게임이 시작됩니다: Let the Games Begin!

Without Hesitation

As winter progressed, so did your attitude. In the two months that had pasted you felt lighter, happier, whole. You began to forget about all of the strenuous issues in your life and put all of your energy into Myungsoo, the shop, and your schooling.

Mr. Choi, your boss at Miss A's coffee shop had grown a liking to you and decided to promote you to a barista, which meant you only had to deal with cranky customers when you were short on staff.

Woohyun continued to come into the shop from time to time and order the same thing each time he entered; a simple mocha. He would slowly slurp on his drink while watching you cook and clean the shop. Though you didn’t take much notice to him, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. He would always attempt to start small conversations, but would usually run out of things to say.

As for Myungsoo, his grade went from a C- to a B+. Although the card marking was over he decided to keep attending your tutoring sessions. So, every Saturday you two would meet up and you’d revise one of Myungsoo’s essays, trying to find the best euphemisms to describe his work so that he wouldn’t get too offended.


This particular week you and Myungsoo decided that you'd do your studying at your job since you had to work so late. He was to meet you inside the shop, and when you got off work, you'd study at a booth.

"Hey _______! You ready to start studying?" he shouted

"Yep, just give me a sec. I've got a few more coffee's to make."

Once you finished, you timidly made your way over to his booth and set down your binder (which was now double the size it was two months ago) and began to scan over your notes.

"Okay so today we're supposed to be studying..."

"Logical fallacies, right?" he impatiently answered.

"Right." you were impressed with how eager he was.

You gave him a small packet and watched him as he went over each and every detail. You watched his tongue sneak out and his lips whenever he got stuck on something. You noticed how his head tilted to the side whenever he read something interesting. You watched how he would chuckle every time he got an answer right, or how he'd scratch his head whenever he got frustrated. You could tell his every insignificant thought by his body language. You were obsessed with Myungsoo, even though he didn't give you any real attention, you were engulfed in his existence.

"So, if the answer isn't Bor D is it A?" Myungsoo asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"No, I'm not going to give you the answer this time Myung. You have to try!"

"But I can't concentrate on a empty stomach. Come on, let's just get a slice of pie and then finish. PLEASSSE?!"

"Fine, whatever, I guess one piece of pie won't-"

" Did you say pie?" Suzy interrupted. Her eyes were glued on Myungsoo. You looked over to him to see if he noticed; he did. His eyes were glued to hers as well. They were in the middle of one of those 'love at first sight' moments. You felt you heart drop and fill with anger.

"Hey! Hey Myungsoo! You there?" you snap your fingers in front of his face as he continued to stare at Suzy. She bit her lip and twirled a piece of hair between her fingers as she tilted her head and began to giggle. Myungsoo was on the brink of drooling . He never looked at you like that. EVER. It hurt to see him stare at her like that. You'd been trying to get him to stare at you like that for months. 

"Myungsoo!" You impatiently yelp as you punch him in the arm.

"Ow! What?" he replied.

"Did you want pie or not?" you answer.

"Y-Yeah, sure. I-I-I don't care." his eyes were still glued to Suzy.

"Yeah Suzy, just give us a slice." you reply. You jerk your head back to your notes and try to forget what you'd just witnessed, but it was too hard. As Suzy began to skip away merrily, you went after her.

"Hey!" Myungsoo questioned as he took hold of your wrist, "Where you going? We're supposed to be studying."

"I'll be back." you say in a firm, cold tone, shaking your wrist free of his grip.

As you strut over to Suzy you began to think of all of the things you were prepared to say to her. Like, how Myung was yours and how she needed to back off. Stay out his sight, and stay out of his way OR ELSE. But then, you suddenly stopped, you'd realized that you were contemplating saying all of this to your best friend. You couldn't hurt her like that. So you decided to find a nicer way to express it.

"Hey Suzy, can I talk to you about the freezer really quick?" you ask as you grab her arm and go into the employee only room.

"But there's nothing wrong with the freezer." she yelps as she is dragged away.

"Look, we need to tal-"

"Where's the freezer?"

"Shut up and listen to me Suzy! I'm serious!" your glare stopped her in her tracks. It was if you'd hypnotized her and made her forget what she was about to say.

