Chapter 6

In the Arms of an Angel


High school was almost coming to a close for Kris and Jinri. Graduation was coming up. And high school graduation meant Senior Prom. It was a dream for a lot of girls to go to that prom as with their boyfriends as dates. Supposedly it was a ‘magical’ night. That sounded just plain weird in Jinri’s ears. Sure there could be romance and sweetness in it but calling it magical? No.

Jinri didn’t know who she would go with and Kris probably already asked one of those girls that have been following him around to be his date. Jinri sadly looked down at the ground sighing. A pang of jealousy hit crept into her heart. She couldn’t help but feel a little but upset at that. Also, everyone has been talking about the prom and who they were going with and she couldn’t help but feel left out. Feeling dejected, she slowly trudged to her locker.

But why was she so sad? She didn’t like Kris…at least she didn’t think she did. So, why was she so affected by all this drama? Jinri didn’t know. She wasn’t even that into school dances anyway, she then made up her mind and decided that she might as well not attend, if she had no one to go with.

Sighing once again, she opened the lock to her locker. A picture of her with Kris and her friends greeted her on the locker door. Jinri smiled wearily at it. While taking the needed books for her next class a shadow loomed over her. A very tall shadow. And suddenly a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around her slender waist.

“Hey…” Kris leaned his head on her shoulder. Jinri’s face flushed a deep shade of red at the close proximity she was sharing with Kris. She tried her best to turn away and distract herself from Kris’ hot breath that she felt on her shoulder.

“What a-are you doing?” Jinri stuttered.

“Nothing.” He pulled away and turned Jinri around to face him.

“This,” she pointed out their position in the hallway, “is not nothing.” Jinri made an annoyed face at Kris. “And, you should really stop hugging me like this.”

“Why? You don’t like it?” Kris whispered huskily into her ear and pulled her closer to himself.

“N-no it’s not that. I just-“ Jinri started.

“I know, I know. I’m just playing with you.” Kris smiled. ‘He’s so smiley around me…’ Jinri closed up her locker.

Kris stuck his hands in his pocket.

“Hey Jinri?”

“Yes, Kris?” Jinri turned around and was astounded at the sight in front of her.

Kris had his hands shyly in his side pockets, looking down. His foot what kicking lowly on the ground. And when Kris looked up to look at Jinri, he stared straight into her eyes, lovingly.

“Are you going to the prom?” Kris asked tentatively. Jinri thought it was just a joke that Kris was playing, but you could definitely hear the dead seriousness of his voice.

“Um..No, not really.” Jinri shook her head.

“Oh…” Kris dejectedly said, sorrow in his voice. When Jinri heard the tone of his voice, she realized what Kris was trying to get at.

Smiling she said. “Well, it’s just that no one has asked me to go with them yet? Do you know anyone?” She hoped this type of ‘encouragement’ would help him.

“I wanted to ask you…” Kris mumbled.

“What was that?” Jinri questioned leaning in.

“I wanted to ask you to go with me.” Kris still didn’t speak clear enough for her to ‘hear’ what she was saying.

“What?” Jinri said a bit louder this time, cupping a hand around her ear.

“Oh my god…I was going to ask you if you wanted to go with me!” Kris yelled at her and Jinri covered her ears. Luckily for Kris, there really weren’t all that much people in the hallway for him.

“Shh... Not so loud.” Jinri warned Kris a finger pressed against her lips. She smiled and laughed at him. Kris let out an exasperated sigh and turned around walking the other way. A visible frown showing on his face as he walked off and away from Jinri. His gaze remained on the ground and his frowned deepened. His heart clenched at the thought of Jinri not wanting to go with him.

The moment Kris turned around and began to walk away, Jinri’s face fell and she felt like something has gone terribly wrong, which something did. Jinri snapped out of it when she saw Kris turn around the corner and ran to catch up to him.

“Kris! Wait!” Kris stopped his movements and turned around. Jinri was running towards him, a frazzled look on her face. Bent over, Jinri put her hands on her knees. “Gee, you walk fast…You and your long legs.” Kris looked way from Jinri with gloomy eyes. Jinri straightened herself up and faced Kris.

“Sorry about a while ago, but I would love to go with you to the prom.” Jinri apologized with a sweet smile that could warm up any cold heart.

