홈 환영합니다!: Welcome Home!

Without Hesitation

It was dark. As the cold wind slapped your flimsy jacket, you realize that it was still just you and Myungsoo. You watched his movements through the dark evening. Though you could barely make out his face in the almost pitch darkness, you always made sure to take a quick peak whenever you hit a street light. He seemed so calm, you couldn’t tell if he was angry that you’d be spending the night at his house, or nervous, or even excited. He was always so hard to read. You wanted to talk to him, to find out more, you just didn’t know how to start off the conversation.

"Hey, Myung.." you began.

"Yeah _________ah." he calmly responded.

"Do you think your parents would mind me spending the night at your house? I mean, I am a girl, and I'm pretty sure that they don't know anything about me.."

Myungsoo pondered on the question, as he scratched his head and began to answer:

"Who says my parents don't know anything about you?"


"W-W-What?" you stumbled

"My parents know about you ______. I've told them about you before."

You began to eagerly blush at the thought that Myungsoo talked to his parents about you. You were on his mind.. What words did he use to describe you? Were you dexterous and sassy? Or sweet and meek? Your head was roaming with adjectives.

"What did you t-tell them? Nothing bad I hope." you chuckle while squinting over to Myungsoo to see his reaction. His face was blank.

"No, no, nothing bad at all. I just told them that you were my friend and that on the weekends you help me with my English. That's about it."

That's about it.

Those three words pierced your heart. That's about it. If someone asked you about Myungsoo, that's about it would be the last three words to pop into your head. You would characterize him as dashing and sweet, innocent and mysterious, or even determined and shy. Not some kid that you tutor on the weekends.. It was depressing that that's all Myungsoo saw you as; his tutor.

"Oh." you calmly huffed. That was the only word that you could think of at the moment. You couldn't really explain why, but you suddenly grew angry. Every muscle in your body began to twitch, you couldn't get those damn words out of your head. Here you were competing with Suzy, your best friend of all people, for a guy who only saw you as his lousy tutor. You had to know if he was even worth fighting for. If you even had a shot of showing him how you really felt. You had grown tired of the dull conversations with him. You needed more, and if you were going to get any useful information out of him, tonight would be the night.

“Hey Myung.” you soft voice crashed into the silent night almost making Myungsoo jolt a little.


“Why are you always so nice to me?” you eyes bolt at your own question.

“What do you mean?” he calmly responds. He didn’t seem phased by your interrogation, more like indifferent.

“I’ve known you since ninth grade, and whenever you spoke to me, you were always so proper, and you would always stand up for me, even when your own friends were in on the teasing....... Why?”

Myungsoo paused. Taking your question into consideration even though you could see that he was  tired and bored with your consistent nagging.

“ I don’t know ______ah. What kind of question is that? I speak to everyone properly.”

“Not everyone. Not Suzy."

Crap! What did you just say?! There was obviously no turning back now. Every bone in your aching body felt tight and compressed, waiting for his response.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” he asked. His voice had a hint of panic mixed with embarrassment. You didn’t know what else to say…

“N-Nothing Myung. Forget I asked.” your head flops toward the ground in disappointment. You could tell by the tone in his voice he liked her, a lot. Probably just as much as you liked him. You were fighting a losing battle, not only with Myungsoo, but with your tears. They had been building up for a while now, just waiting for the perfect moment. But you refused to let him see them, not right now.

“Hey ______ah,” Myungsoo obviously wasn’t done with the conversation.

“Yep.” you impatiently ask, wanting to run as far away from Myungsoo as possible.

“Are you and Suzy okay? It seems like since you started tutoring me, you and Suzy have been kind of distant.. Was it something I did?”

‘Yeah,’ you thought, ‘you were born…’

“W-What? No silly! Ha! What would make you think that?”

“Oh, I don’t know.. Suzy said something abo-” he paused in the middle of his sentence as a smile grew on his face. He was staring straight ahead, but you were still concentrated on his words.

“Suzy said something about what?” you angrily asked.

