명의 은혜: A Favor from Myungsoo

Without Hesitation

Since you and Suzy declared war on one another things had gotten pretty awkward around the shop. You couldn’t remember if you and Suzy were supposed to be friends or enemies. Every time something excited happened to you, you’d leap over to Suzy and tell her immediately, only to remind yourself that you hated her, and she hated you. It had gotten to the point that you didn’t know what to feel when around her, or Myungsoo.

You’d thought it’d be best if Myungsoo and you continue your studying elsewhere to keep Suzy and him from communicating, but he would constantly insist on going over to the shop so that he could get something to eat. Seeing how you couldn’t deny him, you two would stroll over to the shop and let Myungsoo eat some cake while you and Suzy indulge yourselves in a ‘I love Myungsoo more than you’ debate. 


After today’s study session with Myungsoo, he walked you home to make sure you were safe. It was something that he did from time to time whenever he felt it was too dark out. With it just being you and him you took it as your opportunity to take things to the next level. Even though you’d never confessed how you felt to a boy before, you figured you act out what you’ve seen on TV.

With every step through the muggy concrete you found it harder and harder to find something to talk about. Though Myungsoo was pretty good at keeping a conversation going, you lacked the common social skills needed to do such a thing.

“ So, Myung.. How’d you do on that test in English today?” you timidly ask.

“Well,” he began as he placed his forefinger on his chin, “I know I did good on the multiple choice. But I’m pretty sure I failed the essay part.”

“Still having a hard time not being boring huh?” you chuckle as he gives you a quick glare. Lately, Myungsoo’s glares were no longer scary or mysterious, just cute.

“Yah! I’m very interesting! I do cool stuff all of the time!”

“Sure you do Myung,” you tease, “So, that spring dance is coming up.. A-a-are you going?”

“Well, I don’t know. My friend Hoya said he was going with his friend Min, and Dongwoo was gonna go with some chick from SM academy.. But I don’t really think I have a reason to go. No one’s asked me out yet.”

Your eyes flutter as you realize that this was your moment. You tried to pry your eyes off of his face, but you were too mesmerized at the fact that YOU had a chance. If you could just get the feeling back in your legs, maybe you could grow the courage to ask him out. You manage to come to your senses when you see Myungsoo snapping his fingers in front of your face.

“W-What?” you question while shaking your head.

“I said are you going? You know, to the dance..”

“O-O-Oh me? N-No.. I’m pretty sure no one is going to ask me.” you confess, hoping that he would catch on to your hint.

“Oh, well that’s too bad huh.”

Damn you Myungsoo

The street lights popped on, causing you to jolt and drop your binder full of notes. It seemed as though the more tutoring sessions you and Myungsoo went on, the fuller and heavier that binder got. You could barely hold it at this point. Myungsoo rolled his eyes at you and chuckled as he bent down and started helping you pick up your mess. You could see him glancing at a few of the papers as he places them back into your chewed up binder.

“You know _______ah, you should really consider getting a new binder. This one’s all beat up now.”

“Yeah, I should. But I never really have the tim-”

Myungsoo covered his hand over your mouth to shut you up. Your eyes bolt up to meet his, but he wasn’t glaring at you this time. He was staring down the block, directly at your house. Your sight switches from him and your house a few times, trying to see what he found so interesting.

“Shut up,” he angrily demands, “did you see that?” You push his hand off of your mouth and prepare to speak.

“Well it’s kind of hard to answer you when your hands over my mouth. What are you even talking about Myung-”

“I said shut up!”

“But you just asked me a quest-”

He clasps his hand back over your mouth as he puts all of his concentration on something down the block. You try to talk through his hand, but he immediately shushes you. You see him squint his eyes and furrow his brow as you glided back to his feet.

“W-Who is that?” he whispers to you.

“Who is what?!” you impatiently yell. He twist his head toward your and signals for you to keep your voice down.