"I.. I-I saw the way you were looking at Myungsoo earlier." you began.

"You mean that cute guy you were studying with? Yeah I was. He's HOT!"

"STOP IT!" She jolted at the site of your anger.

"W-What's wrong?" she softly asked.

"Look, I know you like him, but.. he's mine!"

"Oh. You two are dating?"


"Oh. Well then what's the problem?"

You looked deep in her eyes. Was she serious? DId she really not get it? Or was she playing dumb? Either way, you had to make it known. You had to let her know that she was stepping on your territory.

"I like him Suzy! For a while now to be honest. And this is the first time I've been able to get this close to him. I'm trying to find the right time to express to him how I feel, but if you start flirting with him, I'll never get that chance."

"So.. you're not dating him. So that means anyone can approach him."

"NO! GOD dammit Suzy, just-" you could hear yourself getting frustrated with her and forced yourself to calm down, "just stop." you calmly finished.

"Look _________ah, you like Myungwoo-"

"His name is Myungsoo!"

"Whatever! You like him, and that's adorable, really," she tilts her head and places a hand on my shoulder as she continued, "but you can't just hog him like that. I saw the way he was looking at me. I should get a fair chance to fight for him too."

"No, you shouldn't!"

"Why not?!"

"Because, I was here first! I liked him first! I noticed him first! As my best friend, you should respect that and leave him alone!"

"Well, maybe I see things differently." she smirked at you as she released her grip from your shoulder. "Look ________ah, you do what you have to do, and I'll do what I have to. May the best woman win." she began to stroll out of of the room.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I'm not backing down this time. Not anymore." she walked out of the room and began to take orders from other customers. You couldn't fathom what just happened. As you made your way out of the room and over to Myungsoo's booth, you noticed him staring at you. He looked worried, for a second, he looked like he legitimately cared, until he began to talk.

"Hey, what happened to the pie?" you rolled your eyes and chuckled.

"They ran out. Maybe next time Myung."

He pouted his lips and crossed his arms teasing you. As you giggled at his joke, you realized that if you wanted Myung, you'd have to start showing him that you cared. FAST. 

If it was a fight Suzy wanted, it was a fight she'd get.




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Chapter 9: awh, why did u ever think of deleting this fanfic!it's good:) well, tat's wat i think. I hope u at least finish the story<3 it's awesome. Luv the twist and stuffs. Haha u are lucky u didn't put sungyeol under the drinks:p he is gonna drink all the coffeexD
Okay soo.. I really didn't mean for that update to be so short you guys XXD sorry kekekee. What I MEANT to do was save it and make it hidden. I will officially update chapter nine sometime this weekend. Thank you all for understanding and being to patient <3 and thank you to all of my new subscribers I'm so glad you're enjoying my story. See ya soon!
rodzilawati #3
why the update so short...im really enjoy ur story...
to infinite_saranghae: Anytime girly ;D
to Starfalliana: You must be a new subscriber. I'm so glad you're enjoying my story. And thank you for commenting. It's funny cuz when I was writing this I was listening to Only Tears by Infinite and Take me away by Ukiss. Those two are a deadly combination I tell yah XD Thanks for the support
Starfalliana #6
My gosh, I almost cried on how Suzy treated her/the main character.. or me like that. xD But yeah, I was listening to "Broken - Seo In Guk" at the same time when I read the chapter; and I must say..

Sad song + Sad chapter = Perfect trigger for the water works! *0*

Haha anyways, awesome story so far.. but I hope Myungsoo will realize that he was so blind & actually puzzle in the pieces and maybe he would fall for "_______". Hehe, please update soon~! ^.^
The same binder that she uses to keep all the stuff that she'd looked over for Myungsoo during their tutoring sessions has been mentioned more than once. I think it represents her boy problem--Myungsoo in particular. The longer that she hides her love from him, the further he'd drift away from her. She'd end up losing him at this rate. It would be a matter of time till she's lost him for good, and he'd no longer occupy that special place in her heart. The wearing out of the binder seems to symbolize her heart breaking due to emotional stress. This is what unrequited love must feel like. Being the oblivious one, he won't notice it unless he sees it himself. So, she would have to take action to prove her love for him in order to get him to notice her. Suzy's already putting in the effort to win him over.