그것을 서두 르 지마: Don't Rush It

Without Hesitation

As the sun slips its way through your curtains and hugs your curves you are reminded that today was going to be different. You roll over out of the suns glare and attempt to get a few more minutes of sleep. So many things are running through your head. Like, what to wear, how'd you respond when you first saw Myungsoo, how'd he respond when he first saw you, what his type of girl was:

"long wavy hair," you calmly remind yourself, "he likes girls with long wavy hair."

As you slowly rise up from your bed, you begin to run through all of the things that you had to do today, checking them all off in your head and trying to calculate how long each and every task would take to complete.

As you straighten your last strand of hair you smile at the calm face staring back at you. You knew you weren't the prettiest girl, but today was different. Your hair was done, you were  wearing your favorite outfit, and you had an oddly optimistic outlook on things.

"I'm ready," you smoothly announce to Mittens as she hops onto the bathroom sink to get a better look at you, "What do you think? Too much?"

Mittens twist her head to the side to better examine what you've done to yourself. She gives you a cute meow that you take as her sign of approval. You begin to smile brightly as she jumps off the sinks and dashes out into the living room; you can't help to wonder whether or not Myungsoo likes cats or not.

Suddenly, you hear your broken door bell screech through the house. Mittens stops in her tracks and glares at the door. Your heart starts to beat faster and faster as you come to the realization that your time was up. You take once last glance at yourself to realize that everything you had just felt about yourself had easily evaporated from your mind. You turned back into that hideous girl that you were yesterday. No amount of makeup, straighteners, or pretty dresses could hide that.

"Crap," you slowly whisper as you put your straightner on your sink, "he's here." you jet toward the front door and attempt to cough up all of the ugly out of your voice.

"H-Hello?" you say behind your weak door.

"Hey _______ah, it's me Myungsoo. We were supposed to study together today, remember? I really hope I'm not a burden.. I can always come back another day if today's not good for you."

"Nonsense," you sweetly reply. You could almost see MIttens smirk at how fake you sounded, you flex at her letting her know that you were not in the mood to be judged, especially not by a cat, "U-Uh, come on in Myungsoo." you calmly add as you swiftly open your door, letting out the rapid aroma of noodles boiling in your kitchen.

"Wow, something smells great. You cooking?" Myungsoo ask.

"Yeah, just some ramen, nothing special.."

"Well, it smells great!" he adds, "So.. what are you going to teach me today, teacher?" he asks with one of his infamous smirks. You blush uncontrollably at the thought of him calling you teacher and run over to your binder.

"Wellll... I was thinking we could start off with some simple essay prompts and work our way up from there."

His face turns cold as he begins to concentrate on what you were teaching.

"So.." you begin, "all I need you to do is just start writing your essay. All I'll need is about a good three paragraphs to see what you really need to work on."

"Okay," he replies as he begins to crack his nuckles, "I can do that."

"Good," you say with a bright smile, "and while you do that, I'll be in the kitchen finishing up on that ramen."

"Good, cause I'm starving!"

you cutely chuckle at his remark and stroll over to your food. You had to make sure that this was the best tasting ramen he had ever eaten in his entire life.


As you put the finishing touches on your ramen, you can see Myungsoo proudly marching up to you with a good three pages worth of writing. You turn toward him and pause, waiting for him to begin talking.

"Teacher," he bolts at you, "I'm done."

You hands tremble as you take the the floppy group of paper from his hands.

"Well," you sigh, "let's see what we've got here."

You two walk back over to your dining room table as you take a red pen and prepare to revise his essay.

"You know," you begin, "I said you only had to write three paragraphs, not three pages."

"Oh, well, I guess I got nervous." he chuckles as he sratching his head. You always loved when he did that.

You could almost hear him gasp as you slash and jot down little notes on his paper. You look up to see his hands covering his face as if he was watching a horror film. You cover your hand over your mouth as you laugh at how nervous he was.

"Calm down." you say, "I'm done, and to be honest Myungsoo, all of your mistakes are really simple."

All of a sudden, Myungsoo calmly leaves his seat and walks over to you. His eyes were fixed on his paper, squinting as he tried to read what you wrote on it. He hovers over you and you begin to blush. He places his palms you the table and slowly mouths all of the things that were written on his paper. You could feel him breathing down your neck with deep thought.

"So," he began, "you're saying that my introductions need some work, and I spelt a few things wrong?"

You realize that he was talking to you and snap back to reality

"W-wha-- oh yeah, that's it. Oh and, I mean it was just kind of.." you search around your room trying to look for a better word to describe it. But there was only one word that came to mind, "boring." You can feel his glare burn the back of your head. You attempt not to look directly into his eyes, knowing how dangerous that was, you weren't willing to risk it.

He realizes that you aren't going to look his way, and takes it into his hands to twist his head toward your face. He was a few inches from your face, glaring right into your eyes. 'Was I too harsh?' you ask yourself as you attempt to smile Myungsoo's way.