“Who’s that man?” he replies pointing to a large man in a trench coat unlocking your door.

It’s him

“!” You whisper. You eyes begin to search for a solution while your legs beg for an escape. You had forgotten the date, the time, everything. You didn’t expect him to actually come all the way back here. If he saw you with a boy this late, he’d flip.

You dug your nails into Myungsoo’s shirt as you threw him against the house you were standing next to. He tries to ask questions as you tug him in the opposite direction of your house, but you simply ignore every one of them.

“Ow! _______ah, what the hell are you doing? If someone’s robbing your house we should get help.”

“No, screw that. Let’s go NOW.”

“Go where?” He stops your rapid tugging as he grabs a hold of your shoulders, forcing you to stay in place. You look around for some place to hide, though there are none.

“I don’t know Myung, somewhere else!”

“So… you’re just gonna let some random guy rob your house. You know your cat is in there right?”

You had no time to explain to him that the man in your house was no robber. Besides, even if you did have to time, you didn’t feel like explaining your entire life story to him.

“Can we just go back to your place?” you ask, assuming that he would say that that was the dumbest idea he’d ever heard. You flinch your eyes in preparation of his rejection. When silence fills the air, you shyly look up at him, only to notice his eyes still looking at your house.



“I said sure. Now, let’s hurry before I change my mind. Obviously there’s something you’re not telling me about that guy. If you think its safer to go back to my place then I guess it wouldn’t hurt. But only for tonight okay?”

“Thanks Myung, you’re a life saver.” you smile at him, realizing that he actually cared for you a little bit.

“Yeah. I know.” he calmly answered.

A/N: Sorry this was so late you guys, I appreciate your patience. Oh another thing. I'm thinking about starting up a one-shot series with various kpop guys. It's called Apologetic. Go check it out and let me know what you think. If it , I'll delete it XD

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Chapter 9: awh, why did u ever think of deleting this fanfic!it's good:) well, tat's wat i think. I hope u at least finish the story<3 it's awesome. Luv the twist and stuffs. Haha u are lucky u didn't put sungyeol under the drinks:p he is gonna drink all the coffeexD
Okay soo.. I really didn't mean for that update to be so short you guys XXD sorry kekekee. What I MEANT to do was save it and make it hidden. I will officially update chapter nine sometime this weekend. Thank you all for understanding and being to patient <3 and thank you to all of my new subscribers I'm so glad you're enjoying my story. See ya soon!
rodzilawati #3
why the update so short...im really enjoy ur story...
to infinite_saranghae: Anytime girly ;D
to Starfalliana: You must be a new subscriber. I'm so glad you're enjoying my story. And thank you for commenting. It's funny cuz when I was writing this I was listening to Only Tears by Infinite and Take me away by Ukiss. Those two are a deadly combination I tell yah XD Thanks for the support
Starfalliana #6
My gosh, I almost cried on how Suzy treated her/the main character.. or me like that. xD But yeah, I was listening to "Broken - Seo In Guk" at the same time when I read the chapter; and I must say..

Sad song + Sad chapter = Perfect trigger for the water works! *0*

Haha anyways, awesome story so far.. but I hope Myungsoo will realize that he was so blind & actually puzzle in the pieces and maybe he would fall for "_______". Hehe, please update soon~! ^.^
The same binder that she uses to keep all the stuff that she'd looked over for Myungsoo during their tutoring sessions has been mentioned more than once. I think it represents her boy problem--Myungsoo in particular. The longer that she hides her love from him, the further he'd drift away from her. She'd end up losing him at this rate. It would be a matter of time till she's lost him for good, and he'd no longer occupy that special place in her heart. The wearing out of the binder seems to symbolize her heart breaking due to emotional stress. This is what unrequited love must feel like. Being the oblivious one, he won't notice it unless he sees it himself. So, she would have to take action to prove her love for him in order to get him to notice her. Suzy's already putting in the effort to win him over.