chapter 5 - the performance of a life time

Are you my daddy long legs?

[After a few weeks one of the teachers announced something that gave the students something to remember especially for the graduating students.]

“Class I have an announcement to make please listened.” Prof Joanne Santos said.

“Ma’am what is it about?” Grace asked.

“I’m glad you asked. It’s about your graduation.” Prof said with a smile.

“And?” the whole class said in chorus.

“Your whole batch will be performing in front of the teachers, students, parents, and even the chairman with a couple of guess will be coming.” Ma’am Joanne explained.

“WHAT!?” the whole class said in chorus while panicking.

“Now, each class needs to present a play, a dance number, and a song number. One more thing, every one of you needs to participate ok?” she said.

“I don’t want to! I’m not good at anything. Only sports though..:D” Grace commented.

“You’ll be fine besides don’t you used to be a dancer?” Pau asked.

“That… that is a long time ago; besides I did awful not to mention that I got injured because of it.” Grace pouted.

“Now settle down class. We need to choose our theme for the play, any suggestion?” ma’am asked.

“Oh! What about beauty and the beast?” one of the students suggested.

“There is no way that going to happened! It’s should be sleeping beauty; besides we won’t be able to make the perfect mask for the beast.” one of the students of the students rejected the first idea.

“How about the little mermaid?” one of the students suggested.

“I have another I idea, why not Cinderella.” Grace suggested.

“Well let’s have a vote to decide.” The teacher said.

[After about 30 minutes more or less, the class decided to go for Cinderella as their theme for the play. As for the dance and song number will be a little bit about love or romance. They each assigned themselves to where they want to participate.]

“Now it’s time to choose who will be the prince and Cinderella. Any nomination?” ma’am asked the class.

“I nominate Stephen Gonzales. He would be perfect for the role cause he is already the prince of our class.” A girl who had a crush on Stephen suggested.

“Then I nominate Pauleene Salvador for the role of Cinderella. She already has experience in acting and she’s the school idol.” One of the students suggested.

Grace stood up suddenly and said “No! I will be Cinderella.” Chin up.

“EEEHHH!!??”The whole class said in chorus, all of them were shock of what they heard including Pau.

Grace snickered and said “it was a joke! Don’t take it seriously. heheheh” and the whole class laughed with her.

“Oh my stomach hurts. Grace! Don’t ever do that again!” one of the students said.

“It’s your fault for taking it seriously.” Grace said and sticks out her tongue.

“Now let’s move on, oh and grace thanks for the ice breaker.” Said the teacher, she enjoys happy moments and she is not a kill joy like the other teachers.

[Preparations’ went on for the “final performance” of the graduating students. Days had passed by while practices continue. Pauleene got picked as Cinderella while Stephen was the Prince. The class had already picked a song for the whole class to sing. Grace got the role of being the head of the dance group and the students chose the song “Step Up”, perfect for Grace but there is one thing Grace HATE. In the dance she, like Pau, also has a partner and it was Jake.]

“urrgh! I hate him! My skin crawls every time I see him. Why do I have to be with a partner? I can dance by myself thank you!” Grace said while walking with Pau.

“It’s not so bad; besides theme is romance for our entire class of course you have a partner and the song is Step Up you like that song.” Pau said heading to the classroom.

“He criticizes me so much as if his any better!? My blood boils when he’s around, I might just kill him on stage!” She said angrily.

“That’s weird I was sure Jake had a crush on Grace, was I wrong?” Pau whispered to herself.

“hm? You said something?”Grace asked.

“It’s nothing, nothing at all.” Pau said with a wide grin.

“You’re hiding something but I will not prey on that. Let’s go before someone nags at me again.” Grace said.

[The graduating batch was given the privilege of not having any more class so they will have time to practice for their performance. Under supervision of the teachers, the class was able to great act together for the audience to anticipate for. Combination of hard work, talent and skills… the performance will be a blast for the spectators.] 

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here is chapter 9 finaly! >_<
@lien so sorry i have been busy >_< i'll try to update plss wait a bit more >0<
where's chapter 7???
Hwaiting!!!! I'm waiting for chapter 7
ahaha..I like's funny!!!!
here is chapter 6 please don't get angry at me >_<
awww.:( aww..still waiting for chapter 6
where's chapter 6????
next!!! I'm waiting....hwaiting!<br />
i so love chapter 4 and 5.. it's funny