Kris looked up, “Really?” a hopeful stare aimed at Jinri.

“Yes.” Jinri nodded and bounced happily.

A bright smile spread on Kris’ lips and his eyes lit up with a light that showed just pure and sincere, happiness. Kris walked up to Jinri, arms opened and encircled his arms around her small frame. Kris held her tightly and safely against him.

Jinri froze, her eyes widened and her body tensed against his hold. Then Kris’s scent drifted to her. He smelt so good, like something fun and playful mixed in with mystery. Jinri relaxed and finally wrapped her arms around Kris. Leaning in to him, her eyes closed and a smile appeared on her face, on both of their faces.

Jinri felt a featherlike and warm feeling flow inside her. It was soft and delicate, like all the problems in the world just dispersed into thin air. She basically just melted in Kris’ strong arms. She felt like the arms wrapped around her, where the arms of a guardian angel.

Kris felt blissful at being able to hold his entire world in his arms. That feeling of wanting to stay like that forever rushed all over him. With all the mixed feelings in him, the only one he could recognize was love. The love and care that he felt for Jinri overcame all the other feelings. They both felt at peace and hug they shared was soothing and comforting.

Eventually they let go of each other. Kris gazed into her eyes, his gaze full of love and attachment. A small grin played on his lips and his eyes slightly curved upwards into a beautiful crescent moon shape.

Jinri stared back into Kris’ eyes, his deep, dark brown eyes that she could only get lost in every now and then. Kris’ eyes seemed to be luring her in, wanting to keep her trapped in them forever. At that moment Jinri noticed the mysteriousness that his eyes held. How come she only noticed now? She gazed deeper into his eyes and started to take in the love, affection, care and adoration that once were hidden in Kris’ eyes. ‘Why is he looking at me like that?’ Jinri thought.

You’ll have me forever, even if the world turns its back against you.


 About a week before Senior Prom, Jinri and her friends went to the mall to go shopping for dresses, shoes, accessories and everything they needed for the big night.

Store after store, Jinri couldn’t really find the perfect dress that she thought would suit and felt comfortable in. She didn’t was something overly showy, but not something insufficiently plain too. Just a dress with the right amount of elegance and ‘pretty’ on it.

Her friends kept on urging her to try on different dresses, but nothing would go right. Too much colour on this dress, too plain on the other. The skirt was too short on this one, the skirt too long on the other. There was nothing. Her friends had long picked up their dresses and everything they needed already. Jinri on this side was left empty – handed.

Then one of her friends decided they try at least one more store before quitting for the day.

The three entered a wedding type of dress store. They were instantly astounded at all the white garments in the room, and so they stood there with their mouths open until Hyejin pulled Jinri further into the store. The light but distinct scent of cherry blossoms filled them. The store almost looked like a heaven. Although a heaven with dresses, beads and fabric.

HyeJin started pointing at a few for her to Jinri to try, but Jinri said that she wanted a piece of clothing that was less…revealing.

Staying clear of the excessively sparkly and showy area, Jinri wandered off to the plainer side. Then she spotted a dress. It was a soft colour, not too short or too long. There wasn’t as much sparkles at all. Jinri smiled relieved she might have found a decent enough dress. 

Jinri then walked over to the changing rooms without her friends noticing and tried it on. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror and nodded. ‘Perfect.’ Jinri began to the dress and take it off when a little thought came appeared in her mind.

‘I wonder if Kris will like it?...’ She froze and frowned. What? Kris? No… ‘What am I thinking? Kris wouldn’t care…would he?’ Jinri noticed that she has doubted herself a lot recently. ‘What is wrong with me?’ She packed up her stuff and took the dress to the counter to pay for it. ‘Kris would probably not even care what I wear.’ Her heart sank and she looked sadly down at the already paid for dress in her hands. ‘Oh well.’


The night before the prom Jinri couldn’t sleep at all. She didn’t know what she was so nervous about. It was just a dance after all. She decided to go up to the roof top of the apartment and sit there for a while. The roof is her favourite thinking spot whenever she needed a ‘break’ from her hectic life. 

Taking an oversized purple hoodie, she pulled it over herself and climbed up to the roof. After a breath of fresh air she looked up at the dark-midnight sky smiling, feeling comforted. By what? She did not know. The glowing stars were scattered all over the blue blanket and a round silver moon was carefully placed above her.

