Chapter 02 – a friend

Are you my daddy long legs?

[Days goes by at the hospital, Pauleene got stronger with the help of her visitor like angel sent by God. He brings with him his bright smile and a vibrant aura around him. Pau’s day was never boring. He tells her stories about how Pau’s father helped him with his studies. They both had fun spending each other’s company. Then the day came when Pauleene was discharge from the hospital.]

“I’m finally discharge!” the young Pauleene said while stretching her arms out.

“Congratulations! Now it’s time we head to the orphanage, the people there are waiting for you.” KC said with a smile.

“Thanks for taking me there. I’m kind of nervous.” she replied.

“Don’t worry too much; they are all very good people. Some of them are strict, s you better behave like a god little girl.” He said looking straight ahead.

“Of course I will.” She energetically replied.

I wonder if he will still visit me even though I’m not sick anymore. KC is the best friend I ever had. I wish I could with him though. She thought to herself.

“We are here!” KC yelled his lungs out.

“You guys are finally here. We have been waiting for your arrival. Is this Miss Salvador?” the man in front of the door said.

“Yeah this is her alright” KC replied the man.

The man came up in front of Pau and “hello Pauleene” the man said.

“Um… may I ask who you are?” the young pau asked.

“It’s Zero Montezar; little miss nice to meet you.” the man said with a warm smile.

“Hello! Nice to meet you!” she said with a big smile while tilting her head slightly.

“What an energetic little girl you are.” He commented on her.

 “You bet she is. Just be careful not to step on a land mine.” Kc said whispering to Zero.

“Oh I will, don’t worry.”Zero assured him.

[Little pau notice the two were whispering to each other way to long. She pouted at them and tried to listen to the conversation. Zero and Kc noticed her; they smirked and giggled at what she was trying to do.]

“Young lady, do you know that it is rude to eavesdrop?” Zero said in a jokingly way.

“Umm… I’m sorry it’s because you left me out of the conversation.” She replied with her teary eyes while looking up to Zero’s face.

“Oh oh no! Don’t cry! Don’t cry! It’s alright, were not upset ok? Oh Kc what am I going to do? ” he said while panicking.

“Pau, its ok no one is upset.” Kc said while wiping her little tears, giving her a big hug.

[Pau nodded and gave them a sweet little smile. She happily hugs both of them.]

“Is this going to be my new home?”She asked.

“Yes this will be your new home. And don’t worry about the everyday expenditure. A kind hearted person came and donated some money for you.”Zero said calmly.

“Alright it’s time for me to go now, Zero will be showing you around and he will be your new guardian. Pau be good and stay strong ok?” he said.

“Kc? Where are you going?” she asked Kc.

“I’m going to school, that’s where I live. Why did you asked?” Kc asked while being curious about Pau’s expression.

“You’ll visit me, right?” she asked waiting for his immediate reply.

“Don’t be silly Pau, of course I will. Take care now pau.” He said while waving at her.

[a few days, a few weeks, a few months had passed Kc have not visited her yet. Pau felt lonely without her new friend. At the same time, she became curious as who is her benefactor that is generous enough to be bothered by a little orphan like her. She patiently waits for Kc to come by but still he did not show up even up to this day…]

Ring… ring… ring…

“Hello?” she answered her phone.

“Pau, what time do you think it is?” Grace called her.

“Umm… 7, right?” she replied while getting ready for school.

“Are you out of your mind? It’s almost 8 o’clock girl, you’re going to be late.” Her friend corrected her.

“OMG!!! Are you serious?! I’m going to be late for class, got run!” she turned off her phone and run straight to her class. 

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here is chapter 9 finaly! >_<
@lien so sorry i have been busy >_< i'll try to update plss wait a bit more >0<
where's chapter 7???
Hwaiting!!!! I'm waiting for chapter 7
ahaha..I like's funny!!!!
here is chapter 6 please don't get angry at me >_<
awww.:( aww..still waiting for chapter 6
where's chapter 6????
next!!! I'm waiting....hwaiting!<br />
i so love chapter 4 and 5.. it's funny