Chapter 5

In the Arms of an Angel


During lunch Kris and Jinri sat in the school field sitting against a big tree on top of a hill. Jinri’s friends were off doing God knows what. That was ok though, Jinri had Kris to talk to and keep each other company.

They were doing science and math homework. To Jinri, Kris was a genius at this stuff, which made no sense, since Kris is an angel that has not gone to high school. At all. ‘I don’t understand that much and I have been studying this since freshman year. Then Kris comes along and just learns everything and memorizes it. What is this? Stupid walking dictionary…’ Jinri lightly glared and pouted at Kris.

“Well, what don’t you understand?” Kris asked her, looking over her shoulder to get a better view of the books and papers.

“Everything!” Jinri threw her hands up in defeat. Kris chuckled and smiled at her, shaking his head.

“Ok, let’s get this done then, you little dim-wit.” He poked her head.

“Hey! I am not a dim-wit!” Jinri shot daggers at Kris.

“…Well do you want help or not?”  Jinri nodded slowly.

“Ok well, you’re supposed to multiply this, and then subtract this number from….” Everything was in slow motion for Jinri. The only thing she could hear was Kris’ deep, smooth voice speaking to her. She couldn’t help but let her eyes wander over Kris flawless skin, his eyes, his luscious lips. Everything about him was just so… enticing.

“Hey. Are you listening?” Kris snapped his fingers in front of her face. “What am I going to do if you won’t even listen to me?” he questioned.

“O-oh…sorry.” Jinri stuttered, embarrassed.

“You better be. Now pay attention and listen.” Jinri nodded and tried to focus on the paper. But to no avail, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of Kris. It was as if she was addicted to him. ‘What? I don’t,’ she looked over al Kris again, ‘I don’t like Kris… do I?’ Jinri shook her head in disbelief. She can’t have lovey-dovey feelings for her apparently, best friend.

“Do you understand now?” Kris asked and leaned back on the tree.

“Yea, better than before.” Jinri said and got to her work.

‘Ha-ha, Jinri. You can be so weird sometimes. That’s ok I like that about you. So cute.” Kris smiled affectionately at Jinri without her noticing.

She was trying to solve a math problem, her bottom lip was sticking out a little and she was poking the pencil at her chin. Kris laughed lightly, Jinri turned to him and pouted some more.

Let me just gaze at you every day, I am constantly thinking about you.

“What?” Jinri said in a half whiny voice.

“Nothing.” Kris smiled. Jinri narrowed her eyes at him and turned back to her work. 

After a few silent minutes, Kris started laughing again. Jinri whipped her head around glaring at him. Kris immediately covered his mouth and shut up.

Then again after a few more minutes Kris began laughing again. A little louder this time.

“Ok, you know what tell me, what the heck are you laughing at?” Jinri put her hands on her hips and gave him a stern glare. Kris, on the other hand, couldn’t keep his laughs in. Which wasn’t doing him any good.

“You really wanna know?” Kris said. Jinri nodded.

“You’re cute, when you do that.” Kris said, his voice totally even.

“W-what? Me? Cute?” Jinri pointed a finger at her chest. Kris nodded in response.

“Yes, very cute. When you want to be, that is.” Kris smiled. Jinri felt her knees get weak even though they were sitting down. He heart was beating so fast, she hope Kris couldn’t hear it. How would she explain to Kris why if he heard it, when Jinri herself did not know?

Jinri shook her head and turned around. Her back wasn’t completely facing Kris, just halfway.

‘It’s true though Jinri. You are very cute, very pretty and beautiful. I hope you know that. More beautiful and dazzling than any other angel I have seen.’ 

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Chapter 11: Yep. Definitely needed tissues xD such a good story! I loved it :)
so rare to see a "kind" Kris in some of these fanfics ^~^
thanks for the awesome story~~!
Chapter 11: ...this fanfic really showed a different kris... sooo perfect. I love the ending...
Chapter 11: Omg! This fanfic is perfect. . . orz
Wow, this fanfic is one of those fluffy stories yet its story digs really deep in my heart. There is reality of love in here. I couldnt control a tear from escaping not because they both died but on how genuinely they show what true love is.
exo-snsd #5
Chapter 11: such a great story keep
it up
Chapter 11: Someone changed my autocorrect to french... Lol I meant "I cried a bucket"
Chapter 11: I criée a bu let :'(
Chapter 11: This story is amazing! Why did they both die though!? That bit was soo sad... How could you do that! T_T