Changing her gaze to her front, she noticed a figure with familiar light brown hair and angel wings extending out of his back sitting on the edge of the roof, his legs hanging off of the ledge.  Cautiously Jinri approached the man, making sure to be as quiet as possible.


Kris sat on the ledge of the roof staring out into the sky. He couldn’t sleep no matter what he did. So just like Jinri (but he doesn’t know that) he came up to the roof to ‘think’. A soft breeze passed by and Kris spread his folded wings out fully to his sides. It was a captivating sight.

“Wow…” Kris turned around and saw Jinri there, hands in her hoodie pockets looking at Kris with amazement in her eyes. Kris looked down and blushed slightly, then looked back up at her smiling. Jinri stepped forward and sat down beside Kris, also hanging her legs off of the ledge. Of course she was careful not to hit his wings.

They both looked out at the night scene of the city. The colourful lights flashing different shades every now and then. Breathtaking.

“You couldn’t sleep?” Kris spoke up after a few minutes of silence and looked at the girl beside him. She nodded. “Yeah…You?”

“I couldn’t either.” Kris looked back in front of him, sighing.

“Are you nervous?”

“About what?”

“I mean, tomorrow is your first dance… I think… and you know we don’t have to go if you don’t want to…” Jinri explained and timidly turned to him.

“No. Let’s go. We can have fun right?” Kris smiled light-heartedly. Jinri noticed that his voice seemed very relaxed and care free right now. It was something someone did not experience routinely. She was glad that she is able to see this side of him. Well she does live with him, of course she would see a ‘smiley’ and sometimes ‘jiggly’ Kris.

“Yeah, we can have fun.” Lightly nodding, she also looked back out at the night scene.

Kris gazed at Jinri, her skin imperceptibly glowing in the moonlight. Her light brown hair was let down and reached until her slender waist. Some of the hair was waved softly, it gave her hair a touch of elegance. The small smile playing on her lips was never ending.

‘She looks so pretty when she smiles.’ His body moved on its own and reached out to Jinri, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Kris didn’t even realize what he was doing and pulled back his hand quickly, looking away.


“Thank you.” They both said at the same time.

They looked at each other for a brief moment and laughed frivolously and smiling brightly. They were close like that. When the laughter died down, Jinri grabbed one of Kris’s hands which placed behind him on the ground, holding himself up. Kris straightened up from his previously ‘lazy’ like position. She held onto it smiling shyly and blushed a cute (in Kris’ mind) shade of pink.

Kris in turn, interlocked their hands and squeezed Jinri’s affectionately. Jinri looked up at Kris’ smiling face with a smile of her own. Kris bent down and pressed his soft lips against the lower part of Jinri’s cheek.

“I think we should go to sleep,” Kris whispered into her ear, his voice albeit seductive. Jinri nodded, and strangely this time, there was no blush evident on her face. ‘Weird…But I guess it’s a good thing.’

Kris pulled her up, “After we go flying.”

“Again?” Jinri shot him a look.

“Yes, now let’s go.” He grabbed the back of her knees and supported her behind her shoulders then carried her off into the moonlight. ‘This will be the last time Jinri, enjoy it.’ They disappeared in the big mist of dark and enchanting blue.


I little bit of a longer chappie ^^

Thank you for suscribing and reading my fanfiction. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, just

busy these past few days. Please don't unsubscribe because I will update soon enough.

Until next time~

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Chapter 11: Yep. Definitely needed tissues xD such a good story! I loved it :)
so rare to see a "kind" Kris in some of these fanfics ^~^
thanks for the awesome story~~!
Chapter 11: ...this fanfic really showed a different kris... sooo perfect. I love the ending...
Chapter 11: Omg! This fanfic is perfect. . . orz
Wow, this fanfic is one of those fluffy stories yet its story digs really deep in my heart. There is reality of love in here. I couldnt control a tear from escaping not because they both died but on how genuinely they show what true love is.
exo-snsd #5
Chapter 11: such a great story keep
it up
Chapter 11: Someone changed my autocorrect to french... Lol I meant "I cried a bucket"
Chapter 11: I criée a bu let :'(
Chapter 11: This story is amazing! Why did they both die though!? That bit was soo sad... How could you do that! T_T