Chapter 8

In the Arms of an Angel

Jinri sat at a bench in front of the football field that was quite far from the school. No one would even want to go this far away at a time like this, so she thought no one would find her there. The solitude and emptiness of the night kept her company, so really she didn’t feel all too much alone.
Even though it was late spring, the night air was still chilly and Jinri wrapped her arms around her shoulders and looked at the grass under her feet. Her tear stained dress shimmered in the starlight. As another tear escaped from her eye, she bowed her head even lower than before. She was trying so hard, to keep herself from pointlessly sobbing out loud into the vacant night. The tears she were currently shedding, were ones that a girl or woman should never let out. A woman’s tears should only be saved for happiness and delight.
Out of the blue, a surge of wind passed and Jinri could hear the flapping of wings in front of her. ‘Wings…’ she thought. ‘That means…’ Jinri looked up to see an eminent figure with angel wings a few feet away from her hunched up figure. He stood out and his intricate wings glimmered in the little light that the moon emitted.
Her tearful eyes and tear stained face radiated from where Kris was standing. He could see every feature from over there. To him Jinri was an angel. She looked absolutely beautiful and illuminating right now. She glowed like the brightest of stars and shone as if the cherubs sprinkled glistening sparkles on her. It was captivating.
Kris ambled over to her and they never lost eye contact. Kris’ eyes were soft and warm. Very tender and welcoming. Jinri’s, however gleamed of harrow and uneasiness. As if Kris was going to hurl fire at her at any given time. But gradually, the uneasiness and trouble in her eyes slowly receded and there was only hurt and grief in her brown eyes.
Kris could see through all of Jinri’s actions. He knew what she was feeling at the moment just by listening to her talk. Sometimes even, he could see it in her eyes. Just like now. He knew she was disappointed and hurt at this moment. But there was one thing on his mind. Why was she acting like this?
“Jinri…” Kris whispered, gently. Jinri looked at him with heartbreaking eyes, biting her already pink-red lips. Grabbing hold of her chin, he tilted her head up a little more so he could better look at her face. Kris’ eyes softened even more, if that was possible. He reached a hand out to her cheeks to wipe away the trail of tears and the other tears that were threatening to fall.
“You know, when angels cry it is over happy things, but look at you. You’re crying over something that seems incredibly hapless and miserable. Tell me love, what is causing you to act like this?” It was the first time Kris had used this type of endearment on Jinri, other than calling her angel. His words rung in her head and repeated over and over, until she understood something.
Jinri’s bottom lip quivered and soon her entire body began trembling. It was then she realized that she loves Kris. She loves him so much. She cares for him despite his downfalls and was able to strongly stand against them. She knew that Kris cared for her as much as she did for him. The thought of not being able to talk to him or be with him for over a day made her heart drop. She felt complete around Kris, he made her a better person every day. They made good memories together. She was at that level of their relationship where she was completely comfortable with him. She smiled and laughed with him all the time. She only wanted the best for him, even if it meant to sacrifice something. She would give everything to Kris, even her own life.
No words could describe what she felt for him. Yes, it took her a while to realize everything. But finally, all the pieces fit together. Loving Kris is the reason for all the constant rapid heartbeats, the weakening knees, the thoughtful and considerate actions, the reason she was crying now… It all made sense now.
Only one question was on her mind now; ‘Does Kris love me back?’
Kris was stunned and wide-eyed when Jinri practically jumped on him and held on to him as if he’d disappear any moment now. Sobbing onto Kris’s white blazer, ruining it with her tears, Jinri clutched onto the collars of the blazer. But Kris didn’t care. How could he? The girl he loved was heart wrenchingly sobbing into his chest. It hurt. It hurt like someone was stabbing him repeatedly in his heart and it wouldn’t go away. It made him feel agitated and furious at whoever got her to act like this. The worst part was, he didn’t even know who it was.
