Chapter 9

In the Arms of an Angel

That night Kris flew up. White fluffs enveloped his being in the darkness. He soared into the heavens. Well, that was where he was going. Heaven. He knew he had to settle something now with the arch angels. He broke a rule. He knew it. And he was going to accept the punishment of it, now that everyone up there now knew the truth about him.
Sighing he landed on a cloud and walked up to the gates. A big gold sign on top of the gates read ‘Heaven’, with a bunch of angels and cherubs playing various instruments decorating it. Slumping his shoulders ungracefully, he walked into the gates golden of heaven.
“I assume you know the punishment to your doing, Kris?” Suho (Stephen), the arch angel asked him raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, I do sir.” Kris nodded respectfully. ‘Pity, I liked flying…’ Suho (Stephen) nodded in understanding and stood up leading him into another room.
“Well, it’s going to be sad to have you leave us… but this is what you get, Kris.” Suho (Stephen) walked up to a door/portal. The door/portal had a yellow or golden vortex circling around it. Kris didn’t really understand what it was. He has never been in this part of heaven.
“I know sir.” Kris looked at him. Suho (Stephen) nodded once again and spoke,
“You just have to walk through this door, then everything angel of you, except your looks of course, will be taken away. That means, no more flying, you’re going to age, you won’t be able to see us or any other angels unless they materialized into humans and obviously you won’t be able to come up here anymore, unless you live a faithful life, then die, then you will come up here.” Suho (Stephen) smiled at him. Kris nodded at everything he said. ‘Anything for you Jinri…’
“By the way… What are you wearing?” Suho (Stephen) looked him up and down.
“This?” Kris pointed at his clothing “Oh, um. Well its skinny jeans and a shirt.”
“Skinny… jeans?” Suho (Stephen) let the letters roll off of his tongue slowly. Kris nodded. Suho (Stephen) shook his head, “Crazy humans and their peculiar garments.”
“But wait…that’s it? And where will I end up on the other side.” Kris enquired. Suho (Stephen) pursed his lips appearing to be thinking when Kris knew he had already memorized everything from the rules to the rooms all of the doors lead to. Then he nodded.
“Yes, that is it and you will end up where you took off when you flew up here.”
“See you, then Kris.” Suho (Stephen) smiled his angelical smile at him then motioned a hand towards the door. ‘For a punishment… he is acting very kind.’ Kris thought suspiciously then shook his head.
“Yea, see you.” Kris nodded at him and opened the door. An intense and loud gush of wind blew at him, but there was nothing there. Kris anxiously took one step into the unknown, swallowing the lump in his throat. ‘This is for you, love.’
When Kris was finally on solid grounds, he looked up at the sky, slightly disheartened. ‘I can’t take you flying with me anymore…Oh, well.’ Kris shook his head and walked into the dark house.
The me that fell in love with you, no longer has a place to turn back,
My wings have been taken away.
But even if I have lost my eternal life, the sole reason for my happiness is because
My forever is now you.
Four blissful and peaceful months passed.
Kris and Jinri spent most of their time together. They would hold hands in the hallways and secretly pass notes in class. Strangely they never got caught. But Kris had a feeling that the teachers knew, anyway. Every lunch they would always eat together under that same tree in the school field.
Kris still hadn’t told Jinri about flying and being an angel, he planned to keep it that way. Many days and weeks had passed when he stopped flying and he wondered if she even noticed the change in his activities. Then all his questions were answered the next day, under that same special tree.
“Why haven’t you been flying lately?” Jinri looked up from her notebook and stared a Kris with inquisitive eyes.
Kris leaned back, taken aback by the sudden question. He was at a loss for words and he looked around nervously.
“I just don’t feel like flying lately. I want to spend time with you.” Kris blurted out all too quickly.
“Liar.” Jinri retorted jokingly. “You love to fly. Probably even more than you love me.” She pouted cutely.
“T-that’s not true. I love you more…”
“I know, Kris. Just tell me why you don’t fly as much anymore. You used to go every day.” Jinri explained to him.
Kris hesitated for a moment, then decided it had to be said. “Let’s just say that I’m not an angel anymore…” his voice as quiet and lowered.
Nevertheless, Jinri heard every single word clearly. “You’re not an… angel…anymore…” It wasn’t really a question, more like she was accepting the fact. Kris responded with a nod.
“Why?...” Jinri asked him with wide eyes.
“Well, angels aren’t really allowed to love a human. The angels that do get punished. They take away your eternal life or as you could say my ‘immortality.’” Kris explained in a monotone voice.
“But that takes away your…”
“My wings? Yes, it does. I also can’t see other immaterialized angels and I can’t go back up to heaven as I please. I am going to live and dies like a human. I don’t mind though….” Kris hugged Jinri’s trembling figure.
“Why? You loved being an angel…” Jinri whispered, feeling guilty that she was the reason this happened.
“I don’t mind because I can be with you, forever. My happiness is now you.” Kris said lovingly.


Go to the next chapter~~~~


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Chapter 11: Yep. Definitely needed tissues xD such a good story! I loved it :)
so rare to see a "kind" Kris in some of these fanfics ^~^
thanks for the awesome story~~!
Chapter 11: ...this fanfic really showed a different kris... sooo perfect. I love the ending...
Chapter 11: Omg! This fanfic is perfect. . . orz
Wow, this fanfic is one of those fluffy stories yet its story digs really deep in my heart. There is reality of love in here. I couldnt control a tear from escaping not because they both died but on how genuinely they show what true love is.
exo-snsd #5
Chapter 11: such a great story keep
it up
Chapter 11: Someone changed my autocorrect to french... Lol I meant "I cried a bucket"
Chapter 11: I criée a bu let :'(
Chapter 11: This story is amazing! Why did they both die though!? That bit was soo sad... How could you do that! T_T