Chapter 2

In the Arms of an Angel


While Kris was at Jinri’s house, their conversation mostly consisted of small talk, with a few questions Jinri threw at Kris regarding him being an angel and where he came from. Kris’s answer was just a smile, indicating that he would be telling her anytime soon. There was no awkwardness, what-so-ever. No, none of that. But there were a few funny moments.

Jinri froze when realization hit her.

“Do you watch me shower? And when I change!?!” she practically yelled at him.

Kris laughed. A bright smile lit up his handsome features. His eye smile was absolutely breathtaking. While all this happened Jinri just stood there with nothing to say, a light blush covering her cheeks.

“Haha… No, I haven’t and never will….that is, unless you want me to…” Kris said a smirk gracing his mouth. Of course, that smirk was whipped of his face (quite literally) when Jinri decided to throw a wooden spoon at him. And again, of course being the angel he is with ‘super powers’ and all (not really), Kris easily dodged it by moving to the side.

With an annoyed and scrunched up face, Jinri brought the hot green tea to the living room and set the tray on the brown coffee table. A different assortment of cakes and pastries were placed on the tray along with the tea.

Jinri looked at Kris “Um…I didn’t know what you like so I just put whatever I thought would suit you…” She said pulling down the hem of her shirt nervously.

“No, that’s ok. I like them.” Kris said, “Thank you.” Jinri nodded smiling to herself. She picked up her tea and took a small sip. Then she took a piece of cake and when Jinri looked over she saw that Kris also had the same mocha (or coffee) cake. When their eyes met, Kris smiled sweetly to her and Jinri looked back down.


That night Kris slept in the guest room across from Jinri’s room. She gave him the most boyish clothes she had to him to wear out of the house. When Kris was wearing the clothes to sleep, she couldn’t help but blush knowing that he was wearing her clothes.

Kris on the other side thought the fashion was quite peculiar. Kris didn’t fall asleep at once and lay in his bed staring at the ceiling. He let his mind flow freely and thought and dreamt about anything that crossed his train of thought. Of course, Jinri was the one on his mind the most. He loved her anyway. Kris wasn’t going to sleep anytime soon, just until Jinri did.

For Jinri, in the room across from Kris’, the lights were still on. Jinri was pacing reverently in the little space she calls her room. Sitting and standing up again, ‘No way is this happening...” she stopped moving, her brain was still trying to wrap around the idea that a guy who was an angel. Who was really, really good looking (or hot as other people would put it but Jinri was a modest girl). It was mind-blowing!

Sighing she sat down on her bed. ‘Might as well lie down.’ Jinri turned off the light and took small, careful, baby steps to her bed on the far side of the room and lay down. Even then, she couldn’t keep her imaginations from calming down while she tried to sleep. Eventually thought, her thoughts about Kris and angels subsided and sleep took over. She was now in dreamland.


His ears perked up at the sound of the light switch being flicked off in the other room. Kris slowly sat up from his bed and tried to cushion his every step when he walked. These pants were really annoying him, they felt weird and uncomfortable to walk in.

When he walked out of his room and was in front of Jinri’s, he slowly turned the door knob and walked in. Darkness filled his eyes, aside from the small crack in the door. Soon enough his eyes adjusted to the dark and he could make out a small form in midst of all the blankets, pillows and stuffed toys. Kris walked up to the bed and knelt down on the cold floor.

A strand of hair had fallen on Jinri’s face and Kris didn’t hesitate to push it behind her ear. The first thing Kris noticed, now that he had a good close up look at her, was how naturally beautiful she was. Her skin glowed in the moonlight and looked so soft; her long eyelashes lightly touched her cheeks and her hair was spread out prettily on the pillow. Kris also thought it was cute how her lips would part whenever she breathed. He then, ever so softly as to not wake her up, he her cheek. Kris was right; her skin was just as soft as he imagined it to be.

She looked to fragile and vulnerable in Kris’ eyes. Jinri looked so delicate and breakable. Even though she had a strong exterior, Kris knew that she could be breaking inside and he would never know. He knows he needs to learn how to read Jinri’s expressions and actions, so he could better take care of her, even if she probably won’t want him to.

Kris wanted to always protect her. Look after her. Even when he wasn’t by her side. He wanted to be her friend, and possibly even more.

As your guardian angel, I will block out the strong winds. Even if it is a small thing I will protect you forever.


Here we go again. A new week of ‘fun’. Students, teachers and more students crowded the hallways. People spreading rumours, and sharing the latest gossip and fashion. Too much for Jinri to handle. ‘School isn’t a fashion show.’ Jinri thought rolling her eyes at a group of giggling girls wearing their uniform skirts way too short for the dress code. Weird that there is one when they already have uniforms.

Right now, school wasn’t really the place Jinri wanted to be. More rumours were spreading, rumours that were spreading about her. People were already staring, weirdly, disgustingly and enviously at her. ‘Oh no… what have I done now.’ Jinri thought. Suddenly she stopped and stared at the person a good distance across from her in the hallway. Everyone else stared at him too. He had a big group of girls following him, trying so desperately to get his attention. It almost seemed like a little glow of light was radiating from him, as cheesy and weird as that sounds.

This ‘person’ was also the reason why the rumours had increased so quickly. Right from the moment Jinri and this ‘person’ drove (yes, drove) onto school grounds, people were already beginning to whisper about the sleek black BMW parked in one of the better spots in the parking lot.

This ‘person’ (as you probably already guessed) is Kris.


Earlier today…

“Where are you going?”

“Where does it look like?” Kris said looking at himself in the mirror. Fixing his uniform that looked REALLY familiar to Jinri. Since she was wearing the girl version of it. She gave him a blank stare. He sighed and turned around to look at her.

“School of course…” he said rolling his eyes at her dimwit-ness.

