Chapter 09 - KC? You’re KC?

Are you my daddy long legs?

“Look out!” said the guest of the chairman as he run to catch Pau.

Lucky that was fast enough to catch her but in the process both of them got slightly injured. Pau had fainted and the man that saved him was in pain. It seems that his arm was in pain from that incident.

“what happened?” on e of the audience asked.

“there’s an accident on stage. The poor girl seem to have fainted.” Another said.

“but… didn’t the rope just now rise up a little bit. I think that’s what trip that young lady.” And another said.

“Are you alright, KC?” the principal asked.

“I’m fine but the girl needs to be looked at. Where are the clinic and the school doctor?” KC asked.

“Kail Christian Salazar, you are clearly not fine at all. As your uncle I will not let you go about unchecked.” The chairman said.

“*sigh* you always see through me, uncle.” KC said.

“Kail, you know me… now you and the young lady here will temporarily stay at the clinic and if anything is wrong I’ll send you to the hospital.” The chairman said.

“You are so bossy!” the principal said.

“You should call the school doctor and talk to the other teachers, this incident is not an accident.” The chairman said.

“Let’s go Kail, I’ll lead you to the school clinic. He will handle the rest.” The chairman said.

The principal took a microphone and announced “please ladies and gentlemen, there has been a dilemma. We will have a short 5 minutes break; there are small booths around the gym that if you are hungry you may buy some. Thank you.” The principal said.

“As for class 3-A, I’ll meet you back stage.” He added.

Mean while at the school clinic…

“Ah ok. We are already in the clinic.” The chainman was talking in the phone.

KC slowly put down Pauleene on one of the beds in the clinic. He took a chair and sat on it while waiting for the doctor to arrive. KC just kept staring at Pau. As if wanting to ask her a question.

“The doctor will be here any minute now.” The chairman said closing his phone.

“Umm” KC just nodded.

“So… do you know this young lady personally?” the chairman asked.

“No…” he trailed off.

“Really? So you frantically run to the edge of the stage to catch her when she was in danger to the point of getting injured yourself… and you say you don’t know her?”

“*chuckle*I could never get anything pass you uncle but…” KC trailed off.

“But?” he raises his eyebrow.

“It’s for me to know and you to find out.” KC winked at him.

“Oh~ is that a challenge? You know how I like puzzles as much as challenges right? And this is both! Right then it’s settled don’t tell me anything, I’ll find out myself.” The chairman said excited like a child found a piece of candy.



The two turned to the door and saw the school doctor.

“Oh you’re here. Could you look at the girl and him next, Leeteuk sensei?” the

“Sure… might I ask what happen to Miss pauleene?” Leeteuk sensei asked

“She fell off the stage.” The chairman said.

 “You know her, Leeteuk?” KC asked.

“Siwon… I’m the school doctor and she is a student here. Of course I know her.” Leeteuk sensei said to his friend.

“I haven’t heard that name in a long time.” KC said.

“If you want to hear your nickname so badly then show your face sometime in one of our get together party. Maybe then you will have a new nickname, the ghost of Siwon.” Leeteuk sensei

“*chuckle* yeah maybe… by the way you have a thousand students here at least, so… why are you so familiar with her?” KC asked.

“Jealous much Siwon. You never change do you? When it comes to love life you-” Leeteuk was cut off.

“Leeteuk!” KC was trying to signaling that he didn’t want to be interrogated.

“Touchy much~ *chuckle*” the chairman said.

“She is a regular here at clinic, ok? She’s a bit clumsy you see… she was practically here every day whether it’s scratch or a bruise.” Leeteuk sensei said.

“She’s that clumsy? Every day?”KC asked.

“Yup! Amazing isn’t it? *chuckle*” Leeteuk sensei said jokingly.

“Umm…” Pau was showing signs of waking up.

“She seems to be fine. I just need to check up on her when she wakes up completely. Now your next, Siwon please do not complain this time.” Leeteuk sensei said remembering that Siwon hates checkups.

“OWW! That hurts.” KC screamed in pain.

“That’s good! Now you can say that it’s nothing.” Leeteuk said imitating KC in his usual calm self.

“HAHAHA very funny, Leeteuk.” KC rolled his eyes.

“Umm…”Pau made another sound as if waking up.

“KC, I think you are waking her up with your screaming.” The chairman said.

“Umm, yeah I-” KC did not speak when he saw Pau was awake and was staring at him.

“KC? You’re KC?” Pau asked. 

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here is chapter 9 finaly! >_<
@lien so sorry i have been busy >_< i'll try to update plss wait a bit more >0<
where's chapter 7???
Hwaiting!!!! I'm waiting for chapter 7
ahaha..I like's funny!!!!
here is chapter 6 please don't get angry at me >_<
awww.:( aww..still waiting for chapter 6
where's chapter 6????
next!!! I'm waiting....hwaiting!<br />
i so love chapter 4 and 5.. it's funny