use once they go into the car. "Use this once you guys get inside the car." he said and Kayeon nodded her head and head out with the rest of the members.

In the car Kayeon the mini camera and started to wave to it. "Annyeong~ Enchanted's Visual Kayeon imnida." she said and gave out a V-pose. "Today we are heading to our dorms and deciding the arangments there. Here let's see the other members." she said and turned the camera and caught their own leader first. "Unnie~" she called out and Heejin turned her head surprised to see the camera. "Annyeongsaeyo Enchanted's leader Heejin imnida." Heejin said and gave out her eye smile. "Unnie how was it like to appear in B1A4 sunbae's MV?" Kayeon asked and Heejin just hid her face then removed her hands. "Performing with sunbae's is interesting I hope B1A4 sunbaes will look out for us as well when we make our debut as well." she said and smiled. "Wah daebak Unnie." she said then changed it to Ji Eun. "Ji Eun unnie who are you texting to?" she asked and moved the camera closer to her. Ji Eun moved quickly and shook her finger. "Can't say cause its a secret." she said and hide her phone. "Your no fun unnie." Kayeon said and shook her head behind the camera. "Girls we are here so lets head on out." their manager said and Kayeon turned off the camera and quickly got out with the other members.

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Chapter 13: omigosh!!! omo.. omo .. our debut stage!! Yay~~~ we finally debuted!!
Chapter 12: Omo!! L!! hahaha.. i went crazy as i read this chapter.. ="> omo... btw, I'M REALLY EXCITED FOR THE DEBUT!!!
agnes101397 #3
Chapter 12: You spelt gahan wrong xD other than that nice chapter :)
Chapter 12: this was so much fun!!! thank you and hwaiting b1a4 and infinite oppas!!!! (ji eun) :)
Chapter 11: Uwaahh! Heejin!! Why did you blink!? BTW, It's YongJoo
Chapter 11: omo~ Heejin~ hehe..
kwenchana!! woah, nervous~
Chapter 11: omoooo girls we got win and i'm sorry heejin for making you blink... >_<
BabyDaeJae #8
Chapter 10: oooo room 1 is cool!
lol I called top bunk >.<