Kris soothingly wrapped his arms around her. Rubbing circles on her back and whispering sweet nothings into her ear, desperately trying to get her to be at ease. He smoothed down her hair and kissed the top of her head, it reassured Jinri a little. The sobs had died down but she was still crying. But it was for a different reason now. She was scared of rejection.
Through all this Kris held tightly onto her. Waiting patiently for her to relax and calm down. He repeatedly wiped away her tears smoothly and soon her cries died down. Kris got Jinri to sit on the bench and covered her shoulders with his blazer when she shivered in the cold air and even then he still wrapped an arm around her.
“Jinri, why?” Kris looked at her in concern and squeezed her shoulder. Jinri didn’t reply, she just looked down and away from him.
“You know you can tell me anything. I’m here for you.”
“I know, but you might hate me if I tell you.” Jinri muttered almost indecipherably, not taking her gaze off of the ground.
“I would never hate you Jinri.” Kris said directly. “You can trust me, I’m not going anywhere.” He smiled at her. She didn’t smile back.
“You will if I tell you…”
“What was that?” Kris turned to Jinri.
“Oh, nothing...” Jinri rested her chin on the palm of her hand and looked at the darkness of the night. It gave off a slightly eerie feeling, but she knew she was safe with Kris. For the first time since they sat down, Jinri looked at Kris. He looked very far-off and distant like his mind and heart were having an internal argument with each other. They were, but Jinri didn’t know that.
She looked back in front and thought about things too. She thought about whether she should tell him that she loved him or just keep it a secret for now. She didn’t want their friendship to end just yet because of her loving her best friend.
It was then that Jinri got snapped out of her trance when Kris’ face appeared in front of hers. Jinri’s eyes widened slightly and her lips fell agape. Kris eyes were staring intently at Jinri’s eyes, studying every detail of it. His face was moving closer and closer to her. His head was bent slightly to the side and his own lips parted as well. He showed no signs of moving back to his original position beside Jinri. So she kind of just panicked inside.
Then Kris finally kissed her. Shocked at the feeling of Kris’ lips Jinri moved back a bit, but Kris was quick with his hands and pulled her back in. Jinri felt goose bumps cover her skin. The feeling was so foreign to her. However, soon enough Jinri melted into the kiss. S o she closed her eyes and kissed him back. It was a very innocent touch of lips. No tongue or teeth, just lips. I was pure and chaste. Innocent and harmless. It was like heaven. It was as if time had stopped and it was only them in the world at that present moment. Just Kris and Jinri. Just Jinri and Kris. The kiss encompassed love and deep affection for the other. To Kris and Jinri it all ended too soon. The euphoria they felt was nothing compared to anything they have experienced before. Jinri couldn’t help but feel glum about not kissing Kris anymore.
“I love you, Jinri. Now will you answer my question?” Kris confessed, sitting in his previous posture. He felt the weight of having to carry a secret finally lift of his shoulders.
“I-I…I saw you dancing with a girl in the gym a while ago. You… you seemed so happy with her. I haven’t even seen you smile like that around me. That meant I can’t make you as happy as she made you, right? I just kind of felt unimportant.” Jinri looked away ashamed of what she said to him.
“Oh Jinri. Nothing will make me happier that being with you always. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. You basically glow everywhere you go.” Kris chuckled. “It’s not every day I meet someone like you. You are different, in a good way of course. You make me happy and I’m a different person around you. You are one of the very rare people that can make me smile without knowing it. I smile even when you aren’t near me.” Kris explained to her.
“But…but you were smiling with her and… laughing with her and-“
“That doesn’t mean the smile was natural.” Kris said matter-of-factly. Jinri looked up at him, bewildered.
“You…faked it…” Jinri said slowly, letting the words roll off of her tongue leisurely. Kris nodded.
“I think you’re the only girl that can make me smile naturally Jinri.” Kris leaned his cheek in his hand and looked at Jinri. A playful gleam in his eyes and a smirk on his lips. His expression was very…inviting.
Jinri frowned at the way he was acting and gave him a ‘you’re inferior to me’ look.
“Don’t give me that.” A dark light glowed in his eyes “You love me anyway.”