"Boring." he finally blurts out. You cringe at the thought of your words, "you think I'm boring?"

"I-I-I didn't say you were boring, I said your paper was boring." you plead.

"Well," he cheerfully says as he steps back, "why didn't you just say so! If you want me to be more exciting, I can totally do that!" He smiles at you, and you look around for something to say.

"Uhh, how bout we take a break and eat some ramen?" you ask.

"Oh thank god! I thought you'd never ask," he replies, "Come on, let's eat." he cheerfully announces as he grabs your hand drags you over to your kitchen.

"Shouldn't I be the one showing you to my kitchen?" you ask. He chuckles as he grabs a bowl.


"Wow, this is great, probably the best ramen I've ever eaten!" he mumbles with a mouth full of food.

"R-Really? Thanks Myung, I'm glad you like it." you smile at him as you think to  yourself 'MISSION ACCOMPLISHED'.

"What?" He immediately replies. Did he just hear what I thought? Oh god no!

"W-W-What's wrong?"

"What did you just call me?"

"Uhh.. I don't know?" You panickly announce. You can't remember what you did, but he was glaring at you again.

"You just called me Myung. Only my little brother Sunjong calls me that." he calmly admits

"Oh, sorry. I guess its easier to say. It just kind of rolls off the tongue, ya know?" you chuckle at your own comment until you realize how serious Myungsoo was, "look, I didn't mean to offend you. I won't say it anymore if its a problem."

"No, its not that."

"Then what is it?" you curiously ask.

"I don't know. It sounds a lot cuter when a girl says it  I guess." you blush and pull a piece of your hear back behind your ear. He lips begin to curl up into an evil grin as you stares at you intently. The awkward silence is broken when the alarm on Myungsoo's phone starts to go off.

"Well would you look at the time, it's already 9 o'clock! I've gotta go home before my mom starts getting worried."

"Mm, yeah."

You begin to walk Myungsoo to the door as he grabs his coat.

"Thanks for everything __________ah, you have no idea how much this means to me."

"No problem Myungsoo. Same time next week right?"

"Yeah," suddenly he grabs you and pulls you in for a hug. Your eyes widen as you slowly begin to hug him back, "call me Myung. It does roll of the tongue easier." he says as he begins to leave.

"S-S-Sure Myungsoo, I-I mean, Myung. No problem."

"See ya _________ah."

"Yeah, see ya." This time you force your hand to jolt up for a short wave; He waves back. Nothing could be better than this.

"See yah Mittens." Myungsoo says as he turns his wave her way. She lets out a sweet meow showing him how much she care. You two both laughed as the street lights came on. You softly close your door and lean aganist it as you scoop Mittens up into a breath taking hug.

"It doesn't get any better than this Mittens."

Mittens twist her head toward you and meows in agreement.







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Chapter 9: awh, why did u ever think of deleting this fanfic!it's good:) well, tat's wat i think. I hope u at least finish the story<3 it's awesome. Luv the twist and stuffs. Haha u are lucky u didn't put sungyeol under the drinks:p he is gonna drink all the coffeexD
Okay soo.. I really didn't mean for that update to be so short you guys XXD sorry kekekee. What I MEANT to do was save it and make it hidden. I will officially update chapter nine sometime this weekend. Thank you all for understanding and being to patient <3 and thank you to all of my new subscribers I'm so glad you're enjoying my story. See ya soon!
rodzilawati #3
why the update so short...im really enjoy ur story...
to infinite_saranghae: Anytime girly ;D
to Starfalliana: You must be a new subscriber. I'm so glad you're enjoying my story. And thank you for commenting. It's funny cuz when I was writing this I was listening to Only Tears by Infinite and Take me away by Ukiss. Those two are a deadly combination I tell yah XD Thanks for the support
Starfalliana #6
My gosh, I almost cried on how Suzy treated her/the main character.. or me like that. xD But yeah, I was listening to "Broken - Seo In Guk" at the same time when I read the chapter; and I must say..

Sad song + Sad chapter = Perfect trigger for the water works! *0*

Haha anyways, awesome story so far.. but I hope Myungsoo will realize that he was so blind & actually puzzle in the pieces and maybe he would fall for "_______". Hehe, please update soon~! ^.^
The same binder that she uses to keep all the stuff that she'd looked over for Myungsoo during their tutoring sessions has been mentioned more than once. I think it represents her boy problem--Myungsoo in particular. The longer that she hides her love from him, the further he'd drift away from her. She'd end up losing him at this rate. It would be a matter of time till she's lost him for good, and he'd no longer occupy that special place in her heart. The wearing out of the binder seems to symbolize her heart breaking due to emotional stress. This is what unrequited love must feel like. Being the oblivious one, he won't notice it unless he sees it himself. So, she would have to take action to prove her love for him in order to get him to notice her. Suzy's already putting in the effort to win him over.