“Sungjong!” Myungsoo shouts as he runs up to a girl with very short hair. She wrapped her arms around him as Myungsoo twirled her around.

“Hyung!” she shouts into the night. She was very pretty and delicate. You couldn’t really see all of her face due to the bang she had covering most of it, but she sounded nice.

“Who’s this?” she asked as she turns in your direction. Her vibrant smile for her hyung quickly evaporated and turned into a suspicious grin.

“Ah, this is my friend _______ah. She’s gonna spend the night with us since someone’s robbing her house… or something like that. Right ______ah?”

“R-Right. It’s nice to meet you.” you announce bowing in front of Sungjong. When you lifted your head Myungsoo’s family was staring at you with small grins and chuckles.

“Well she’s a cutie Myungsoo, where’d you find her?” Sunjong kindly asked while rubbing your head.

“I just told you she’s my tutor. We’re friends at school.” Myungsoo quickly answered.

“Well.. I like her, can we keep her?” Sunjong asked.

“She’s a human being, not a stray puppy Sungjong,” he turned in your direction, “Sorry _____ah, my little brother can be quite ignorant sometimes.”

“Oh, that’s okay.” you chuckle.

As you head toward the house you can’t help but to recognize the title Myungsoo gave Sunjong.

Little brother?!

You burst into laughter at your mistake. How could someone so feminine be a boy? Myungsoo and the others began to glare at you in confusion as you made your way over to their kitchen.



“Well,” Mrs. Kim began, “you can sleep here for the night. We have plenty of food in the fridge, and the bathroom is right down the hallway. Let us know if you need anything, okay?”

You nod sweetly. You could tell that they seemed a little uneasy about you sleeping in their house, but you’d only stay there for a night.

Sungjong and Myungsoo changed and went into their separate rooms just before turning off all of the lights. As you clicked the light in their guest room off, you could hear Myungsoo come over to your door. You could tell identify his awkward footsteps from anywhere. He softly knocked on your door and let himself in.

“Hey _____ah,” he whispered.

“Yeah Myung?” you replied.

“There’s something I need to tell you. It’s pretty important.” he slowly made his way over to your bed and sat next to you.

“What is it Myung?”

“Can you give this note to Suzy? I know you two aren’t really talking, but it would mean the world to me. Please?”

He handed you a crisp white envelope with the name ‘SUZY’ written on the front in big neat lettering. You frowned at the letter, coming to the realization that you’d officially lost him. It was over. With such thoughts running through your head, you’d completely forgotten that Myungsoo was staring at you.

“What’s wrong?” he timidly asked.

“What,” you pause, bringing your tears to a holt, “What is this?” you looked directly at him. Glaring deep into his eyes. You wanted him to say it. If it ws really true, he’d say it.

“It’s a letter for her. J-Just some things I wanted her to know…” his voice drifted off, “Hey, if you don’t mind.. Could you read it for me? You know, tell me what you think? I mean you are my tutor after all..” he let out a slight chuckle that drifted off.

This was cruelty at its worst. How did this happen? You had forgotten how you even ended up in his house, on his bed, reading his confession to your friend. You just wanted it all to end. But seeing how you couldn’t refuse him, you slowly opened the envelope and began to unfold the letter:


Dearest Bae Soo Ji,

How have you been lately? Have you been eating well? I hope so, ever since we met at Miss A café we’ve become the best of friends. You make great pie and have really pretty long hair. Seeing how I’m not the best at writing letters, I’ll try my best to keep this short. Over at our school we’re having a spring dance. When I thought of this, I immediately thought of you. Since we are such good friends, I was hoping that you would be willing to go with me. I’m sure we’d have lots of fun and stuff.

Your coolest friend,



The room was silent and cold. You could barely hold the letter in your hand. Your mind was completely blank.

“Why’d you call yourself L?” you calmly ask staring through the paper.

“Oh,” he chuckled, “It’s a name Suzy made for me, since she said I was kind of like that guy from death note. It’s kind of an inside joke.”

“Oh.” you answer with a fake chuckle.