“What?! I never said that.” Jinri slapped his arm.
“Sorry, but you kissed me back, babe. And that signifies that you love me back.” Kris pecked her again on the lips. Jinri scrunched up her face and rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, I love you. You dim-wit.”
On hard days I will wipe away your tears,
If only I can be this kind of person,
Heaven will be…
That night Kris flew up. White fluffs enveloped his being in the darkness. He soared into the heavens. Well, that was where he was going. Heaven. He knew he had to settle something now with the arch angels. He broke a rule. He knew it. And he was going to accept the punishment of it, now that everyone up there now knew the truth about him.
Sighing he landed on a cloud and walked up to the gates. A big gold sign on top of the gates read ‘Heaven’, with a bunch of angels and cherubs playing various instruments decorating it. Slumping his shoulders ungracefully, he walked into the gates golden of heaven.
“I assume you know the punishment to your doing, Kris?” Suho (Stephen), the arch angel asked him raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, I do sir.” Kris nodded respectfully. ‘Pity, I liked flying…’ Suho (Stephen) nodded in understanding and stood up leading him into another room.
“Well, it’s going to be sad to have you leave us… but this is what you get, Kris.” Suho (Stephen) walked up to a door/portal. The door/portal had a yellow or golden vortex circling around it. Kris didn’t really understand what it was. He has never been in this part of heaven.
“I know sir.” Kris looked at him. Suho (Stephen) nodded once again and spoke,
“You just have to walk through this door, then everything angel of you, except your looks of course, will be taken away. That means, no more flying, you’re going to age, you won’t be able to see us or any other angels unless they materialized into humans and obviously you won’t be able to come up here anymore, unless you live a faithful life, then die, then you will come up here.” Suho (Stephen) smiled at him. Kris nodded at everything he said. ‘Anything for you Jinri…’
“By the way… What are you wearing?” Suho (Stephen) looked him up and down.
“This?” Kris pointed at his clothing “Oh, um. Well its skinny jeans and a shirt.”
“Skinny… jeans?” Suho (Stephen) let the letters roll off of his tongue slowly. Kris nodded. Suho (Stephen) shook his head, “Crazy humans and their peculiar garments.”
“But wait…that’s it? And where will I end up on the other side.” Kris enquired. Suho (Stephen) pursed his lips appearing to be thinking when Kris knew he had already memorized everything from the rules to the rooms all of the doors lead to. Then he nodded.
“Yes, that is it and you will end up where you took off when you flew up here.”
“See you, then Kris.” Suho (Stephen) smiled his angelical smile at him then motioned a hand towards the door. ‘For a punishment… he is acting very kind.’ Kris thought suspiciously then shook his head.
“Yea, see you.” Kris nodded at him and opened the door. An intense and loud gush of wind blew at him, but there was nothing there. Kris anxiously took one step into the unknown, swallowing the lump in his throat. ‘This is for you, love.’
When Kris was finally on solid grounds, he looked up at the sky, slightly disheartened. ‘I can’t take you flying with me anymore…Oh, well.’ Kris shook his head and walked into the dark house.
The me that fell in love with you, no longer has a place to turn back,
My wings have been taken away.
But even if I have lost my eternal life, the sole reason for my happiness is because
My forever is now you.



Guys...I am very sorry for not updating for a while now. Summer has been busy here for me. 

and thats why... I'm going to do a triple update :) 

Wait for the next two chapters~


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Chapter 11: Yep. Definitely needed tissues xD such a good story! I loved it :)
so rare to see a "kind" Kris in some of these fanfics ^~^
thanks for the awesome story~~!
Chapter 11: ...this fanfic really showed a different kris... sooo perfect. I love the ending...
Chapter 11: Omg! This fanfic is perfect. . . orz
Wow, this fanfic is one of those fluffy stories yet its story digs really deep in my heart. There is reality of love in here. I couldnt control a tear from escaping not because they both died but on how genuinely they show what true love is.
exo-snsd #5
Chapter 11: such a great story keep
it up
Chapter 11: Someone changed my autocorrect to french... Lol I meant "I cried a bucket"
Chapter 11: I criée a bu let :'(
Chapter 11: This story is amazing! Why did they both die though!? That bit was soo sad... How could you do that! T_T