“School!?!” she practically yelled at him.

“Yes Jinri. School. I have been accepted into your high school.” Kris said with a triumphant smile smirk.


 “Hello Jinri.” Kris said smiling sweetly again. ‘Too perfect…’ She tried to ignore her melting heart, but failed and was blushing way too much for her liking.

“I still don’t get how you managed to get that BMW…” she mumbled, slightly annoyed.

“I am an angel remember?” he leaned closer “And I have my ways.” Jinri nodded. Kris smiled back at her.

“By the way…how do you get these girls off of my back?” he said pointing at the group of giggling girls at the behind him. They smiled and waved prettily when Kris turned and looked at them, but when Jinri looked at them, the glared and scowled at her. She cringed inwardly.  “I don’t know.” Jinri shrugged.

“What if I do something with you?”

“What do you mean?” Jinri’s eyes widened and she took a small step back.

“Oh… just something like this,” he kissed her lightly on the cheek, “or this.” He gently intertwined his hand with hers.

“K-Kris…” Jinri tried to get him to let go of her and desperately tried to pull away. But, it did not work since his grip on her was tight.

“Shh, see its working.” Kris stopped her. He was right. Gasps and whispers of curses could be heard from behind him. Kris then sighed in relief, kept his hold on Jinri’s hand and pulled her in a tow behind him through the crowds of students.

And all Jinri could think about was how warm and soft his hand was and how perfectly her hand fit in his.


Somehow the two ended up driving around the city. In the BMW of course. The atmosphere in the car was a little bit awkward, but mostly comfortable. Jinri thought the situation was weird because knowing Kris; he didn’t seem like the type of person who would skip class. Especially on his first day, she kept shut anyway.

After about 15 minutes of endlessly driving around the bustling city roads, Kris parked in front of a peaceful looking field. Jinri looked out of the car window. It was a big open space with not that much trees, a few hills and also had some flower bushes. There was also what seemed like a big cluster of trees that would lead to a forest on the far side of the field.

“Where are we?” Jinri asked Kris. He ignored her and fluidly got out of the car. ‘Rude....’ Jinri also got out of the car and followed Kris who didn’t even bother waiting for her. He was still walking. Jinri lightly jogged as best as she could in her uniform.

When she finally caught up to him he was standing on top of a hill, away from all the noisiness of people. His hands were in his pockets looking out at the view of trees and fields. His body was slightly slumped forward and when Jinri looked up at him, his face looked emotionless. But there was something new about it.  There was a hint of sadness in his eyes, almost as if it wasn’t there. She also noticed that his lips were curved slightly downwards. Jinri frowned at the sight.

A light breeze flew by both of them and Jinri turned to Kris. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing…” he said shaking his head. “Would you like to fly around?”


“Fly.” He repeated making flying wing signals with his hands.

“I know what flying is! ...But how will I fly too? … and won’t someone see you?” Kris didn’t answer her instead he brought his arm behind her knees and the other behind her shoulder.

“Wha-What are you doing?” Kris had already lifter her up and was getting ready to take off. “PUT ME DOWN!” Jinri was kicking her legs and flailing all over.

“Stay still or else I’ll drop you…” he said smirking. That shut her up.

 Kris gently spread his wings outward, slightly towards the sky, which made them look long and slightly thin. Their white feathers were skillfully arranged in such way that Jinri couldn’t help but stare in awe. They looked so… so majestic and… graceful. Even though Kris held a very cool and sometimes distant aura. ‘Those wings don’t really match up with his personality…’ Jinri thought.

“Ready?” Jinri blinked out of her trance and nodded and clung tighter onto Kris.

“You won’t really drop me… will you?” Jinri looked up at Kris scared. He looked back at her affectionately.

“Of course not…” Kris started looking out at the sky while already flying a few feet off of the ground,

“I would never let you go…”

Jinri had a feeling that Kris meant that in more ways than one.


Flying was many people’s dreams. Being able to be as free as a bird. Soaring the light blue sky amidst all the puffs of clouds without the aid of today’s technology. Jinri didn’t even realize her eyes were closed until she heard a gentle voice tell her it was OK to open them. She slowly fluttered her eyes open and they met with Kris’ deep brown one. Slowly, she looked down and saw that they were a good distance from solid ground. She gasped in shock and clung tighter to Kris’ hold on her.

“We can go back if you want to…” Kris said tentatively looking ahead of him once again. Suddenly feeling guilty for bringing her up there. Jinri lightly shook her head looking down at herself, still clinging onto Kris for dear life.

He looked back down at her. “Then why are you so scared?”

“I just…I w-want to be with you.”  Her face flushed in embarrassment. Jinri was certain that Kris heard what she said, despite it being a mere utter of words. She didn’t even look up at him to see what his reaction would be, Jinri just kept her head down.

Kris secretly beamed at what she said, even though Jinri didn’t look at him. He felt pleased enough knowing that the person he so dearly loved just wanted a simple moment with him.

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Chapter 11: Yep. Definitely needed tissues xD such a good story! I loved it :)
so rare to see a "kind" Kris in some of these fanfics ^~^
thanks for the awesome story~~!
Chapter 11: ...this fanfic really showed a different kris... sooo perfect. I love the ending...
Chapter 11: Omg! This fanfic is perfect. . . orz
Wow, this fanfic is one of those fluffy stories yet its story digs really deep in my heart. There is reality of love in here. I couldnt control a tear from escaping not because they both died but on how genuinely they show what true love is.
exo-snsd #5
Chapter 11: such a great story keep
it up
Chapter 11: Someone changed my autocorrect to french... Lol I meant "I cried a bucket"
Chapter 11: I criée a bu let :'(
Chapter 11: This story is amazing! Why did they both die though!? That bit was soo sad... How could you do that! T_T