“So, what do you think ______ah? Did I spell anything wrong?”

It had been building up for so long that you lost control. You tried clinching your fist to sustain them from coming, but it didn't seem to work. You began to break out into a heavy sob as you folded the letter up and gently placed it back into the envelope. You could feel his hand rub against your back as you handed him his letter.

“It was great Myung,” you managed to say through your tears, “I’m sure she’ll love it.”

“Uh.. Are you okay ______ah?”

“Yeah,” you coldly whimper, “I’m fine.”

“Are you crying because you’re hungry? Cause we’ve got plenty of food.”

“No, I’m just tired.” you reply as you flip over on your side and prepare to sleep. Myungsoo takes this as his hint to leave, and does just that.

“Oh, okay. Well goodnight _____.” he finally says as he closes the door. You didn’t respond.

As soon as he leaves you jump out of the bed and jolt toward your binder. You grab all of your notes and papers as you head for the door. As you grab onto the door handle the binder falls, along with all of the papers you had in them.

You freeze, with your eyes placed on the old binder on the floor. It had scuffs and pencil marks all over it, with some doodles that Myungsoo did on them. You saw all of the essays, with the red markings on them from all of his mistakes. You saw all of the stickers from all of his corrections.

You slowly bend down to get your belonging from the floor, glancing over each and every essay as you tuck them all back into your flimsy binder. The binder was tearing on each end. Eventually, the tear would meet in the middle, and the binder would be no more.

Once you’ve picked up your things, your hand once again reaches for the door handle, only to realize that Sungjong was in the kitchen eating. If he saw you, he’d question you until Myungsoo came out, and then things would get really awkward.

You decided to take the window instead.



 A/N: I'm sorry this chapter took so long to make. I really hope you guys like it. I know it was really long, but I really like how it came out :D Hope you all have a wonderful day!!

P.S- There is an item that I continually refer to in the story that's suppose to be a symbol for something greater.. Do you guys know what it is???






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Chapter 9: awh, why did u ever think of deleting this fanfic!it's good:) well, tat's wat i think. I hope u at least finish the story<3 it's awesome. Luv the twist and stuffs. Haha u are lucky u didn't put sungyeol under the drinks:p he is gonna drink all the coffeexD
Okay soo.. I really didn't mean for that update to be so short you guys XXD sorry kekekee. What I MEANT to do was save it and make it hidden. I will officially update chapter nine sometime this weekend. Thank you all for understanding and being to patient <3 and thank you to all of my new subscribers I'm so glad you're enjoying my story. See ya soon!
rodzilawati #3
why the update so short...im really enjoy ur story...
to infinite_saranghae: Anytime girly ;D
to Starfalliana: You must be a new subscriber. I'm so glad you're enjoying my story. And thank you for commenting. It's funny cuz when I was writing this I was listening to Only Tears by Infinite and Take me away by Ukiss. Those two are a deadly combination I tell yah XD Thanks for the support
Starfalliana #6
My gosh, I almost cried on how Suzy treated her/the main character.. or me like that. xD But yeah, I was listening to "Broken - Seo In Guk" at the same time when I read the chapter; and I must say..

Sad song + Sad chapter = Perfect trigger for the water works! *0*

Haha anyways, awesome story so far.. but I hope Myungsoo will realize that he was so blind & actually puzzle in the pieces and maybe he would fall for "_______". Hehe, please update soon~! ^.^
The same binder that she uses to keep all the stuff that she'd looked over for Myungsoo during their tutoring sessions has been mentioned more than once. I think it represents her boy problem--Myungsoo in particular. The longer that she hides her love from him, the further he'd drift away from her. She'd end up losing him at this rate. It would be a matter of time till she's lost him for good, and he'd no longer occupy that special place in her heart. The wearing out of the binder seems to symbolize her heart breaking due to emotional stress. This is what unrequited love must feel like. Being the oblivious one, he won't notice it unless he sees it himself. So, she would have to take action to prove her love for him in order to get him to notice her. Suzy's already putting in the effort to win him over.